Ok...how the hell do you get in an argument with Johnny O? He's one of the nicest guys on this forum. I don't agree with some of the things he does,mostly a few points in politics, I think, but we've always been able to disagree civilly.
Babs, damn, if CJ really pisses you off so much, ignore him. Why not challenge the ideas you oppose, instead of all the name calling?
As for the being one's own god, I believe I'm originally the gal who said that...and I explained, it doesn't mean a god in an omnipotent or holy sense, but that I am the master of my own destiny,and that I don't recognize any outside entity or force guiding me on my path. That's not arrogance,it's just truth.It's accepting responsibility for one's own successes and failures,and realizing that the only way to move forward is through action on your own behalf.
Now, you've got just as much right to be in this thread challenging the views expressed as we atheists do in any other spiritual thread.But if all you're doing is calling people names and posting angry remarks with little substance, that's not exactly representing your position in a positive light.