Attitude!! Come on?!?


Well-Known Member
i would probably shoot them an email...who knows, they may give you a discount code for your next order or something....but i wouldnt make a big fuss over one missing freebie.

all mine have been passed to the overseas service for delivery...should be here in about a week or 10 days.


Well-Known Member
Mine arrived today, although they missed one of the ufo's. G13 labs skunk 1. Is it worth complaining?
same here man. mine arrived yesterday except they are missing the ufo skunk 1. i was really looking forward to that strain too.
i might call them up, but for a freebie i dont think they will bother. might aswell try though?

im going to today.



Active Member
i love the tude,didnt try to get free t shirt or anything but i ordered 10 fem super lemon haze, got a 10%discount and 3 free fem beans,dinafem moby dick ,power kush, and cal hash plant, got my beans in 7 days to us


New Member
My single order I managed to get through.. in processing now for 3 days now lol.. I bet they are just waiting to send me and a few other lucky idiots golden tickets to show up at the tude.. One idiot will fall into the nutrient pond, one will turn into a giant nugg for putting his lungs where they don't belong, and one most assuredly always ends up being sexually harassed by a little person in overalls.

Im interested in seeing what happens with the problem orders.. damage control is necessary, if you promise a service or product for your customer and do not deliver, you run the risk of losing said customer for life. Its a business just like any other.. they know this and I am most positive that they are scrambling to take care of business. Overall bad tactics and planning on their part, I hope to see some great things come from this.


New Member
They have only existed 4 years tho, not exactly old timers, just threw some marketing at it and give away all that free rubbish, mainly to appeal to inexperienced growers who think they getting something for nothing ;-)


Well-Known Member
well since you have to buy something in order to get the freebies...i'm sure nobody thinks they are getting something for nothing..

but i did get a lot for just a little..


New Member
I mean the freebies of course ;-) second grade seeds will always be second grade seeds bro, they are just a gimmick of course but great for newbies for real


Well-Known Member
:) yeah i knew what you were sayin.

ive never gotten 2nd grade seeds as freebies. i've heard lots of people say that, but personally have never seen it.

...well, accept when i got in on the second grade dinafem deal...half were white and immature and half were ripe....but that was the point of the deal, get free second grade seeds.


Well-Known Member
not in the original packaging...i see what you're saying. bad...let me re-phrase...i have never received bad free seeds, they were always mature. whether they are second grade or not, i guess i cant say...but either way, they arent immature little white seeds...which i have bought from barneys farm and green house before...fuckers..

so yeah, crap? not even close.


New Member
They are given us free as retailers tho, they are grade two at best take my word for it..

sure, some will be good, some will be shit, that's what lower grade is. In fact if you pollinate yer own plant they will be the same and prob get more of them .

we have always refused to sell them, we prefer to educate but we understand the appeal ;-)


Well-Known Member
lower grade or i said before, all my freebies are mature....and lets not forget that they were free. they look EXACTLY like the ones i paid for...and in some cases, much better than the ones i paid for. i pay for what i want, and the freebies are a bonus...whats so wrong with that?

just kinda seems like you're a business tryin to slam another business to me....but i've been wrong before. :)


Well-Known Member
I opted for that combo as well. The Kush was $86, but 6 free fem cheese seeds plus the promos and the UFO's... no wonder my order hasn't shipped yet.... they are still counting out my freebies...

Iv already got my order pending, Kateract kush, with confidental cheese promo im getting a lot of freebees


Well-Known Member
lol of course bro.! I been selling seeds for over twenty years, its my job to knock the free shit. I don't knock attitude themselves tho, its business innit :-) They do a grand job in many ways, the reality is the breeders that eventually it will be detrimental to :-)
lmao well at least you're honest. shouldnt knock the freebies, they pull in a lot of business. you should start giving free seeds with orders if you dont already.

detrimental in what way? i agree with that point, just wondering your reasoning for it.


New Member
They have only existed 4 years tho, not exactly old timers, just threw some marketing at it and give away all that free rubbish, mainly to appeal to inexperienced growers who think they getting something for nothing ;-)
No matter if they have been in business 5 minutes or 20 years, a business has a duty to hold up its end of a deal. Customer support is number one and customers is what makes your business exist. When someone offers you something and you get something else that is theft by deception. I don't know about you but I hate be lied to, tricked, or stolen from.

I care about every dollar that comes in and out, anyone that doesn't is gonna have a hard floor to fall on. I dont think you know much about business otherwise you wouldnt ave posted that... no harm no foul though!