Attempt #2 Green-O-Matic in pc grow case.


So my last attempt (Which you can see in my sig) started out well enough, but things got a little messed up towards the end. I think it was due to a temp issue.
I have supped up my fans so they should provide enough ventelation.
and this week i'm running out to pick up a thermometer so i can make sure the temps check out.

the set up i am using is the same set up i used in my first grow.
a large pc case modified with 4 23 watt CFL's
3600k i think.

I'll repost the pics of the case i used in my first grow, the pic has my old plants in it. so don't be confused.

i am using what is left of my fox farm ocean forest soil. i had enough for 2 more pots worth which is just enough.

i have tiger bloom which i wont be using till about week 2. we'll see how it goes tho.

I am using the same green-o-matics i was using last grow.

I have just started to germ the seeds in water.
i have them submerged in water since it worked pretty well last time.

I would like to attempt to get some seeds off this grow, but they are both feminized,
so if anyone has any experience with forcing some male parts id love to hear from you!



Well, one of the seeds popped so i planted it.
i also planted the other, just cause.
i only had the 2 seeds left, so if the one doesn't pop for some reason its not like im wasting the space.

i do have one seed of lemon kush that i got for free, but the green-o-matics are auto-flower, and i dont want to mix em because of the light schedule.


wow, today is gonna be rough on my little sprouts,
its about 98 f outside. says 'feels like 102 f'
and my AC is acting up, the compressor overheats so it shuts down to cool off once in a while...
i really need a new AC.

so for the moment i shut down the lights in the case in an attempt to keep the case cooler.
i really wish i werent unemployed so i could just go buy a new better AC.


i like how u use the hardrive and cd housing as risers lol
lol, thanks. i didnt have anything around that would be tall enough to hold the plants high enough, but also small enough to fit in the case.
then i realised i just stripped stuff out that was perfect.

thanks for taking a look at the grow.


Hey everyone!

sorry i haven't posted anything for a long while.
my mother passed away a few weeks ago, and i moved so things have been nuts around here.

one plant died sadly. what happened was that when my mother was taken to the hospital cops were all over the house.
so i went and unplugged the lights so it didn't attract any attention. and i didnt get back to the house for about 5 days.
so they were without light for 5 days, one didn't fair so well. and when i plugged the lights back it, she just dried up and died. she was stressed before so i think it was just to much.

the other was barely affected, wasn't droopy or anything, still nice and green.
it didn't grow when the lights were off, but it didn't seem to have hurt her much.

But this journal is not dead! i still have the one plant goin strong.

i will try to get some picture if i can find my camera. i don't know where anything is right now.


Active Member
Anything new?
I just ordered green-o-matic and cant wait to get started...
Ur first grow came out bad ass I think,sure it might have been a little ealry but it def looked good,
What was ur yeild per plant in the first grow?