Attik grow


Active Member
Hi there,

I’m thinking about setting a grow in the attik as this is the only safe place I’ve got atm. Anyways I’ve been doing a bit of a research and it does require some DIY so I was wondering if anyone on here got any experience or suggestions how to set it up properly. I assume the temperature would be my biggest concern. I was thinking instead of setting a tent, I can build a grow box in there myself using a chipboards or something, then insulate the Box and suck the air in from the flat and let the air outside the attik. Im just thinking out loud so I’d appreciate any advice.
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not sure cus I hadn’t checked it but im in the Uk so even during summer the temperatures here aren’t too high
True. It’s sorta easy to make a cold area work with tent but not so much when it’s super hot. But even if the attic is hitting 30°C at any point in summer it will surly be hotter in tent without any AC supplementation. You had mentioned pulling air from your living space (I do the same for my set up, in an unconditioned space) so that may help a little but unless the AC is blasting in the summer idk if you’d get a good balance. I’m going to see what happens in mine this spring/summer. Only have done stuff in colder months
not sure cus I hadn’t checked it but im in the Uk so even during summer the temperatures here aren’t too high
Even in the UK an uninsulated attic can get hot enough to kill someone trapped in there..
It's happened!

Point is itl be very hot. If you can create enough airflow it's workable.
Completely forgot about this thread, I’ve found good guide how to build insulated grow box in the attik but my plan is to get it done over summer and start in October when it gets cooler, for now I’ll just use a tent and run few autos