Attention Atheist

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OK. I mailed 3 letters to God, on three separate occasions, and THEY ALL CAME BACK!! So if there was a god, the mail wouldn't be returned, now would it? Explain THAT, smarty-pants!

YES factual proof that there is no god! hahahah ill bet this twists haze's panties in a knot

i smell a troll too. not in the worst sense of a troll, but this dude had under 60 posts and more than a third of them are based on how atheism is wrong
BB did you just write that? i think you might have the beginning of a new religion on your hands

all boomerb, booming out about my Enki and me,,,,

new? hell it's older than the sumerians, hell, Google Enki and get a read,,,,

ol' bb here,
yet again
will this fun
never end
not too soon
i do hope
i ain't had
all my dope.


YES factual proof that there is no god! hahahah ill bet this twists haze's panties in a knot

i smell a troll too. not in the worst sense of a troll, but this dude had under 60 posts and more than a third of them are based on how atheism is wrong

i agree. Troll.
dont show me that childish crap this guy is just as moronic as the dumbshit in religous

Call me whatever you want, its expected from closed-minded people. Dont believe anything you cant see, you probably dont believe in life on other planets either.

By the way, the dumbshit in religous? Learn how to talk and spell before you go insulting my intelligence.
Are you kidding me.Please tell me your joking.I am NOT CHRISTIAN, christianity is controlled by the white man to fool people and make money.Where have you been the last century?

Ok haze, you make no sense. You insult me for saying there's no religious god, but you just said the same thing. You obviously dont know what you're talking about, so you might as well quit.
I cant even reply to to all of your stupidity, you are all blind.
I cant even reply to to all of your stupidity, you are all blind.
yes. that MUST be it...we're all blind and we're all wrong and you are the ONLY one with any sense and any correct information. :lol: hahaha're actually serious though arent you? :roll:
I cant even reply to to all of your stupidity, you are all blind.

I think you need to start believing in humanity a little bit more before you go and decide you were created for a such a special purpose and heaven is waiting for you. In other words, stop thinking you are better than people who don't worship the same god as you or go to your church every week. People have the right to believe whatever they want and not have you call them a moron for not conforming to your beliefs... yes, i said beliefs, not facts. If you don't have an open mind, then you shouldn't ever be discussing religon with anyone else.... or politics for that matter.
I think you need to start believing in humanity a little bit more before you go and decide you were created for a such a special purpose and heaven is waiting for you. In other words, stop thinking you are better than people who don't worship the same god as you or go to your church every week. People have the right to believe whatever they want and not have you call them a moron for not conforming to your beliefs... yes, i said beliefs, not facts. If you don't have an open mind, then you shouldn't ever be discussing religon with anyone else.... or politics for that matter.

I agree. I don't think I'm better than anyone just because I don't believe in "GOD". I think your ignorant and you need to realize that your the blind one 420. What religion do you believe in anyway and which one is the right one?
then all the other people that read it get to see just how retarded some of the people that share their same beliefs are

I don't disagree with you on that statement..... But that is for ALL and EVERY 'religion' alike... Just because I believe in God doesn't mean I think that there aren't any idiots who also believe in God. And just because you don't believe in God doesn't mean that everybody who doesn't believe in God isn't an idiot. There are idiots every where in every single aspect of everybody's life. And thats just how it is, the word is filled with idiots! They exist in every race, sex, religion, you name it.

Choose to believe whatever you want to believe. Bud DON'T bash on someone for beileving what they do!.. That would be the same sort of thing as if a straight girl bashed on some other chick for being a lesbian! Do you believe it's alright to discriminate due to sexual prefrence? Because it's just as bad to discriminate due to religion. It's not your choice, it's THEIRS! Peace, Love, And Hippiness ;-)
I don't disagree with you on that statement..... But that is for ALL and EVERY 'religion' alike... Just because I believe in God doesn't mean I think that there aren't any idiots who also believe in God. And just because you don't believe in God doesn't mean that everybody who doesn't believe in God isn't an idiot. There are idiots every where in every single aspect of everybody's life. And thats just how it is, the word is filled with idiots! They exist in every race, sex, religion, you name it.

Choose to believe whatever you want to believe. Bud DON'T bash on someone for beileving what they do!.. That would be the same sort of thing as if a straight girl bashed on some other chick for being a lesbian! Do you believe it's alright to discriminate due to sexual prefrence? Because it's just as bad to discriminate due to religion. It's not your choice, it's THEIRS! Peace, Love, And Hippiness ;-)

Yes, I'll discriminate against anyone who openly chooses to believe such bullshit.
I don't choose to believe in gravity, if I don't, it affects me all the same. People who actively choose to believe in what organized religions are pushing are dangerous to society. We tell them that, they understand it (though they don't agree with it, only the other religions are dangerous :roll:...)

They don't deserve respect.

Yes, I'll discriminate against anyone who openly chooses to believe such bullshit.
I don't choose to believe in gravity, if I don't, it affects me all the same. People who actively choose to believe in what organized religions are pushing are dangerous to society. We tell them that, they understand it (though they don't agree with it, only the other religions are dangerous :roll:...)

They don't deserve respect.
why is it so hard to be the bigger person and just respect everyone anyway? why is it necessary to discriminate? why argue? why not just let people be who they want to be without bugging them about it?
why is it so hard to be the bigger person and just respect everyone anyway? why is it necessary to discriminate? why argue? why not just let people be who they want to be without bugging them about it?

Like I said, the people who believe what all organized religions are pushing are dangerous to the rest of society. When the day comes when they're not dangerous (not likely to happen, ever) I'll rejoice and hold hands with them in the streets. But that isn't reality. Their dogma makes them believe I deserve eternal torture. Why... no, how can I respect someone who believes, whether they acknowledge it or not, that I deserve to be tortured forever? It makes them kill innocent people and brainwash innocent minds. A religious philosophy is no different than any other and should not be immune from criticism based on some abstract moral authority our ancestors have given it.
Like I said, the people who believe what all organized religions are pushing are dangerous to the rest of society. When the day comes when they're not dangerous (not likely to happen, ever) I'll rejoice and hold hands with them in the streets. But that isn't reality. Their dogma makes them believe I deserve eternal torture. Why... no, how can I respect someone who believes, whether they acknowledge it or not, that I deserve to be tortured forever? It makes them kill innocent people and brainwash innocent minds. A religious philosophy is no different than any other and should not be immune from criticism based on some abstract moral authority our ancestors have given it.
i can understand your obvious disdain for the religious folk. but "stooping to their level" by throwing fire back at them isnt a very productive avenue either. let them continue to act in a ridiculous fashion, let them make fools of themselves, just ignore them when you can and be the mature one in the situation. resorting to negativity isnt going to fix anything, it just adds more fuel to the whole fire. and as long as there is fuel, the fire will continue to burn. if you take away its fuel source, it will eventually die out. thats why religion hasnt died out...theres no shortage of fuel to their fire.
i can understand your obvious disdain for the religious folk. but "stooping to their level" by throwing fire back at them isnt a very productive avenue either. let them continue to act in a ridiculous fashion, let them make fools of themselves, just ignore them when you can and be the mature one in the situation. resorting to negativity isnt going to fix anything, it just adds more fuel to the whole fire. and as long as there is fuel, the fire will continue to burn. if you take away its fuel source, it will eventually die out. thats why religion hasnt died out...theres no shortage of fuel to their fire.

I disagree. It's people speaking out against it that highlight the dangers in organized religion. It's gone on for 2,000 years as the rational have sat silent. Now in less than a decade with high speed internet the atheist population in the United States has grown exponentially. Coincidence?

Each of us should feel obligated to call bullshit for what it is, especially if it's something as dangerous as religion.
I disagree. It's people speaking out against it that highlight the dangers in organized religion. It's gone on for 2,000 years as the rational have sat silent. Now in less than a decade with high speed internet the atheist population in the United States has grown exponentially. Coincidence?

Each of us should feel obligated to call bullshit for what it is, especially if it's something as dangerous as religion.
i understand. but its one thing to "call bullshit" and a completely different thing to be discriminatory about it. you can civilly and diplomatically disagree with people, and debate them. anger doesnt need to be a part of it. rudeness and negativity doesnt need to be a part of it. educating people is one thing, but its completely unnecessary to be an ass about it. not that im accusing you of being an ass or anything, im just trying to say that "2 wrongs dont make a right" because they dont. they just make more wrongs.

i mean, just take your signature for an example. and i know that you likely didnt write it, but its a quote that you resonate with. i have faith. i dont believe in a god, i dont follow a religion, but i am a spiritual person and i have faith in the universe. I feel, definitely, and very strongly. but i DO NOT neglect thought. i am a pretty intelligent individual, some would call me gifted or a genius. so its a really inaccurate phrase to accuse all that have faith of not being thinkers. assumptions are detrimental to our communication.
i understand. but its one thing to "call bullshit" and a completely different thing to be discriminatory about it. you can civilly and diplomatically disagree with people, and debate them. anger doesnt need to be a part of it. rudeness and negativity doesnt need to be a part of it. educating people is one thing, but its completely unnecessary to be an ass about it. not that im accusing you of being an ass or anything, im just trying to say that "2 wrongs dont make a right" because they dont. they just make more wrongs.

Religion is a sensitive subject. People have been fighting over it for thousands and thousands of years. You will never be able to change that. I think are answers are in the depths of space and for us to rely on a magical being to save us is a joke, not to dis on your religion. Life is to hard for something to just come and save us. bongsmilie
i am a pretty intelligent individual, some would call me gifted or a genius. so its a really inaccurate phrase to accuse all that have faith of not being thinkers. assumptions are detrimental to our communication.[/QUOTE/]

Don't toot your own horn.
im not tooting my own horn. if people are of the opinion that having faith means you're without intellect, that is incorrect. i was stating that as an example, not to "show off". i have nothing to prove to random people on a web forum. i wasnt aware that using myself as an example was inappropriate, i apologize. maybe i'll use one of my best friends as an example. she had a 4.1 GPA in college, taking science courses. She is also a spiritual person.
i understand. but its one thing to "call bullshit" and a completely different thing to be discriminatory about it. you can civilly and diplomatically disagree with people, and debate them. anger doesnt need to be a part of it. rudeness and negativity doesnt need to be a part of it. educating people is one thing, but its completely unnecessary to be an ass about it. not that im accusing you of being an ass or anything, im just trying to say that "2 wrongs dont make a right" because they dont. they just make more wrongs.

i mean, just take your signature for an example. and i know that you likely didnt write it, but its a quote that you resonate with. i have faith. i dont believe in a god, i dont follow a religion, but i am a spiritual person and i have faith in the universe. I feel, definitely, and very strongly. but i DO NOT neglect thought. i am a pretty intelligent individual, some would call me gifted or a genius. so its a really inaccurate phrase to accuse all that have faith of not being thinkers. assumptions are detrimental to our communication.
There are tons of atheists like yourself. You are one of 'those people' that religious people are talking about when referring to the godless atheists and their faith in science. Don't you ever feel like trying to correcting them and explain how not all atheists believe the same thing? How their simplistic pigeon-holing of anyone that doesn't believe in a god is not only inaccurate but insulting?

Most atheist scientists I know, although dismissing mystical connotations, still have a form of spirituality, a sense of awe and reverence to the way we are all connected. How every atom of hydrogen was formed in the beginning of the universe, and every iron molecule in our blood cells were forged in the center of a star and exploded outwards in a supernova.
Then there are those that DO believe in mystical connections but still not a deity like yourself. Although many of these atheists have no problem with the religious, the religious certainly have a problem with them as evidenced by their rhetoric.
Do a google search for atheist spirituality and you will get many hits.
Here's some interesting examples:

Food for thought.