Attention to All Users

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ok pufftuff i looked it said one like but when i click on it it says zero
so they took your like
that sucks the only like i ever gave isnt a like but says i gave one so cant say i never gave one
i feel violated
All my likes from this thread are gone!! Hahahaha these muthafucjas rolled up on me and str8 jacked me for my likes damn what's riu coming too!! Hahahahahha
i'm thinking at this point it's foolish to even concider using the report feature again....
the mods are to insane to be trusted at this point....let them figure out their own shit on their own

...not much of a site if you punish users for asking questions or even responding to said questions...might as well just shut it down...
Gadzooks! Don't post anything relevant to the site, Crypt! you're not playing the game right, fuckity fuck you, douchebag

serious query: the only post i've ever noticed having had deleted was a post (albeit a short one) letting another member know that i was subscribing to his thread. i'd had previous conversations with said OP and find it a point of etiquette to let someone you've talked to before know that you're keeping an eye on their grow. except i honestly didn't have anything more to say than that. according to these rules, politeness is now infractionable?

which brings me to another point: as a stoner, i don't always remember which threads i've visited, which i've commented on, etc. etc.
i wouldn't even have noticed that that particular post was missing if someone else hadn't quoted it. thereby, by having had said message deleted for its brevity, does it not follow that the chances of my making another, similar post in the same thread would be higher? not to mention the time i spent reading that thread from beginning to end thinking, "okay, he quoted me there, but according to this, i never actually said it in the first place...."
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