Atlantadirect's first grow DWC closet


Well-Known Member
I was just looking at the last pics that I posted and at my plants and I thought that they looked different enough to warrant posting more pics. White hairs are popping up in ever increasing density all over my three females. I tried to get a couple of pictures that showed that. Also, I am still playing the dangerous waiting game with my one male; try to collect the pollen to soon and I won't get any but if I wait to long it will pollinate everything, neither is a consequence I would like to face.



Well-Known Member
Well, it happened. My one male snuck open four or five little pods over night so I chopped him down this morning. I cut the rest of his pods off into a jar to collect the rest of the pollen. Hopefully the amount of pollen he released over night wasn't too substantial and I'll still get some sinsemilla bud, but I'm skeptical. Oh well, I'll have plenty of seeds to try again with at least. Live and learn.

Tomorrow is a reservoir change day. I'll take some pics of the ladies after the change. They are looking big and the flowers are starting to coalesce. The fruits of my labor are beginning to materialize after many weeks of patience.


Well-Known Member

Just stopped in to say hello! Looks like your plants are thriving, that gives me great confidence to finally begin my own - I have most of the supplies but I still need a PPM pen and that anti-root rot solution, any idea the name? ( sorry being lazy its late).
I'm considering going 2 DWC, and 2 foxfarm to compare / contrast.

Keep us posted, I'll be following closely.



Well-Known Member
@Lounge: I'm glad I could help bolster your confidence and that you have decided to grow. As for the PPM pen and the anti-root rot solution; I don't have any fancy sort of anti-root rot solution, I use simple 3% H2O2 that you can find at any CVS/Walgreens/Target/ect, and I don't have a PPM pen (I do have a pH pen) so I have just been following the instructions on the bottles of my GH 3 part nutes. I started with 10% of GH's recommended dosages and I have worked my plants up to 100%. Next week I will try 110%. I think a PPM pen would be a great tool and some people say it is necessary for hydroponics, but it wasn't in my budget this go round and I've managed to get by without it. I like your idea of comparing 2 DWC vs. 2 foxfarm plants, those sorts of comparisons are always useful to the community I feel.

I changed the reservoir today. I replaced the old 8 gallons with a fresh 8 gallons of sat-out-for-48-hours-tap water, 120 mL Florabloom, 80 mL Floramicro, 40 mL Floragro, 50 mL of H2O2, and 8 drops of Superthrive. I also did a little bit of pruning. The plants grew so thick that they really shaded a good portion of themselves and so they have a lot of scraggly little stretched out branches. And here are the pictures...

Here is a wide shot. You can see a lot of lose strings hanging around, I had the plants tied down but I unleashed them to change the reservoir.

Here are a couple of my best attempts to get pictures of the developing flower sites. The image quality ins't great, so use your imagination.

And last but not least is the heavily truncated male. I've cut most of him away. I let what I thought might be the bare minimum to survive without pollenating my ladies so that his roots wouldn't rot and sully the entire system.


Well-Known Member
Reservoir change today. I replaced the old solution with 10 gallons dH2O, 120mL Florabloom, 80mL Floramicro, 40mL Floragro, 1/4tsp Superthrive, and 20mL H2O2 (I ran out of H2O2). The plants are looking good. The male seems to be surviving the drastic pruning he recieved a week or two ago. The females have ceased growing up and out and now seem to be focusing on the budsites and becoming bushier. Some of the larger budsites are developing a crystal sheen.

The end of this grow is in sight now, only 2 or 3 more weeks. I'm excited for my first harvest and cure. I'll post some pictures of the plants tonight or tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
@Revolution101: I don't think to much pollen was released. I only found 4 or 5 cracked pods on the male before I trimmed him. What I'm more concerned about is that I discovered that one of my ladies is actually a hermie. I've only found two pollen pods on the hermie, but I think that I'm still going to truncate it like I did the male. That still leaves two healthy females, so I'm not to worried about my overall yield.

Here are some pictures. These three are of some of the budsites that are starting to beef up and get resinous.

This last one is a wide shot of the setup so you can see how much they've expanded. Also you can see in this picture that my HPS is at its max height, unless I pull the shelf out that is blocking it. The plants don't seem to be growing up as much as they are out now, however, so I don't think it will be an issue.


Well-Known Member
holy hell, you're just about over growing your light! Sorry to hear you might have to kill a fem cuz of hermie... that sucks but at least you still have enough for a good crop


Well-Known Member
Yup, overgrowing the light alright. For the next grow I plan on either buying a hydrohut or building something similar out of pvc piping. Then I'll be able to veg a bit longer and keep the light the right height.

I did a reservoir change today in the same manner I did last week, 10 gallons H2O, 120ml florabloom, 80ml floramicro, 40ml floragro, 60ml H2O2 and I realize now as I type this that I forgot to add the 10 drops of Superthrive. Ok, fixed. Superthrive added.

I don't feel super compelled to post any pictures this post, just look at the last pictures and imagine the buds a little denser and fatter. The way I figure it, I will be smoking my own stuff in less than a month. :blsmoke:

I'm not a huge fan of smileys, but I felt that one was appropriate. Until next week, signing off.


Active Member
dude u could have saved that hermie and snipped her balls off and forced her to be a lady lol really its the truth its a sex change but i dont know what im talking about because i be lying with a lion want a hit of my bong


Well-Known Member
Here is one of my bigger bud sites from a couple of weeks ago...

Here is the same budsite now...

It would have been a better comparison if I had taken the pictures from the same angle, but that didn't cross my mind until now. Here is a picture of another site that I am very pleased with...

This one is maybe as long as or a little bit longer that a 20oz coke bottle.

So I think that I'm in the final week before my harvest. I changed the reservoir today with 10 gallons H2O, 5mL floragro, 10mL floramicro, 15mL florabloom, 50mL H2O2, and ten drops of Superthrive. I didn't want to put the plants in nute free water, but I did reduce the concentration nearly ten-fold. Hopefully this will allow the plants to flush while still having access to raw materials if they need it.

I decided that I would harvest in about a week, so in anticipation of that joyous day I cut a couple of good sized buds from my plants and I have begun water curing them. That way, I'll have some home grown ready to smoke to celebrate my harvest that day instead of having to wait for them to dry and jar cure. I plan on both water curing and jar curing so that I can compare the results and see which I like better. I've heard some complaints about the results of water curing, like the pot being to smooth and/or to flavorless. We'll see if that bothers me.

If anyone has any comments on their experiences with water curing or harvesting/curing in general, I would love to hear them. Peace


Well-Known Member
So I haven't updated this in a while. Here is what happened; I harvested two weeks ago. I decided it was time and that was that. Here are some pics. I ended up getting ~7.5 oz dry from my two females and one hermie that I decided to not kill. I was very pleased with the harvest. The bud is sticky and crystally.

Yellowy, in all here glory. The last plant standing.

These are the "num nums", little pieces of bud that broke off during trimming and manicuring.

This was the biggest cola of the bunch. It yielded about 1.25 oz.

This last photo here shows 12 of the 15 jars the bud no resides in. Each jar is ~0.5oz.

Plans for the future:
I didn't kill Yellowy. I am revegging her and I will attempt to clone her in a month or two. We'll see how things go. Also, I'm going to set up a much nicer grow area and get some more wattage and grow more plants. I hope you all enjoyed following along because I enjoyed growing. Peace.

-Atlanta Direct


Well-Known Member
Nice grow man. 7.5OZ very nice yield. My soil yield sucked. Great idea with the Cooler. I might try that just had some rubbermades around the house at the time. Well I gotta roll in more ways than one....Peace