Attic Grow room under 250 watt 3w cree HO 7 band LED panel


Well-Known Member
OK have you people actually read Thaiboy's posts? he says the same exact(word for word) things that gotham hydro says in their ebay posts. That doesnt strike you as funny? how about the fact that be just happens to have various years and models of their LEDs to test and just by chance is able to test their new models? not strange at all? I would understand if it were one of the "vets" of the site, someone respected and established as a solid grower, yet some anyonomous person? hmm. I mean how easy is it to create an email account, then create a fake random grower to provide your own company with positive feedback? I mean if you search under his name for all posts all but about 1 of his posts are a plug for gotham hydro....

People i dont want to denounce a company nor tell you what to think. What i really want is for you people to think for yourselves. Always question the bullshit out there.
Yeah, sure thing Karr, there is a lot of shilling going on around here, but just because Thai Boy relays some info doesn't cinch it that he's up to no good. He states he's no sales rep, and of course he could be flat-out lying...that's an obvious a possibility, but I have read his posts and there seems to be more than smoke and mirrors. Maybe, maybe not.

edit: Forgot to say there are quite a few red flags with Gotham warranty info, no customer service link, etc. Same with Lighthouse Hydro. Another thread said these lights are easily modifiable, so I figure replacement LEDs and transformers, etc could be interesting modifications. I just hope these Blackstar lights don't turn out to be utter crap.


Well-Known Member

This is the site that did the "compatetion" Notice how there is NO info for anything related to their light or the competation? notice how they are supposed to be a hydroponic review and comparison website? ok so why is every link on there site filled with "no reviews yet" despite its almost 2 years of being online.

I am a huge advocate for the new tech lights, its just i have been seeing so much shady crap recently it makes me just want to wait and not bother getting scammed. The tech is there, its dropping in price, but its not yet low enough priced to support the prices many of these places are charging.


These lights work . I will tell you from experience. I talked to the guy at Gotham for like an hour before buying two of these lights. I am using 200w 2300k Induction lights with the 2010 model 180w LEDs for flowering as supplements. I am buying more lights on my next run. Sean, is the guy, and he will personally answer any questions in an educated and informative manner. Seriously, for the price, you will be more than pleasantly surprised. I am not answering any posts because i only found this post while i was googling Gotham's ebay sight, to plan out my expansion budget. I have NO AFFILIATION, but if you see gotham's feedback on ebay, you will know they aren't shady. Induction works pretty good too, but these lights honestly doubled flowering growth. messed up my scrog, because the LED lighted plants just exploded with length/width growth. You don't have to believe me, but talk to that guy. you have heard the tip, what you do with it matters not to me. my money will go there either way.


So i never ended up going with LED's so i kinda stoped posting (sorry about that to the people that were watchin). I ended up going to two 150watt hps lights due to the high cost of buying LED lights. anyways they are about 2 weeks away from harvest here is some pictures. i have DJ short flow as well as pre 98'bubba kush.

