New Member
He just is lonely....and wants attention....of any kind...positive or negative.
he has my that regard.
he has my that regard.
i firmly believe in the existence of so called mythological creatures. i believe in a lot of things that people would think im crazy for...but i dont believe in god the way most people do.and to think i have friends that actually ponder the idea of giants walking the earth, mythology characters that they believe are real (centaur, etc.), and that people lived to be 900 years old back in the day; i love the guys and ive been friends with them since childhood, but that is slightly ridiculous.
Sorry,lol, i just though of that. Their aunt asked me if I was religous. I sad" no". She said, "Well you believe in God though right?" I said no again.
All i could think was "are you fucking kidding me".
whats with the videos you all know I dont watch foolish vids.
i dont necessarily think that if you believe in one of them you have to believe in ALL of them. theres no way that ALL mythological creatures exist...but theres definitely a possibility that SOME of them exist. so i like to research them to find ones that could potentially be real, and then search out more info on those particular ones. just as an example i very strongly believe in fairies. its a long story as to why i believe in them...but i do. they're the most interesting little (or not so little) creatures i've ever encountered. they fascinate me and while i dont see them with my physical senses i can *feel* them with my non physical senses. i but thats me i a weird one!The problem I have with mythical creatures is...logically...if I believe in one of them...I have to believe in all of them. That makes for a very crowded planet filled with creatures no one sees. That's tough one for me to swallow...
Except for the tooth fairy.... she's real...and hot.
i go with my gut. its not like science with this stuff. theres no right or wrong answer or way to go about things. you just have to feel for it. for example with the fairies, i feel their energy around me. i communicate with them, and they listen. they're little buggers too. they like to steal your possessions and hide them, or move them around to get you all confused. but if im looking for something and i cant find it, i just ask them to give it back and it suddenly turns up right in an open place that i'd already looked at. and thats not coincidence because it happens a lot, like, several times a week. do i *know* for a fact that its fairies and not something else? but the characteristics of the event is very much typical of the fairies i've learned about from myths, etc. so i add 2+2 together.Then which ones and how can you tell?![]()
I believe in God but I'm not gonna try and argue about it because there is no point.
This topic is only for people who love to argue! It's like trying to tell a ford driving redneck to by a honda. Everyone has there own choice and me I believe in God but I'm not gonna try and argue about it because there is no point.
The point is to get everyone else on Earth to trade comfy feelings and faith with rational thought and logical thinking.
This is done through the spread of knowledge. Take a look at the non-believer statistics, it's EXPLODED since 2001. We're up past 15% of the American population right now. Just ten years ago that number was below 5%. Progress is being made every day.
He just is lonely....and wants attention....of any kind...positive or negative.
he has my that regard.
He doesn't watch TV.... but believes a 2000 year old anonymous book put together by the same ppl which have sucked trillions of bucks from the world using the every same book.
Now that is higher end thinking.... right?
and to think i have friends that actually ponder the idea of giants walking the earth, mythology characters that they believe are real (centaur, etc.), and that people lived to be 900 years old back in the day; i love the guys and ive been friends with them since childhood, but that is slightly ridiculous.
Sorry,lol, i just though of that. Their aunt asked me if I was religous. I sad" no". She said, "Well you believe in God though right?" I said no again.
All i could think was "are you fucking kidding me".