attempt at a grow log


Well-Known Member
people are very (VERY) lazy... you'll have to figure out how to add more pics directly to this journal as attachments to get more feedback ;-)

you've got some different issues with your plants... the best investment you can make is a pH meter and a ppm meter. (especially the pH meter) until you do, i'd recomend only using store-bought Reverse Osmosis water.

i looked at the pic but i've never had 'white powdery mildew' but i can only guess thats the problem that you were just asking about. you mentioned horrible humidity in your area. thats all it takes. you'll need to either get lots of airflow into the room (oscillating fan and a good exhaust fan) or a dehumidifier. you need to arrest the development where its at though. neem oil might do the trick... or some 3 percent H2O2 mixed like 1 or 2 tablespoons per gallon of water as a foliar spray / drench / wipe the junk off. i'm no expert on mildew so do some further research on remedies for that. Another thing that is priceless ($7-9 dollars at Walmart) is a small digital temperature and humidity gage. They look like oven timers... but they give you the current, as well as the high and the low, for both temp. and humidity. temp's 90 and below are fine... humidity you want to keep below 60 percent - especially during flowering.

having some leaves in poor health toward the bottom of the plant isn't the end of the world ... especially since the 250w won't have a lot of penetration ... and you said that overall the plants are growing very nicely. there's a thread on here of 'how to post big pics' in your posts... ur pics aren't huge, but it'd be nice to work them right into the text so people can see what ur talking about.


New Member
Tell me about it lol I have tried everything to post a pic on here but it won't seem to let me do it on a celly but I see cp pics all day so there has to be a way.

Thanks for the tip about the rh guahe on. My way to get one and a de humidifier as we speak but as for airflow I rigged it to have 2x30096. Fans pushin air in and extractin 450ish (carbon filter) extract via my light as well as an ionizer and 12" osc desk fan moving air around the room and the temps are good I got those dialed in. I have been all over sites and books but everything looks the same and the last thing I need to do is make it worse. I have been just flushin with water and neem since I noticed it and that seems to have helped but I have a question

I have huge arachnophobia and spiders everywhere so I was planning on bug bombing the house.. Is this safe since I have a good 6weeks til harvest or will it have ill effects on my ladies? I figure why not kill two bugs with one bomb..


Well-Known Member
be careful with the dehumidifier ... it can quickly raise temperatures.

also, make sure you aren't putting neem oil in the water that you are watering your plants with. only use it as a foliar spray as it was intended. i just killed half a dozen plants a couple weeks ago by putting that crap in my reservoir. you can use malathion as a soil drench if you are ever combating fungus gnat larvae.

pyrethrums are fine at this point as far as bug bombs go. neem oil as a foliar spray is also useful. malathion can be used as a foliar spray or soil drench. diatamaceous earth (found in the garden center at lowe's or home depot) will kill anything that crawls. just dust it around the perimeter of the garden.. on the floor.. any entrances to the garden, etc. fly paper is also your friend - 4 of those for like a 1.25 at walmart.


New Member
Really?! I was told neem was ok to water with but come to think of it this started about 2 days after I started putting neem in the water ( it was just small amounts as a preventative worked well huh? Lol) but I will stop with the neem and flush them out right now... Do u happen to have pics of what ur plants looked like as the neem was killing them? Either way u may be my hero if this works ull have to show me how to give rep cause u will be getting as much as I can give.. Hell ill send u a clone a joint and a seed lol


Well-Known Member
they looked like they were over or under watered... the leaves just started dropping and dying. oil ... in water ... just sounds bad if you think about it. The Neem Oil coated the roots and they couldn't do anything at all. A couple of them recovered, but most of those that showed signs of stress ended up dying rather quickly.

WTH would i do with a clone a joint and a seed ?! :D


New Member
germ the seed while u plant the clone smoke the joint when ur done harvest the clone as the seed hits 12/12 and ull have an almost perpetual thank you lol.


New Member
Bump bump.. Looks like the bitches are back. Flushed them out with lukewarm ro water and they looked 10x better already and the buds seem to be developing faster. Added a few new pics and revised my set up its ghetto as shit but stable and efficient. Once this rep thing gets explained to me u guys gotit comin. Thanks for all the help guys. Please check out the pics they're cellys so not excellent but pretty enough. Haha peace and smoke.
Link to pics...


New Member
Thank you took a quick pic of a couple of the smallest buds savin the bigger ones for next week I'm runnin out of town for a week so I'm stoked to see them when I get back. Ill be sure to take a bunch of pics when I get back


New Member
Just got back and got a small update. Added a few pics to the photobucket and it seems they have takena turn for the goodness. I'm amazed at how they frosted up while I was gone... Also while out I managed to get aholf o a ballast rebuild kit for literally nothing so I quickLy hit home depot for a utility box and made my own 400 hps other than working out how to cool it it works great I'm stoked as its the first attempt and works! More pics with new lighting soon


New Member
Bump threw some pics up here

Comments critisizm and all the like welcome
I can't believe how they've grown in five or six days I was gone. Looks like a snowstorm currently have the hps only going right now but will be putting the mh back up as well as sson as I find a cooltube for ten bucks lol my ass is broke


New Member
Got everything together and runnin cool again topping at 77f light on and 63 night so ill take it. Added a pic of the biggest plants smallest sidebrach/cola all comments welcome. I'm ronery in here


New Member
Bump bump. One of them is hinting towards the purple pheno ( I tend to get it fairly often) I'm hopin it puts on a show. Threw some new pics up and note my phone flashed on the secon photo of the very last page so its not as blue as it looks but it os gettin there lol. And the very first pic (last one added) is the afghooeyxp.erkel that I mislabeled and couldn't quite tell until flower. But I'm exicte. The two where u can see the mylar after those nug shots are of the afghooet as well the ones in the tub are the erkels and it seems last night there was a snowstorm in their room and the calyxes are twice the size they were last night. Muahaha take the tim to look and please feel free to say somethin. I'm gettin excited for harvest. The biggest ladie (on the right in the bathtub pic) is like 85% milky on the head bud so I'm thinkin maybe 4-5 more weeks and it gonna be dank dank. I'm off to finish this ice cream sandwich and pass out. Peace and smoke riu. Leave me a damn comment. ;)


New Member
I added a pic of the af if anyone is there. its kinda blurry but u get an idea of its cola size. I'm hopin it swells before harvest but either way I'm impressed with how its flowering. Comments welcome.. Sigh


New Member
Good news! Figured out the rep deal lol so majeck got ya back with xome +rep and dagambler... Man I owe u my crop ur help literally saved it thank u my friend


Well-Known Member
Good news! Figured out the rep deal lol so majeck got ya back with xome +rep and dagambler... Man I owe u my crop ur help literally saved it thank u my friend
no problem, bro :D

you'll have to start a new journal with the new light added to the setup...

but remember that people are very LAZY... so ur gonna have to add pictures Directly to your thread ! And Bigger pictures too ! And a title that indicates Confidence ! :D