Attempt flowering at spring equinox?


Well-Known Member
I want to do some breeding work with some rather large growing photoperiod CBD hemp plants.

My thinking is to veg in a grow closet with long light, then move to a greenhouse so my flowering is centered around spring equinox..

Light during flowering would be increasing from around 10 hours to 13 hours.

I am trying to avoid having to use light deprivation during flower.,

Anyone try this? Flowering with increasing light not decreasing.

Plants will be too big to stay under artificial light in controlled environment, need to go to greenhouse, with natural light. 10 hours increasing to 13 over flowering.


Well-Known Member
^^^ this
I'd think that unless you could control lighting period it should revert back into veg state.

Pepe le skunk

Well-Known Member
Start in March with a 12 hr dark period until they can go outside ( early may) and finish in early june. Harvest. But keep as many big leaves and lower bud growth as possible. It will reveg and you can harvest again in late October or early November. 2 harvest's.


Well-Known Member
As long as you dont have more than 12 hrs of light it works.

Ive flowered in summer by putting plants in my basement before sunset.

Could always start flowering indoors if its not warm enough outside, and move em outside once weather permits.