Attitude!! Come on?!?


New Member
Finally received my shipment from a March 4th order (canada here).
Everything is looking good.
Pretty excited to try out my birthday gift (a small spring pipe) and get some of these into the ground.
Sure hope you dont get Alzheimer's smoking out of that metal pipe. Post a picture of the loot!


New Member
looks great, mine should be in the mail any minute now.. my mail carrier is a degenerate and it might come tomorrow.. they ride the clock and sometimes my packages say delivered and they get here the next day.

what a piece of shit. one time the black lady one taped my box shut with postal tape and put my mail inside. The next day she said im not allowed to park in her way on the curb.. not only is that bullshit, the only car parked near the box was 15 feet away at least. Ill check in a few hours.


New Member
lol well mail just got here now and still no seeds. i hope they come b4 the weekend. this is taking forever!
well I think I would rather be in your shoes.. my mail is here..(no beans) and the internet says they were on the way to my house. WTF!! I bet tonight it will say delivered. I wish their was a way to complain about my mail carrier w/o losing my mail again.
well I think I would rather be in your shoes.. my mail is here..(no beans) and the internet says they were on the way to my house. WTF!! I bet tonight it will say delivered. I wish their was a way to complain about my mail carrier w/o losing my mail again.
yeah my package still says in transit im guessing tomorrow i will get it


Well-Known Member
NL Auto...kinda disappointing...but free is free. and the free alphakronik pack i got was Cannabis which is chem d x spacedawg
NL Auto...kinda disappointing...but free is free. and the free alphakronik pack i got was Cannabis which is chem d x spacedawg
Yeah i got nl auto too its germing now..Im looking forward to getting the cannabis now that i found out that cross either that or cheddarwurst honestly they are both a win win for me..