Athena Ag Nutrients

Hey guys im thinking of using the pro line, what are some pros and cons about it, hows it stack up to the competition, where would you rate it
Not yet. I think I’ve found the problem though. I’m 99% sure I have brown slime algae so I’ve been brewing bennie tea for the past 2 days and I’m about to strain it and add it in. So we’ll see how that goes.
I'm running DWC for a year now, I'm about to switch from Bionova to Athena (I highly recommend Bionova I'm not at all disappointed and I love the results and taste due it's being 100% organic and their Hydro line is amazing ! Their most expensive product is Silution whichis 40€ 250ml but you use 2ml/10L and it's some silic acid) anyway.... i was saying sometimes my slime when i started growing I'm DWC was because of the clay peebles and not nutrients , even when I cleaned the peebles in ph6 water for 3 days now I purchased 25kg of little white rocks for 10€ and swapped them with the peebles , they leave no dust, and then I covered the tops of the nets with aluminum paper to block light (because if you fill the net to the top later in flower lifting the buckets cover with 1kg of rocks is gonna be a challenge so no need to fill rocks to the top) check my Instagram @indoorgrowpt_
I'm running DWC for a year now, I'm about to switch from Bionova to Athena (I highly recommend Bionova I'm not at all disappointed and I love the results and taste due it's being 100% organic and their Hydro line is amazing ! Their most expensive product is Silution whichis 40€ 250ml but you use 2ml/10L and it's some silic acid) anyway.... i was saying sometimes my slime when i started growing I'm DWC was because of the clay peebles and not nutrients , even when I cleaned the peebles in ph6 water for 3 days now I purchased 25kg of little white rocks for 10€ and swapped them with the peebles , they leave no dust, and then I covered the tops of the nets with aluminum paper to block light (because if you fill the net to the top later in flower lifting the buckets cover with 1kg of rocks is gonna be a challenge so no need to fill rocks to the top) check my Instagram @indoorgrowpt_
Forgot to mention that the silic acid when you put 2ml/10L in the 15/18L DWC buckets that I use, instantly I start getting foam on the not or mor like very small bubbles but in a very big amount in the top of the water, and it lasts for like 3 days before it vanishes, that's the silic acid, it's super awesome anti stress, males plants eat like a motherf**** and it's freaking awesome
Wouldn't that depend on size and stage?
Yes and no, all depends on what dryback cycle u want to aim for really. We run athena proline at 3-3.2ec from clone to finish. Never change a beat on the watering. Getting technical tou can shoot for 30% drybacks and feed 4 times at lights on and thats it.

So yea u guess there is more to it forsure lol.
Yes and no, all depends on what dryback cycle u want to aim for really. We run athena proline at 3-3.2ec from clone to finish. Never change a beat on the watering. Getting technical tou can shoot for 30% drybacks and feed 4 times at lights on and thats it.

So yea u guess there is more to it forsure lol.
Do you get a runoff? Twice a day and only two minutes wouldn't allow any runoff on mine and E.C. would build up in the root zone for sure
Do you get a runoff? Twice a day and only two minutes wouldn't allow any runoff on mine and E.C. would build up in the root zone for sure

Yes, just increase the flow volume and run in 3x3 blocks in 1g coco bags. Also only vegged for 14 or so days
I use Athena I switched from heavy 16 love Athena I use the blended line not the pro line and will not switch don’t care about price I care about my plants and they love some Athena my first run with Athena this what I got
I just started using Athena Blended Line on a trio of fems I just dropped:
In only 6 days since drop, these are probably the biggest seedlings I've had so far. I doubt that's due to the nutrients, these are also good genetics (HSC Jelly Rancher) so we'll see what kind of progress they make.
Hey guys! I wonder why athena offer according to the instructions such a high EC from the beginning to the last weeks. Target is 3 EC and sometimes even more %)
In comparison with my fertilisers the consumption is two times higher & I am also worried about the plants health.
I understand that they do a great job with Instagram ads among the top growers with perfect growing conditions and full of co2 rooms. BUT these are simple salts at a price several times more expensive and even with double the consumption of powder.
I don't want to offend anyone but what's the trick? Are there any reports of two identical projects but on different fertilizers? Jacks also offer simple salts in powder with much lower price and normal EC feeding chart. :|
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Hey guys! I wonder why athena offer according to the instructions such a high EC from the beginning to the last weeks. Target is 3 EC and sometimes even more %)
In comparison with my fertilisers the consumption is two times higher & I am also worried about the plants health.
I understand that they do a great job with Instagram ads among the top growers with perfect growing conditions and full of co2 rooms. BUT these are simple salts at a price several times more expensive and even with double the consumption of powder.
I don't want to offend anyone but what's the trick? Are there any reports of two identical projects but on different fertilizers? Jacks also offer simple salts in powder with much lower price and normal EC feeding chart. :|

Athena is much cleaner than other powdered nutes I have used. I was also afraid to run it at such a high ec, but I am, and my plants are loving it. No burn whatsoever.
Athena is much cleaner than other powdered nutes I have used. I was also afraid to run it at such a high ec, but I am, and my plants are loving it. No burn whatsoever.
What do you mean when you say cleaner? What other fertilizers contain? Aren't other large companies certified and controlled to match the content indicated on the package? And if the product is cleaner, you need less of it than more, don't you? :)
Sorry again. Just want to figure out what works better in fertilizer - marketing or formula. So as not to sound totally nerdy, sooner or later I will make one run with Athena. 8-)
Сannabis industry is booming right now , many companies manage to sell simple things at a very high price.
Hey guys! I wonder why athena offer according to the instructions such a high EC from the beginning to the last weeks. Target is 3 EC and sometimes even more %)
In comparison with my fertilisers the consumption is two times higher & I am also worried about the plants health.
I understand that they do a great job with Instagram ads among the top growers with perfect growing conditions and full of co2 rooms. BUT these are simple salts at a price several times more expensive and even with double the consumption of powder.
I don't want to offend anyone but what's the trick? Are there any reports of two identical projects but on different fertilizers? Jacks also offer simple salts in powder with much lower price and normal EC feeding chart. :|
I could be wrong about this but aren't most Athena users in UK/Europe? I seem to recall others saying that Jack's is hard to find there, so Athena is the closest alternative, though much more expensive. I've seen it for sale in the USA but there is no way I'd use it over Jack' you said these are simple salts, probably from the same sources, and as far as how "clean" they are, Jack's a/b tests extremely low for all heavy metals, below detectable levels in most cases.
What do you mean when you say cleaner? What other fertilizers contain? Aren't other large companies certified and controlled to match the content indicated on the package? And if the product is cleaner, you need less of it than more, don't you? :)
Sorry again. Just want to figure out what works better in fertilizer - marketing or formula. So as not to sound totally nerdy, sooner or later I will make one run with Athena. 8-)
Сannabis industry is booming right now , many companies manage to sell simple things at a very high price.

I run an aeroponics setup, and after my first run with Athena, my equipment that is usually covered in scale from GH Flora nutes was clean as a whistle. I can see the difference in clarity when I mix my reservoirs. And where I used to have to replace clogged air stones every week, I now only change them out once a month. And not because they are clogged, I just figure I should. And you can push your ec to the max without worrying about burning your plants. Thats a good thing. Unless you enjoy getting mediocre results.

While all of these nutes are derived from salts, not all salts are derived from the same source.