Attitude free seeds, any good??


Well-Known Member
wats up everyone i made an order around 4 days ago from ATTITUDE SEEDS,

i ordered 5 feminized Dutch Passion Blueberry,

and 5 feminized Barneys Farm LSD,

and i got a bunch of seeds for free,

they seem pretty nice and their free so ill take them haha,

now the thing is im not sure if they are worth growing, maybe somone can tell me if they are good strains,

here are the names of the seeds i got for free, some of these descriptions are really nice and seems like these strains are good, but i need some advice and suggestions from u guys,

has anyone grown these strains???

thanks everyone and god bless....:hug:

UFO# 1 DNA Hash Plant Haze Feminized

UFO# 4 Dinafem Power Kush

UFO# 5 Dinafem California Hash Plant Feminized

UFO # 2 Dinafem Moby Dick Feminized

UFO# 3 Dinafem Seeds Blue Hash

so check them out and tell me wat u guys think, anyone growing or has grown these strains??

i just need some input!



Well-Known Member
I've got the same 5 freebies on the way with my order (I also got the BF LSD along with a bunch of other stuff --- 12 different strains in all). From what I've been told, the DNA Hash Plant Haze is supposed to be some REALLY good stuff, as is the Dinafem Moby Dick. Actually, from what I've been told pretty much all of the Dinafem seeds are VERY good --- especially the Power Kush.

I'm going to start a BF LSD and a Ceres Orange Bud to start with, but I'll probably try out a few of the freebies sometime in the not-too-distant future (unfortunately, I can only handle 2 strains at a time in my limited space).


Well-Known Member
I've got the same 5 freebies on the way with my order (I also got the BF LSD along with a bunch of other stuff --- 12 different strains in all). From what I've been told, the DNA Hash Plant Haze is supposed to be some REALLY good stuff, as is the Dinafem Moby Dick. Actually, from what I've been told pretty much all of the Dinafem seeds are VERY good --- especially the Power Kush.

I'm going to start a BF LSD and a Ceres Orange Bud to start with, but I'll probably try out a few of the freebies sometime in the not-too-distant future (unfortunately, I can only handle 2 strains at a time in my limited space).
haha yeah man i shud be getting my order around wednesday or thursday, im pretty excited, and now im even more excited hearing these positive things about the freebies, at the moment i have 3 white widow seeds vegging(5 days old).. i have room for 4 strains... my grow will have 4 sections so i will get a harvest every 2 weeks,

out of all the free strains wich one do u think is the best 1??

cause i have WW, barneys LSD, dutch passion blueberry, and room for 1 more....

anyone have any suggestions??
thanks in advance!!:peace::peace:


just harvested 3 days ago still have some more to take down large main cola
very happy so far


Well-Known Member
just harvested 3 days ago still have some more to take down large main cola
very happy so far
got any pics of the buds??

and please do a smoke report bro!
i want to know if i shud grow it or not,,,,,

these freebies are geting me extited!!


Well-Known Member
hash plant haze if bomb cuz its from dna.lots of dinafem info on page 8 of my signature link. also a few blue hash picts in veg


Well-Known Member
All 5 are reputed to be ass-kickers. I can't wait to find out for myself!!!!!!
hahah ill look more into them man, the Super Kush looks really nice,, HELL they all look good!! i just want to know wich one is the best out of all of them, i have room for 1 strain.... this is gonna be interesting...

keep the replies coming!!!


Well-Known Member
hash plant haze if bomb cuz its from dna.lots of dinafem info on page 8 of my signature link. also a few blue hash picts in veg

hey bro i went on ur thread pages 8-10, nice colas on page 8 bro, wat strain is that again?? i cudnt find anywere were it said,,,

and how are ur blue hash plants doing??
when will u have a smoke report??
thanks for the reply bro


Well-Known Member
Just got my freebies. The UFO# 1 DNA Hash Plant Haze Feminized was not in the bonus pack, instead they shipped a DINAFEM White Widow. Oh yaa!


Well-Known Member
those were bag seeds out of some skunk bud. blue hash is doing great nice is a report i found on another site while lookin for info. What's up gang? It's time for another medical marijuana report from closed4fishing. This will be my fourth report.
Strain: Blue Hash Plant
Breeder: Dinafem
Grower: closed4fishing
Grow Info:
Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil, FF Nutes (Grow, Tiger Bloom, Big Bloom). Vegged for 2.5 wks under 200W T5. Flowered for 5 weeks under 250W HPS and 3.5 wks under 400W HPS for a total of 8.5 weeks. Dried for 7 days in 50% humidity then into jars for cure. Only about 1.25oz on this girl. It needed more veg time for a bigger harvest. Very easy to grow.
Cure at time of smoke test:
10 days

Bag Appeal: A+
Beautiful light green coloring that would probably be darker were it not for the veil of trichromes that wrap each bud. Very beautiful stuff but it's just for me so it will never be in a bag

Very complicated smell. Hints of mixed berries, citrus and hash. I think the cure will bring out the true smell in a few weeks but right now it's a mixed bag. Very nice smell though!
For a 10 day cure, this stuff tastes great. The smoke is super expansive though and even the most experienced toker will find himself coughing if he isn't careful. At first inhale, berries and citrus are very easy to distinguish. When you exhale however, a hashy raspy taste will coat your throat. If you like hash, you will probably like this taste.
Very indica with a little sativa in there. After the first toke, you will feel your head sweat a little but after a couple more tokes and 10 minutes you will be in a warm and cozy place. Great for a movie or IC Mag. I wouldn't smoke much if you have something to do though because it puts me on the couch for a while if I over indulge. Great for sleeping too. Relaxes the muscles!

Click on an image for a larger view:

Final Thoughts:
I was fairly impressed by this strain. It did end up having a few seeds from selving itself, but only a few. I only had 1 female seed and I was very happy with it. Not bad for a free seed from Attitude!


Well-Known Member
hey jeb5304 thanks for the awsome post, +rep bro for the effort.

ur gonna laugh at me but ive never smoked hash, i dont know how it looks like or even smells like,
i know im living under a rock lol.
so yeah i dont know wat to expect,

it seems like good stuff, looks dank and i like a good strain to watch a movie or 2,

so does anyone else have a good review or smoke report on these strains?
anyone growing them??
the super kush looks nice 2,

keep the posts coming!!


Well-Known Member
Received my shipment today (WOOHOO!!!!!!). I started germinating 1 BF LSD and 1 Ceres Orange Bud about 2 hours ago! I'm gonna clone each of them (in a 4-week cycle, ie. Once I'm established I'll be cloning one of each and harvesting one of each every 4 weeks) At some point I'll start substituting in some of the others once I've built up my stash to the level I want it at.

Jeb5304 --- excellent report dude! +rep!!! That may be what I sub in first. I'm REALLY interested in seeing how this Orange bud turns out though. If it yields anything like Ceres claims I'll be in pothead heaven!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Received my shipment today (WOOHOO!!!!!!). I started germinating 1 BF LSD and 1 Ceres Orange Bud about 2 hours ago! I'm gonna clone each of them (in a 4-week cycle, ie. Once I'm established I'll be cloning one of each and harvesting one of each every 4 weeks) At some point I'll start substituting in some of the others once I've built up my stash to the level I want it at.

Jeb5304 --- excellent report dude! +rep!!! That may be what I sub in first. I'm REALLY interested in seeing how this Orange bud turns out though. If it yields anything like Ceres claims I'll be in pothead heaven!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sounds really good bro! im still waiting on my seeds, at the moment i have 3 white widow seeds vegging under cfls(18/6) they are about 1 week old, as soon as i get my Barneys LSD and Dutch Passion Blueberry im gonna germinate them and begin vegging them, i will be letting them veg for 1 month and 2 weeks before i clone them, my grow op is a 4 part flowering system, every 2 weeks i will be cutting 16 clones, 4 WW, 4 Blueberry, 4 LSD, and 4 (havent chosen wich freebie to grow).... i will be yielding about 1 lb every 2 weeks with this op, i will be flowering each clone from root... for 8 weeks....

im pretty pumped to get my seeds from attitude, hopefully theyll arrive 2morrow or on friday....



New Member

We got some of the stuff. I ordered on the 11-25 and hope they come in this week to. I got 2 white widow a big bud and a Mazar Afghan in flower 2 weeks. Are you doing a journal? I would like to see how your LSD and BlueB do compared to mine.
Here is my last order: All but the sharksbreath were in P&M
Big Buddha Blue Cheese Feminized
Barney's Farm LSD Feminized
Dutch Passion Blueberry Feminized
Dutch Passion Strawberry Cough Feminized
Green House Seeds Super Lemon Haze Feminized
DNA Genetics Sharksbreath Feminized
plus the 5 freebees:
UFO# 1 DNA Hash Plant Haze Feminized
UFO# 4 Dinafem Power Kush
UFO# 5 Dinafem California Hash Plant Feminized
UFO # 2 Dinafem Moby Dick Feminized
UFO# 3 Dinafem Seeds Blue Hash

I read where DP Fem has a tendency to hermie. Have any of you had this happen?



Well-Known Member

We got some of the stuff. I ordered on the 11-25 and hope they come in this week to. I got 2 white widow a big bud and a Mazar Afghan in flower 2 weeks. Are you doing a journal? I would like to see how your LSD and BlueB do compared to mine.
Here is my last order: All but the sharksbreath were in P&M
Big Buddha Blue Cheese Feminized
Barney's Farm LSD Feminized
Dutch Passion Blueberry Feminized
Dutch Passion Strawberry Cough Feminized
Green House Seeds Super Lemon Haze Feminized
DNA Genetics Sharksbreath Feminized
plus the 5 freebees:
UFO# 1 DNA Hash Plant Haze Feminized
UFO# 4 Dinafem Power Kush
UFO# 5 Dinafem California Hash Plant Feminized
UFO # 2 Dinafem Moby Dick Feminized
UFO# 3 Dinafem Seeds Blue Hash

I read where DP Fem has a tendency to hermie. Have any of you had this happen?

hey bro thanks for the reply,
yeah we got some of the same stuff, im hopefuly getting my seeds tomorrow or friday, as soon as i get them im gonna germinate them, at the moment i have 3 white widows vegging for about 1 week under cfls (18/6).... i do have a journal its in my signature, check it out bro,

im getting the same freebies that u got, i only have room for 1 of the freebie strains.... im still looking around doing reasarch to figure out what is the best freebie strain... any suggestions???

i heard that power kush is supposed to be some really good stuff,

i have heard that DP blueberry have a tendency to hermie but i only need 2 healthy mothers from each strain and ill be good for a while since im going to get clones,

check out my link my second grow on my signature for the details of my grow...

stay safe bro and let me know how ur grow goes...:peace:


New Member
There is a post above on the blue hash. It sounds like it might be ok if you want to sleep! lol

I have read where the Moby Dick is good. Someone had it in a grow journal but it died! It was a freebee. The write up on Attitude says it grows tall needs a lot of light and takes 10 weeks, not really good for my grow style.

I have never smoked anything where I knew what it was! lol Some many strains and so little time! lol

Ill check out your grow.


Well-Known Member
There is a post above on the blue hash. It sounds like it might be ok if you want to sleep! lol

I have read where the Moby Dick is good. Someone had it in a grow journal but it died! It was a freebee. The write up on Attitude says it grows tall needs a lot of light and takes 10 weeks, not really good for my grow style.

I have never smoked anything where I knew what it was! lol Some many strains and so little time! lol

Ill check out your grow.
From what I've been told, the Dinafem Moby Dick isn't particularly well-suited for indoor growth. It's supposed to be VERY good weed, but the plants regularly reach over 10 feet tall and have a looonnngggg flowering phase (I was told that 10 weeks is being conservative). BUT, they also claim a yield of several pounds per plant!!!!!!!!!

When we get closer to spring I'll start a MB indoors, clone it a few times, then plant them WAY off in the woods somewhere!!! :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
From what I've been told, the Dinafem Moby Dick isn't particularly well-suited for indoor growth. It's supposed to be VERY good weed, but the plants regularly reach over 10 feet tall and have a looonnngggg flowering phase (I was told that 10 weeks is being conservative). BUT, they also claim a yield of several pounds per plant!!!!!!!!!

When we get closer to spring I'll start a MB indoors, clone it a few times, then plant them WAY off in the woods somewhere!!! :blsmoke:
hahah thats a good idea!, yeah ive heard some mixed opinions on moby dick but i know that i probably wont be growing that strain at the moment,, and the bluehash seems liike its a long flowering time, the grow that im going to do is a 4 part flowering cycle.. so the strain that i will chose has to be a 8 week flowering strain....

any suggestions????:weed: