All they have is gibberish..... About ten years ago I was asked to be godfather to one of my nephews.... they were Catholic, as I was also (used to be). I accepted out of politeness and a sense of honor, since they also put my wife and I in their will to raise him if nature took them early. So we go down to a Catholic church in town (my wife's sister & hubby live elsewhere). We walk beck into the rectory and behold, an Irish priest, accent and all. I knew this could go either way for my promise. There were two Mexican families sitting in this pretty good sized room. Well, he asks me about my commitment to Jesus Christ....

Who? Heh... no, I simply replied I didn't believe anymore, but felt an obligation to do this for my in laws .... I was being honest. He snatches up on this and grabs his pipe and fires it up.... I can see the wheels turning in his head as he puffed that pipe to life..... old school I thought to myself....this guy is definitely old school. I got the feeling he was going to hold my obligation up as a hostage.
He then asked me why I felt so strongly against the church..... I just made a glance and nod at the "faithful" Mexicans within earshot.... and looked him straight into the eye.... with a glint.... and asked if he really wanted to get into it..... he puffed....puffed....we just looked at each other....sizing up the other. I never broke my gaze....but I did smile. He leaned over to his desk and signed the document.... we never said another word. I was eager to debate him.....knowing I could easily best him.
Not in front of the sheeple. I love timing.....random chaotic timing....
I once took down a priest verbally....with logic....sheeple logic...