Attention All Experienced Apartment Growers: Need help/info


New Member
Hey whats up Rollitup Community.

(Questions in bold)

This is my first thread so show me some slack if you can. I am a 21 year old college student who is a 3 year stoner. I spend roughly 70-80 bucks a week on weed which in this day and age, is entirely too much money; so I plan on giving growing a shot.

One month from now I move out of my shitty apartment and move into my nice ass single apartment. I figure this is a perfect venue to grow a few plants for personal consumption.

Knowing cultivating Cannabis can be pretty tough, I went to Borders and bought "Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible" by Jorge Cervantes and "Closet Cultivator: Growing Marijuana Indoors" by Ed Rosenthal and are almost done with both. I have learned much from these books but find myself still asking questions. What it did help me do was come up with a plan.

My plan is to construct two boxes: one Vegetative box and one Flowering box; in order to attempt a bi-monthly perpetual harvest. The measurements for my Veg box will be approximatley 1.5' wide by 1.5' long by 2' high and 2' wide by 2' long by 4.5' high for the Flowering Box. (Note: Measurements are not exact. Don't know exact measurements of new apartment closet and I am open to size suggestions but I'd like to keep it stealth.) The inside will be painted flat white and a hole in the back right corner will be cut for cords to be able to reach the outlet. I will also attatch hinges and a door to the front of the box for security and light leak protection.

As for lighting I plan to use two Y joint fixtures for 4 CFLs (wattage unknown and could use some suggestions, I think four 42 watts maybe?) mounted at the top of the Veg Box and a 150 watt HPS on chains in the Flower box. Yes I know the 150 watt is very small but I plan on only having 2 or 3 bushy Indica plants flowering at once. Not only do I have few plants, but I am also worried about the heat that comes with a 250 watt HPS and the small stature of this grow box. I am confident that this would be sufficent light for flowering. I know nothing of installing CFL fixtures or an hps light so I will be consulting my buddies and you the Community of course. The lighting schedule will be 19/5 for vegging and 12/12 for flowering.

As for a medium, I am undecided on whether to use soil or a DWC (Deep Water Culture). Soil is inexpensive and available while a hydro system is cleaner and produces bigger yields. I could use some help in this section. I am going to start with Rockwool cubles no matter which one i choose (BTW where do you get those?) After 2 to 3 weeks of Rockwool Cubes and just semi-daily to daily watering (and prob 24 hours of light to start), I have to make my choice. I need answers based on whats best suited for an APARTMENT grow. Which is easier, cleaner, and less detectable? Which one do you think would be overall better for stealth as well access to available tools (meters, gauges etc)?

Soil seems pretty easy. Go to a nursery and buy some good potting soil (not Miracle Grow apparently) and a electric pH meter (anybody got a cost on one of those?) or the pH strips. I plan on transplanting the 3 week old seedlings in the Rockwool cubes to 10'' wide/tall plastic pots with a tray under all three plants. The plants will be watered with pH balanced water (isn't that distilled water?) and the pots would be flushed every 2 weeks or so. As for nutrients, I am pretty clueless on the terms and applications of both the soil and hydroponic gardens. Hesi looks like a good brand and sells both Soil and Hyrdoponic nutrients. I do not know what people mean when they say 4th nutes and give strange looking ratios for their nutrients. Coming from a true newb, I could use some clarification in that area.

If I went the Hydroponic/DWC route, I would attempt to build my own DWC out of rubbermaid tubs for both my Veg and Flower rooms. I could use some help on this too. Are there any good threads on how to construct one of these? To my knowledge, you just cut 3 holes in the top of your rubbermaid tub, get three potting nets and some clay pellets or inert medium, buy an airsone and put it at the bottom of the tub and plug it in. I am prob forgetting alot (Like a pH meters, gauges etc) ] but thats what I know. Again, once the plants reach their third week I would take the Rockwool cube and insert it into the potting net with the clay pellets on the bottom and have the airstone splashing on the bottom third of the net. I would then use my Hesi hydro nutes throughout Veg and Flowering.

As for air circulation, each box would have two 6 inch computer fans; one to blow new air in and one to blow old hot air out. Both fans will be on the opposite sides and the IN fans will be closer to the bottom of the boxes while the OUT fans will be closer to the top near the lights. From what I understand these computer fans are cheap, easy to screw in, and run on a battery? Over each OUT fan I plan to make the carbon filter. I have bookmarked the thread where you take the Walmart Pencil holders and the fish tank carbon and make the filter. Thats a pretty ingenious idea. My question is how well does that filter protect against smell? Will I need an Ion Generator? The apartment people check the apartements 4 or 5 times a year to make sure the place isn't busted up and this is my main concern. Will two or three plants flowering in a grow box with a carbon filter be noticable to smell? If so, would a negative ion generator (electric air purifier) do the trick?

Any info would be great and I am completely open to suggestions. I move into my new place August 15th so I plan to start the boxes on the 27th of July. I will have saved up around $350- $400 by then and I was wondering if that would be enough?



Well-Known Member
Im sure that would be more than enough!!!! This plant grows in almost any condition its just a matter of the quality of the product now. You will have to work out a budget. that 350 isnt just for the boxes is it? or is it for the entire set up( fertilizer, materials, equipemtn etc)

Let me know Thanks!


Well-Known Member
I had planned to keep my budget about $200. About $500 past that, I had my setup completed. Haha.

You will definitely have to go the CFL route for lights. Check eBay as I got a 6pack of good bulbs for about $25.

Not sure what size grow space you are wanting, but I got a 20x36x64 grow tent from HTG on eBay for $85. So far its been worth the money.

Got my fans from (on left click intake fans, then click intake fans again in the center of page). I got two 6" fans. With your budget, these would be really good to get. For $65 you could get two 6" intake fans with a 240 free air cfm. Actually purchased those from them on eBay too as they did combined shipping. Just seach for Aero Fans or something of the sort.

Im a newbie myself so dont know how well the DIY carbon filters work, but from what Ive read, they work perfectly. Ive made one myself but my plants havnt gotten to where they stink yet. For about $10 you could get all supplies needed to make the carbon filter.

Duct work cost about $20 for 25ft.

My CFL setup is pretty simple. Got some cheap-o power strips and some Y splitters. Each power strip has 5 lights on it(check my journal for a picture) and they appear to be working great. Altho I do plan to upgrade to a 250/400w HPS light in about a month.

There are SEVERAL threads for constructing hydro setups. Ive got absolutely no idea how to do it as Ive read soil is much better for beginners, and figured I would do hydro later on, but check the DIY (Do It Yourself) section and you will find exactly the things your looking for. Prob a good 20+ threads with different designs.

pH meteres cost about $10 for a cheap one, although Ive found out that they dont work all that great. The moisture meter on it works ok, the light meter is pointless really, and the pH meter on it never seems to be very accurate. I picked up a soil tester kit from Lowes for about $7. Comes with 10 tests, figured that is plenty for a couple harvests. Found this site the other day for water pH strips. 50pk for like $9. Wayyy better than the $12 25pks Ive been getting.

When they say pH balanced water, i THINK they are referring to water with a pH level adequit for growing pot. Water pH test strips will realllllly come in handy for that. My tap water is at about 7.0-7.5 pH level, which is too high so I picked up some pH down at Wal-mart (pool section) for $6. The bottle will last me forever as I only have to put about 1/10th of a tbsp in a 1gal jug to equal it out.

Wow. Im impressed with myself. Im pretty sure this is my first helpful post ever. Normally I am always asking questions haha. I guess a few weeks on these boards will teach you a couple things. Or so I hope I was helpful. Also by far my longest post. =D

Good luck to ya!

Oh, and be sure that you will be able to maintain a 70-75degree temp inside box with lights on.


Active Member
it sounds like u got a little lost in all the methods. im gonna agree with skoad and tell you to go with cfl's, i myself grow with cfl's because they dont radiate huge amounts of heat they also do not require a ballast or special reflector so that takes a few hundred dollars off the budget alone.

as for your medium i STRONGLY suggest soil, the oinly reason i tell newbies not to use miracle gro soil is because it comes loaded with uneccesary nutes and its extremely easy to over fertalize. i mix my own soil and it doesnt cost me big bucks, just go to the home depot or w/e and get peat moss(any kind) bark/charcoal perllite and compost; i dont have a special way of doing it i just use the peat moss and compost as a base and add the bark/charcoal and perlite to help water retention and airation.

Regarding the grow space, since ur in an apartment u'll have a few good closets to use, just lay a matt to protect the flooring and if the walls are white dont worry about covering them, if the walls are not white u may want to lay some sort of white paper sheet or something. u can use the closet fixtures to hang your lights (this is how i have my lights set up. i use 3 26watt cfl's for VEG and 2 105watt cfl's for each plant during the Flower cycle you can find 105w cfl's on for the best prices. i use two seperate closets for the vegging and the flowering plants. dont feed your babies nutes before they are 3 weeks old and ur all set!



New Member
hahah your right i am a lil lost in all of this. i just read two books and i am trying to put all the info into one project. those grow tents look pretty sweet and they are relatively cheap on Ebay. I would have to build a Veg box still but it makes a great Flowering box. What kind of yields are you guys getting with your CFLs? I dont think a 150 watt hps in one of those grow tents would emit enough heat to fuck things up do you? As long as i got one of those dank ass fans you were talking about. And pinkpengin, i think they might check my closets but i am not sure. I do have two closets. Once i move in i will consider that plan...

another question, any local store that sells good nutes?


Well-Known Member
I personally wouldn't reccomend CFLs for veg unless you use alot of them. Your plants will be tall and lanky which isn't what you want for a closet grow. I'm using a 250watt HPS from seed to weed and my plants love it! I got it for only $95 from HTGSupply. You can get good nutes from most hydro shops but if you live in rural area you can also get them online. HTGSupply has a website and an ebay store, they use stealth shipping and their prices are reasonable.

I spent around $300 total on my first grow setup, it's not the best and I plan on spending more next time, but it will suffice.

250watt HPS with attached ballast - $95
FoxFarm soil - $15-20
Rockwool cubes - $5-10
Rooting gel - $5
Cloning tray/dome - $10
Heating pad - $10-15
3-5 Gallon pots - $5-10
Mylar/reflective film - $10-20
Organic nutrients - $20-30
Good seeds - $30-60

the satisfaction of growing your own pot - priceless
you will not find high quality nutes at any local store. look in the phone book, or google your area for a hydroponics store. they are just about everywhere, you just gotta find em. good luck!


Well-Known Member
good investment, make sure you get one with a macro lens/optical zoom so you can take close-up shots without them being blurry


Well-Known Member
Since you are in an apartment are you taking extra precautions to make sure neighbours around you will not hear, smell or see anything?? Are you living in a place that is wood floors or concrete?


New Member
Yes all of those i am very worried about but i think i will be able to work my way around them. thats why i have decided to go a different route with the boxes. I am toning down the skill level on this project since i am honestly the biggest newb on this forum and have limited space (a single with one not too big closet, can't remember specs).

I have decided to go with a Darkroom 40 ( ) or 60 ( ). I can't make up my mind until i actually get to sit in the apartment and check out the closet area where i intend to place the grow tent. I am leaning towards the 60 i suppose but i really don't know if i want it THAT big.

I am also not going to go for the gold and have a separate vegging room and flowering room. I am gona try and walk before i run. I'm going to start out with one grow tent and see if i can ACTUALLY grow. Cultivating cannabis is no easy task and not every guy can. Gotta make sure i am not one of those pussies first before i invest more.

I also plan to take the advice of my buddy majek here and go with a 250 watt hps throughout. I like this. After that i searched around and from what i saw it looks legit. I like the characteristics that a 250 throughout gives the plant and i like the idea of only one light that you have to adjust. Simplicity is going to be my friend in this experiment.

To address you inquires, I am not too awful worried about anybody hearing anything. The box will be in my closet and the walls from room to room in this place are solid concrete. I could be tortured to death and my neighbors wouldn't hear anything.

As for smell, i haven't made up my mind between a DIY carbon filter or a store bought one. I want legit protection in this area so i am willing to pay top dollar if the situation calls for it. The tent should also help keep smell in. (P.S Not sure about the venting situation. Should i get a inline fan and air vent tubing stuff or what?)

Being seen is prob my biggest worry. Every 4 or 5 months the apartment people come in an check the room (nose around) to make nothing in the apartment is broken, altered or illicit (even tho they have walked into my bathroom with an eigth and a GB while i was there and said nothing). I live in Florida and they are damn strict down here on the mary jane. New law says 15 plants is 15 years (check norml for numbers pretty sure those are it). Anyways it'll be in the closet and i plant to put a locking mechanism on it and a sheet over the tent so i think i might be good.

Any suggestions are welcome guys. thanks

p.s. I wrote this very high.


Well-Known Member
HAHA only way to write on these forums are high!!

I think you will find once you get the hang of it that growing is a nice and relaxing thing to experience (for the most part) It gets easier trust me!!!!

Good call going with the 250 w hps i assume? You will definitely get a nicer plant in my opinion that you would have with cfl's.

As for Carbon filters my first one was bought just for a 4 inch van but used it for about a year and now its dirty and used. The store i got it from said they would give me all the materials if i want to do it and that will save me some money. So i dont see why a DIY carbon filter would not be any less efficient than a mass produced one. You would just have to make sure to get good plans for the carbon filter to ensure that no smell gets out.

Good on you for still growing even though the penalties are so harsh for you!
I live in Canada and our government has basically passed bill c-15 which is mandatory minimums(6months-2 years) for cultivating 5 plants or trafficking. And with this bill being passed I want to shut down for fear of being imprisoned so i can\t imagine what most in the usa have to go through mentally when growing.


Active Member
good call on the 250!!!!!!!! u will appreciate it
im using soil im in apartments right in the middle, i just threw a 250 in my closet coverd the flower with trash bags cut in half an duct taped edges to side, using miracle grow nuts. but getting the foxfarm trio pack which from what ive seen an heard is a damn good fert. along with there soil to! all i can say is happy growing sounds like u have it worked out, 250 dont put out near much heat as u would think, i have no ventilation except one fan, peep it in my sig.


Active Member
I am anxious to see how this goes as i plan on doing something similar: GL60 400w (if not too hot) and 4in vortex. Have you looked at Blue Mountain organics on Ebay? They are cheap and supposed to be amazing especially the Super Plant Tonic. Using organic nutes will give you better tasting buds and also will make it harder althought not impossible for you to burn your plants. Best of luck.


New Member
idk, haven't thought much about organics. I plan on using Fox Farm grow and bloom solutions for my nutrients and Fox Far Ocean Forest for my soil. I have heard nothing but good things about this company's products and have full confidence in their performance.

Thanks for all the support guys. I can tell this website will be a good resource. I will be sure to keep everybody posted with info and pictures in this upcoming month in a grow journal. As for now i will still be asking questions to my fellow marijuana enthusiast. I will prob be starting a revamped thread sometime new with my current idea for my projects. Hope you guys are around!


Well-Known Member
what do people do about exhausting air out of a window?? how do you cover it up so you do not see the vents?? I have a double fan attached and have an intake and exhaust vent on each fan so you can not actually see them and looks like you are just making the place colder or something? What are others doing?


Active Member
well i grow in a flat which is classed as the same thing sept im from the uk and all i did was put a blind and a net curtain up open the window up a bit
and build a box 4 ya window cut 2 holes for 4 intake 1 for outake just make sure its sealed up real good so no light can get out and your ready to grow