Attitude..How long did it take you??

DUBZ-Get yourself a pre-paid visa from wal mart, and use that to order with. Never tried money order, but I am confident it will work, just might take a few days longer as you have to wait for the 'tude to recieve your order.
how much info do you have to give on the pre-paid visa?? is it a certain color a saw so many of them?? are they all i9nternational?? do the gift cards that are 50 100 work also?
i used the visa debit 100 dollar gift disposable... it's yellow with a bow on it. 5.95$ card fee for tax. type in a proxy first and you are officially anonymous... no signature. no pin number.... make sure you are ready to order before confirming... no personal info required at all for the pre- paid.
Got my seeds from the Tude in 7 days (AZ, USA)

The Wallmart Visa normally can not be used out of the USA. ALWAYS read the the back of the card to find the limitations. I have found Amex gift cards at drug stores (Wallgreens, CVS) that will work.
i got mine from walgreens not knowing if it would work... it was 3 am and i got tired of staring at my seeds online so i snapped and walked a mile to the store in the snow smokin' a doob and bought one.