Attitude Fucked Me Over


Active Member
I love attitude and all, in fact ive never had a problem with them but i just received my package today and I got everything I wanted besides 1 seed. I got the baggie with the sticker sayin the seed name and all but no seed was to be found. I shot them an email on both email addresses they had but you think they'll send another? What should I do.


Well-Known Member
So because a honest mistake happened you automatically assume you've been fucked over even tho they have NEVER fucked you over before? how is that logical?

I think you've done all you can now. Shot them a email just wait for a answer now see what they tell ya :) i got crushed seeds before that got replaced.


Active Member
Wel they didnt necesserily fuck me over but its weird that, that would happen. I heard alot of times that attitude wont reply to emails or send back seeds when stuff like this happens so idk hopefully they do.


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah, your fine. They did that to me on a pack of pineapple express. A couple e mails back and forth over it. It seemed as though the double billed me. They didn't it was just re shipping what I didn't get. So my first order was missing a 5 pack and a free seed. Fast, great customer service. 5 stars for them. Shit happens. There good folks though. You'll be happy in the end.


Well-Known Member
if they make u pay shipping twice then their fukin wit u and it wasnt an accident..if they ship it to u for free then it was just a mistake on their behalf
if they make u pay shipping twice then their fukin wit u and it wasnt an accident..if they ship it to u for free then it was just a mistake on their behalf
I dont think they will not make him pay shipping and i also do think it was a honest mistake as it happened to me before like i stated already and i did not get it sent to me for free


Well-Known Member
No charge on re shipping. Although it says on your order history. Mine showed as the same order shipped again billed again. When I contacted them through email they told me no double charge, no reshipping fee and that I would only receive what was missing. My reship came faster then my main order. I was replied to from my first email in about 6 hours. Both yourself and attitude are walking a thin line with what were all doing. Just send em a email, be polite, and things will work out. From my experience with them they want you as a customer and work to do the right thing.


Wel they didnt necesserily fuck me over.
Why did you title the thread "Attitude Fucked Me Over" then?

Is it a prerequisite that half the threads on this forum have to be from someone saying they were "scammed" or "fucked over" when they, well, weren't? Ugh. Give 'em a chance to help you out first, eh?


Active Member
Honestly i was just mad at the time and like i said ive read stories on here of the same thing happening and never even hearing from them again. Thread name changed for those who care.


Active Member
Hey guys just lettin you know attitude said they'd add the seed to my next order. not much help but i guess its something.
Why did you title the thread "Attitude Fucked Me Over" then?

Is it a prerequisite that half the threads on this forum have to be from someone saying they were "scammed" or "fucked over" when they, well, weren't? Ugh. Give 'em a chance to help you out first, eh?
Yeah I ave noticed that... you'd think on a forum like this people would be less grouchy and quick to judge. At least this poster had the decency to come back and post the resolution though, becuase I would say all those people who complain and then never return, the company usually makes things right for them and they just forget to let everybody know...lame.

I do think it's kinda annoying when attitude promise to add something they forgot to your next order..presume much?

Killer Bud

Well-Known Member
I had EXACT same thing happen to me few months ago when I ordered. After 5 emails back n forth and 2 orders more they finally sent me the missing seeds as well as some extra freebees which deff made up for the mix up. Good company in my book. Attitude, and Sannies Seeds ONLY 2 companies i'd give my money to.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys just lettin you know attitude said they'd add the seed to my next order. not much help but i guess its something.
"next order"?

i gotta try that one. someone pays for 3 pipes and i'm only gonna send them 2 of them. they can have the third one when they buy more. :clap: