Atheist Evolution FAIL


Undercover Mod
It's the people who slander science the most who question their own faith.

You think you are proving yourself right by posting ambiguous stuff like this.

Richard Dawkins only expresses the fact that science has yet to answer the question of the origin of the single cell developing. When in the bible it claims that humans were created by the hand of god and no talk of plants or animals existing before around 8000 years ago.

I think calling the design of the cell intelligent creation is slanderous to your own beliefs because the bible would be lies.


Undercover Mod
Who would ever believe that religion is founded on lies?

Besides the fact that rich jews wrote the bible (old testament, not the new testament) to begin with?


Well-Known Member
It's the people who slander science the most who question their own faith.

You think you are proving yourself right by posting ambiguous stuff like this.
I've thought the same thing about this weed4cash kid. You know how they say that the ones who protest the fastest and loudest about homosexuality might have some latent homo feelings that scare them and make them react that way... Makes me wonder if this kid has some doubts deep down about his magic, holy spirits, and that's why he feels the need to hang around a growing forum shouting about how right his beliefs are. I'd think people who are confident in their beliefs wouldn't need to constantly tell everyone (and reassure themselves) how right they are.


I am absolutely 100% certain God doesn't exist, any one who believes a fictional character created the World with his magic wand should be in the Hallucinatory Substances forum.!


Well-Known Member
bible = archive of ancient cults.

not the word of one god, but the word of hundreds.

jesus is horus. both born to a virgin mother heralded by the morning star. horus father is called jo-seph, both births announced by angels and witnessed by shephards, both baptised in a river by a man who was subsequently beheaded. horus died chained to a tree. and they celebrated his birth by carrying a manger around town on dec 21...... horus was worshipped for thousands of years before the alleged birth of jesus of nazareth.....


Moderatrix of Journals
I've thought the same thing about this weed4cash kid. You know how they say that the ones who protest the fastest and loudest about homosexuality might have some latent homo feelings that scare them and make them react that way... Makes me wonder if this kid has some doubts deep down about his magic, holy spirits, and that's why he feels the need to hang around a growing forum shouting about how right his beliefs are. I'd think people who are confident in their beliefs wouldn't need to constantly tell everyone (and reassure themselves) how right they are.
this is how i feel about pretty much any religiosity with an evangelical, "non-believers go to hell" aspect about it.
i mean, i was raised in a buddhist family with 6 hells and 1 heaven, and you have to earn your way through the 6 levels of hell to reach "enlightenment" as they call it after which point your soul no longer needs to be reincarnated, so whether you 'believe' or not, chances are you're going to hell first. i don't know if i necessarily believe in all that anymore, but i do find it interesting that by-and-large, your average buddhist doesn't burden his/her soul worrying about which hell their neighbour or colleague is going to.
i think all manner of "my way or the highway, hurry and save your soul before it's too late"-style religious/spiritual belief, whether it's the zit-faced jw 'elders' that seem to come out with the spring weather, or the old folks out on the corner with their 'watchtower', essentially implies "i need other people to believe what i believe in order to feel reassured in those beliefs, please help me".


Well-Known Member
Wow, there are sure a lot of stupid fucks on this forum who don't even know what the hell they're even talking about. Atheism is to say you don't believe in a God, yet the only thing I see here is a bunch of equally retarded fucks talking out of their ass and showing no actual proof that the bible is full of shit. Do you people know what a debate is? Do you understand the concept behind showing real factual evidence of ANYTHING, otherwise your opinions will be shot down? No, I see a bunch of ``hahaha people who believe in God are dumb and insecure and atheists are just in denial and blah blah`` shut the fuck up.
i brought up some very specific points of contention and am currently waiting for the troll OP to respond :D good day!

"bible = archive of ancient cults.

not the word of one god, but the word of hundreds.

jesus is horus. both born to a virgin mother heralded by the morning star. horus father is called jo-seph, both births announced by angels and witnessed by shephards, both baptised in a river by a man who was subsequently beheaded. horus died chained to a tree. and they celebrated his birth by carrying a manger around town on dec 21...... horus was worshipped for thousands of years before the alleged birth of jesus of nazareth....."


Active Member
No I am not a random douche, I am an adult without childish fantasies about God floating around in the Sky, don't make comments about me you fucking retard, I look at facts and base my decision on them... How dare you make comments about me, wankers like you ruin forums.

Mental handicap...? Go back to your fantasy world freak. Just because someone doesn't believe in your fantasy it doesn't make them handicapped. I look at SCIENTIFIC FACT, not some made up crap in a bible.
I find it funny you actually responded, "No I am not a random douche." lol

Anyways, even considering SCIENTIFIC FACT (making it caps makes it better!) one cannot be 100% sure that a God does or does not exist. You'd have to take a leap of faith either way.
Please, take a hit, and stop using the term "stupid". It makes you sound stupid.
As do your arguments..

1) Everyone may perceive colours slightly differently, but we all know that colours are there.

2) Believing that the sky is orange is known as a bizarre-delusion. You would be diagnosed by a doctor as delusional, to the padded cell end of the spectrum. Seriously.

I too believe that there is infinitely more to our existance than we can comprehend.

But the faiths of this world.. are beyond a joke (I know, sadly, from being raised in a super catholic family) and need to be dismissed entirely before we can fully progress as a race.

Religions actively held back the world scientifically and spiritually (killing scientists and philosiphers, calling their work "evil")

WHY is it only when people have nothing left, that they "find" religion?

A: Because they are looking for comfort and a sense of purpose to validate their lives.

alternatively, they are looking for a community that will accept them.. As the church always says, "Everyone is welcome".

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Holy shit! Some people were tricked almost 100 years ago. I think science has come a long way since the time hoaxes like those would fool anyone.