Growth output is directly connected to the growers ability. The best nutrient line would be one you made from scratch from individual elements. You would be able to fine tune it for your specific strain.

This is simply off of most growers radar though, no one wants to make their own balanced fertilizer because they don’t believe they can do it, or don’t believe it’s worth the effort. Personally I don’t make my own but I do believe it’s possible.
Growth output is directly connected to the growers ability. The best nutrient line would be one you made from scratch from individual elements. You would be able to fine tune it for your specific strain.

This is simply off of most growers radar though, no one wants to make their own balanced fertilizer because they don’t believe they can do it, or don’t believe it’s worth the effort. Personally I don’t make my own but I do believe it’s possible.
Garbage in, garbage out. I agree, if you understand the fundamentals of growing you can put up good numbers. But I would rather pull down 2 pounds of quality bud, than 3 or 4 pounds of mids or bud that doesn't taste like it is suppose to. Some people care more about quantity than quality.
I think Athena can be used to successfully cultivate quality cannabis. Their products are clean, barely detectable, and in most cases non detectable levels of heavy metals. They use quality ingredients. I simply feel it is lacking in something with regard to finished product.

And who knows, Jungle Boys are telling us to trust the program but they might be doing a little something extra behind the curtain.
Agree on all fronts.
Hey guys new member but I would just like to add that I get their 25lb bags for 110$ that goes for any of them core/bloom/grow. I know the website says 200$ plus and some hydro stores have it that too but my local store has them for 110$. Look around.
Posts like this are what kill new growers. "Hard to believe major growers use Athena"?? Hmm, how bout Jungle Boys?? I find it hard to believe there are any bigger growers than them! They and Athena formulated the line for cannabis only. Not like other brands that say that but were originally formulated for northern European indoor crops and modified for cannabis. As for "you can get all this stuff at Home Depot" for pennies compared to a professional line, go ahead and give it a go. Buckle up, cause your gonna have deficiencies up the ass until take a botany class, or finally figure it out via trial and error and extreme hair loss! These lines are ridiculously researched and formulated for consistency. Do they cost more? Well if your worried about nute costs, then your doing wrong! They work! Period!
athena is Jungle boys, they didnt develop anything, check out and you will see where they got their ideas