Attempt 1 at a Perpetual Harvest


Active Member
Hey there everyone! So for the last few weeks we have been harvesting 1 plant every 2 weeks! The yields have not been amazing, but the potency is right up there with the medication we get from local collectives. We have been really lazy due to the amount of trimming we have to do and basic upkeep of our entire grow so we don't have all the pictures we should, but plan on having a "bud porn photo shoot". For now these are some pictures we took last night of a harvest. The strain is actually ???? we call it "Magic Amazing Seed"! The aroma is sweet like blue dream, has density like bubba and a growth structure that has us clueless. Over all this is one of our favorite plants so far also do to the ease of trimming it. It should make some great b.h.o oil so we are looking forward to that.




Active Member
Looking delicious man. 1 plant every 2 weeks. Sounds pretty fuckin nice. One of these days I want to go perpetual. Soon. Soon.. Lookin forward to the photo shoot. :weed:


Active Member
Looking delicious man. 1 plant every 2 weeks. Sounds pretty fuckin nice. One of these days I want to go perpetual. Soon. Soon.. Lookin forward to the photo shoot. :weed:
Thanks bro! Yeah this was the low end of the perpetual harvest so when it is going full steam it will be 6 x 12"-16" flowered clones and 1 x 2' flowered plant every 2 weeks. It is a lot of work keeping a perpetual grow going, but it is well worth it.


Active Member
The last plant is amazing. How long into flowering is that?
I'd say about 8 was just vegging at a time when we had a light malfunction and only 1 out of 4 bulbs was working, so it stretched a lot. But the buds were all pretty substantial, nice and chunky!


Active Member
I'm subd. Mine is pretty small atm, only 4 weeks old. Looking forward to outdoor it as soon as possible, can't grow it in the house since i'm livin' with my dad -.-' . He found out about it and told me to eitehr destroy it or donate it, but i kept it, and it's looking good atm .


Active Member
Well, it's just about time for outdoor plants to get ready to go...lucky you; we have such a short period of warm weather that it's not practical to try and grow outdoors. Good luck with that!

We'll be posting some more pics a couple more ready to harvest and some new clones going into flower. We will do an update soon!


Active Member
I'm subd. Mine is pretty small atm, only 4 weeks old. Looking forward to outdoor it as soon as possible, can't grow it in the house since i'm livin' with my dad -.-' . He found out about it and told me to eitehr destroy it or donate it, but i kept it, and it's looking good atm .
don't let him find it and destroy it!!


Active Member
oh well , it just turned out that out of 2 plants 1 is a male and the other one ( healthier bigger and much more leaves ) is a female . Migrated the male outdoor 4-5 minutes walk time to the spot. Not to much sun but he's growing .He lost almost his first leaf , probablly eaten by a snail , but else it's looking good. Female started to smell yesterday and it's looking good, don't know what i'll do about it tho.. can't keep it 2 much longer in house, it's starting to get big nd i just can't keep hiding it in the closet :D I'll keep you posted guys, btw sub'd to this topic :)


Active Member
Just realized how long it's been since we posted on our grow thread! lol....haven't had anything too big harvested lately, but we have our first big UK Cheese about 3-4 weeks from chop, and it is looking NICE! Here are a couple of pics....the funny thing about this plant is how it seems to have lst'd itself with the weight of the nugs! Now all the lower nugs are growing up and swelling a lot more than they would have! So, note to all who grow or may grow UK Cheese.....don't worry about training her just feed her right and she will train herself! We'll try to keep updating more as we get closer to chop; her sister isn't far behind in flower and we got a couple more getting ready to chop, so yeah, try to keep ya'll posted!



Active Member
Just unzipped the tent (it's lights out right now) and took a couple quick shots of the sleeping ladies....the two smaller plants in the blue bin are a biker og and a blophish, both about 5 weeks into flower. The bigger ones are all UK Cheese, 2, 4, and almost 6 wks into flower.



Active Member
Oops, lol....I put a whole bunch of pics of the blowphish and biker and NONE of the others! Shouldn't have smoked so much before posting, huh? are a couple more!



Well-Known Member
how's the system been pullin for you guys? how'd the cheese chop? btw, didn't see anything on how those clones turned out. was it just temp? was the soil too hot? yeah, mad questions lol. all subbed up bud! :)