Attempt 1 at a Perpetual Harvest


Active Member
Hey there, just started my first round of what will hopefully work out as a perpetual harvest! Just moved to a new house a few months ago, and got one good grow under my belt. Now I have decided to keep plants in different stages to see if I can harvest every few weeks. We shall see!

For the seedlings/clones, I have:
2 2' full spectrum florescent bulbs
1 heat mat

For Vegging:
1 150W HPS
1 6" inline fan

For Flowering:
1 3'x3'x6' Grow tent
1 600W HPS with air cooled hood
2 6" inline fans
1 6" carbon filter
1 4" clip fan

At the moment, since I don't have anything flowering, I have the veg chamber in the grow tent. But when this round is ready to flower I will be moving the 150W into the closet. I will divide the closet into 2 chambers using a foam board since I keep the babies on a 24 hour cycle with the florescents and I veg with a 18-6 cycle. Here are some pics of the setup for the moment:


So, on to the STRAINS!! Right now, in the Veg chamber, I have:
1 Purple Kush clone (middle)
4 Purple OG's

I just topped the four OG's today; they are in their 2nd week of veg. As for the babies, I have:
1 Strawberry Web
3 "Mystery" seeds - I got them from a "free kush gram" from a collective on 8 Bill Maher (LA Confidential/Jack Herrer) seeds

The Bill Maher's were just put into rock wool yesterday. Once those are getting ready to go into soil I will start germinating some Master/Bubba seeds and some Chem D/Bubba seeds (is it obvious I had a bubba male last crop? first attempt at breeding). I might try taking some clones of the Purp's before they go into flowering, just to try my hand at it, but what I REALLY want to clone is the Bill's a cross between my favorite Indica and my favorite Sativa, can't wait to try it!!!



Active Member

I like your enthusiasm man. I can tell your fucking stoked to grow some dank weed. You've got a respectable setup. How is the heat in your tent with the 600W. You've got the beginnings of some super duper dank ass weed man. I'd split a splif with u anytime man.


Active Member
So, now that you've seen the setup/babies, let's talk a bit about the growing conditions. We live at a high elevation with a very cold and dry climate. We've managed to keep the humidity at about 20-30% by putting bowls of water in the grow room, and with winter coming the humidity has raised quite a bit, from the usual 13 or so to about 26 when there's a storm. In the summer, with the first grow, heat was a bit of a problem, which was solved by adding more intake fans. Now, the cold might be an issue, but I have a plug in heater if need be. The heat mat for the seedlings and babies helps a lot too.

I am using Fox Farm soils for this grow...a mixture of Ocean Floor and Light Warrior. I mixed some hydroton rocks with a ratio of 2 1/2 -1, Ocean floor - Light warrior. Seems to be working well. For previous grows, as with this one, I am using Dyna Grow nutrients for Vegging and Dyna Bloom for Flowering. Once those run out I will be trying out Fox Farm Nutes, cause I hear nothing but good things about those. Dyna Grow has served me well for all of my previous grows, though, so it's not like I'm changing brands because of need, just curious to see if they will be different at all.

So things should go well. I am really excited to see how the Purple strains are going to turn out, considering it will be VERY cold by the time they are flowering. My last grow turned out some CRAZY colors on the Chem D, which I didn't know could be a purple strain. Here are some pics of the choice nuggies from my last it a preview of the beautiful nugs to come in the next few months!

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Active Member

I like your enthusiasm man. I can tell your fucking stoked to grow some dank weed. You've got a respectable setup. How is the heat in your tent with the 600W. You've got the beginnings of some super duper dank ass weed man. I'd split a splif with u anytime man.
The heat got almost to 90 a couple times in the summer, but I was able to fight that with more fans and by keeping the light on at night, off during the day. I would also leave the tent and the door to the grow room open when the light was on. Managed to keep the temps right around 78 for the most part. Might have slowed the flowering a tiny bit but not enough to affect the quality of the buds! Feeling the affects of the quality as I type, as a matter of fact!

Thanks for the interest, man, keep an eye out cause I'll be posting more pics shortly!!


Active Member

The babies are doing well. The 3 Mystery seeds and Strawberry Web are getting some good roots, so I will be putting them into soil in the next couple of days. I will leave them under the florescents until they have a little bit of size to them, then into Veg they go! So they will be about 3 weeks behind the Purps that are vegging now. And with the Bill Maher's on their way to sprouting, I'll have another batch about 3-4 weeks behind the Mystery plants. If all works out well, I will germinate some more seeds in about a week or two. More pics to come once the babies have a new home, and I'll post some of the topped plants when they wake up:clap:


Active Member
Okay, it's a bit overdue, but here is an update!

The Purples are doing great, the 4 I topped are taking off and have a lot of growth since my last pics. Two of my mystery seeds are well rooted and the other mystery seed and the Strawberry Web are in soil in their starter pots. I have all of these in the veg chamber now. I'm a bit concerned that I can see roots coming out the bottom on the Purps...they are in 3 gallon pots and still barely a month old, so they shouldn't be crowded just yet. I'm thinking they are just loving the soil and spreading all throughout it. If anyone thinks I should maybe transfer them can you let me know? Thanks!

As for the seedlings, 8 of the 10 cracked, and now 2 of the 8 are out of the rockwool and 1 is almost out. So things are going well...still not sure what I am going to be starting next but it's a close race between the Bubba, Chem D, and Blue Dream (all mixed with Bubba, actually). Might just do a couple of each. I'm hoping I can get a male from the Chem D seeds, because the female seems to carry a hermie trait. I'm thinking if I can get a male I can try mixing it with a clone that I KNOW won't be a hermie....maybe get a nice hybrid with Chem D traits....we shall see!
In the meantime, here are some pics of the crop thus far. Ideally, I will be starting flowering on a few within the next month!


By the way, this is my first attempt at a perpetual harvest, and I'm pretty sure I'm staggering it well, but if anyone has any suggestions I would love to hear them! The way I figure it, I am just going to make sure I send new plants into flowering every 3-4 weeks, so I can hopefully harvest once a month. Would be nice!

More posts/pics to come shortly!


Active Member
The plants I have in veg are showing LOTS of growth...they are getting taller and spreading out a LOT! Gonna have to rethink my setup inside the tent to keep the bigger gals from shading the smaller ones. The purples are all looking NICE...and are between 5 1/2" and 6 1/2"....probably going to flower them when they reach about 13"-15". A couple of them look like they are perfectly happy being shorter and are MUCH bushier. Pics to come later on today when they wake up!

As for the seeds, so far only 3 are showing real promising signs. 2 of them will be ready to transfer to their starter pots in about a week. 1 or 2 more might sprout, but unfortunately the rest are starting to look a bit brown on the shoot, so I get the feeling they are dead :(. But, considering I only spent $40 on the pack, I'd say 4 plants will be worth it! Hoping at least 1 will be a good candidate for a mother, than it will REALLY be worth it! Just a side note.... I'm not saying the quality of the seeds had anything to do with more not sprouting, I blame it on the cold temps here...they are on a heat mat but the air temps drop VERY low at times.

Final part of the update: I have started to germinate 10 more seeds....5 Blue Dreams and 5 Chem D's. I really want to have some more Chem D's to flower when it is still cold, because the color I got on my last plant was AWESOME! Gonna take full advantage of the temps here to try and make some crazy looking crops!

More Updates and Pics to follow shortly!


Active Member
Okay, a day late, but here are some pics of how the crop is looking now. All of the plants in Veg have the most vibrant green color to them...looking very healthy! It's hard to get really good pics with them under the hps, but you should still be able to see all the new growth and a BIG difference since last week! The bigger plants are in their 3rd week of veg, and the smaller ones are barely in their second. The smaller ones started vegging at a much smaller size than the older ladies, but they are growing a lot every day. Loving the change I see every day!


More updates to come soon!


Active Member
So, the plants are looking lovely! There is a LOT of growth; I'm noticing a difference every day! The seedlings are doing well now, too...only 3 of the 10 ended up sprouting, but they are growing well and roots are starting to show coming out of the rockwool. The only problem is it looks like my first attempt at cloning may fail....and I don't know why! If anyone has any suggestions please let me know. I took the cuttings about 3 days ago and today they are VERY droopy. I used Olivia's cloning gel and used the plastic bottle method....planted the clones in fox farm soil in the bottom of a water bottle, then used the top of the bottle as a humidity dome. It is just today that they showed signs of sadness....well, if this doesn't work out, I will keep trying!!
Anyone have advice on cloning???


Now, on to happier things! Here are the most recent pics of my plants in veg. They are from 2 days ago so they look VERY different now...once I have charged my camera I will have new pics. Looking good though!


More updates shortly!!


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Well, I have to say I'm a little disappointed I didn't get anyone offering advice on clones, but I am happy to say that the clones are starting to spring back. I had always been warned not to water too much, but I guess I wasn't quite watering them enough. Now that I mist them at least twice a day, they have started to come back to life! Still waiting to see if they will actually root and grow, but for now things look good!

Just wanted to mention that ALL COMMENTS/ADVICE are welcomed! Have a few grows under my belt but am trying this perpetual harvest and cloning thing for the first time. Any feedback would be GREATLY appreciated! Thanks....more updates to come soon!



Active Member
Too much Testosterone!

A couple of weeks ago, I put the 4 purple og's and 1 purple kush clone into flower, and sadly, ALL FOUR purple og's ended up being males! What are the odds? Would have liked to grow them out and collect the pollen, but since the clone is being grown for a collective, I couldn't risk any of the pollen making it's way to that plant. So it was chop chop for them!
I have placed the remaining mystery seeds, strawberry web, and Bill Maher's into flower so I can sex them. If they prove themselves to be female I am going to revert them back to veg and let them grow bigger. Getting ready to start a new system, one that will allow me to have a harvest every 2 weeks using clones and bubbleponics systems. I already took quite a few clones from the purple kush and will put them in to flower as soon as they are rooted. We need something to harvest soon! lol...took quite a hit on those males.
I will be starting a new grow journal as soon as I get the rest of the equipment I need for my new setup. Until then, here are some pics of the purple kush getting ready to go back into flowering on Monday (she was removed from the tent when I saw signs of pollen sacs on the other plants). She has been cloned, trimmed on the bottom for air flow, and tied down so she'll have a LOT of colas. Lovely little lady if I do say so myself!!



Vegging plants look great. I cant wait to see them in flower. We tried to put a batch of clones into flower as soon as they rooted. Our experience was not a great one. The yield was very low. We have a new batch of clones that we gave 2 weeks of veg and they have gotten bigger than we thought they would. It was a strain that we knew gained some height during flower but still they got bigger than we thought. I would say veg for like half that if the strain is known to stretch during flower and I would veg at least a week and a half for strains that tend not to. I am interested to see what the yield on the new batch is going to be. I love to have the tall fat girls, but if the yield is high enough a sog might be a better use of space.


Active Member
Hey Arthor, thanks for your interest! We currently have two clones in flower, about 3 wks from harvest. They went into flower right after they rooted and are now about 10" tall, with nice fat nugs growing! Worked out better than we thought it would! So, first experiment a success! Here's a couple of pics; of the clones and the larger clone we vegged for about 1 1/2 months. Enjoy!

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Oh yeah, and here's a couple shots of the inside of the flower a few Blue Dream/Bubba, Purple Kush, and a Bill Maher.
