Atter going camping. HomeBox intel anyone?


Well-Known Member
Long story short, I'm getting some kind of tent(s) for the next round of ladies. I'll either get one 4x8 or two 4x4s and a little one for young'uns. All with cob/qb lighting.

There's a limited access to tents here, but I can get homebox evolution or ambient, secret jardin and funk factory. Of those, the homebox evolution and ambient looks like in a league of their own. But this is only from pictures online and I have zero personal experience. There's a price difference, but that is not a factor this time, I want the best for peace of mind and ease of use.

Anyone who has any experience with any of these? Don't be shy you beautiful people.
Ive had my secret jardin 120 for over 10 years. Zippers are still great, the corners are plastic but are still holding great. I've had my phat filter (16"x6"), a sunleaves sealed/cooled 600hps hood, and smaller fans hanging on it, plus some boxes and bins on top of it for more storage! Things a freaking beast! Mine only has one main door, but two side accesses. Only flaw.
Homebox Evolution and Homebox Ambient has white walls rather than the standard silvery stuff. They call it par+ and claims it increase light compared to the standard. Difficult to find information from people not selling them though. I also suspect the other tents have been updated too over the last decade... wish I could see them in person.