Atittude Seeds Bank shipping !?!

This is fucked man! I wonder if customs seized my package...placed my biggest order during the xmas promo! USPS Still says "We have received notice that the originating post is preparing to dispatch this mail piece." Royal Mail says " Your item has reached the destination country. Your item, posted on 08/12/12 with reference LxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxB has been passed to the overseas postal service for delivery in UNITED STATES OF AMERICA."
I just checked it today.I dont know how long it has said that. However my October order got stolen/seized. I reordered in November and it came FAST! 8 days. I reordered in December ( my biggest order of the year ) and they combined my lost October order. I just hope nothing happened. I have been ordering from attitude for quite sometime. 8 times this year with 1 lost order. Lets hope its not 2 lost orders =/ just thinking out of all the 8 times I ordered, this order was more than all of them combined and it could be lost makes me ill.....
All my last orders have arrived 8-10 days. I placed this order on Friday the 7th, it was dispatched the 7th. Royal mail Your item, posted on 08/12/12 with reference LxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxB has been passed to the overseas postal service for delivery in UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. So they sent it to the USA....USA still says We have received notice that the originating post is preparing to dispatch this mail piece. SO I think its either the time of year, being Christmas and all they could be overloaded. I'm just wondering whats up bc usually....USUALLY after Royal Mail says its here 28-48 hrs later its being processed through ISC....but why not now?
its a new person on the update for the tracking. they just went out for a smoke break because of all the xmas mail. i suggest you do the same and relax. its on its way.
originating post is the post office in your town / city... should have it in a day or two max.. :D

Um, no!

Sorry but I hate when people give bad info.

It take a day or so for attitude to get it to ipswich.
Then it says preparing for international
Then royal says processed to destination country
The lag between royal saying it shipped to usa and usps saying received is, it takes a while to cross the pond and get millions of parcels sorted.
Usps says receive notice that origin post international (being ipswich)
Then usps says received through sort facility.
Origin post is now NYC/CHI .... So it'll still be a few days.

For those who ordered the 7th. Think wed the 19., and hope for no green tape
preciate' FYI bro ! but what happen if you receive a green tape? the cops gon' bust to your door or what?

Never had that happen. So far I'm 7/7 successful with attitude. But from what I've read, nothing really. If you get green tape from customs, they opened your package, removed contraband, re packed your legal items if any, and release it for shipment. Sometimes I've heard there is a letter saying what customs seized, sometimes they say they will keep record of what they took from who at what address. For future records I guess. But since its clearly marked they are souvenirs only I think they can only take them and make notes.

Again this is all really hearsay, never had a prob. And if you paid for guaranteed shipping for your tshirt or mug, attitude will re ship
Never had that happen. So far I'm 7/7 successful with attitude. But from what I've read, nothing really. If you get green tape from customs, they opened your package, removed contraband, re packed your legal items if any, and release it for shipment. Sometimes I've heard there is a letter saying what customs seized, sometimes they say they will keep record of what they took from who at what address. For future records I guess. But since its clearly marked they are souvenirs only I think they can only take them and make notes.

Again this is all really hearsay, never had a prob. And if you paid for guaranteed shipping for your tshirt or mug, attitude will re ship

They get the Sheriffs office to do surveillance of your property and go through your trash and monitor your activity....
They get the Sheriffs office to do surveillance of your property and go through your trash and monitor your activity....
doubtful, maybe if they intercept like 5+ packages to your address. Ive read plenty of posts of people getting the letter from customs and that was that. Besides I would invite them to search my trash can, my dogs always have a few fresh bags of shit in there :)