at what age did you first get High ?


Well-Known Member
I was 11 when I first tried to smoke it. I stole it from my pops...looking back I took way too much...he probably noticed the missing stash. I've still never told him about it now that we smoke together! But he had to know...I took a one hitter some roach clips and a bunch of papers so yeah...he had to know. Even funnier than that is how I smoked for the first time. I didn't know anyhting at all about it......buuut I had remembered watching the movie Romancing The Stone, and they found a plane wreck that was full of smoke. The guy made a fire out of it to keep warm and stuck his head over the fire and inhaled. So, thats what I did. I stole enough to light a freakin fire and and tried to huff the smoke lol. It worked too! but I didn't smoke regularly until 14


Infected With Chronicitus
I was 16, but didn't start smoking regularly until I got outta high school at 18.


Active Member
I was 17 when I first got high. I didn't know how it worked so I smoked more than half of a joint. All I remember is the tv was pulsing and then I just fell asleep.


Well-Known Member
I was 14 grew up in a little redneck town in Maryland. Yes I am a huge redneck, its whatever though lol. I still remember that day. We were all riding our four wheelers down here at the Local Dump when everyone took a break. The other two guys I was with started smoking a bowl. They asked if I wanted in with them. Me being a nice little boy at the time I was scared hahahha. So timidly I gave in and smoked with them. Never smoking out of a bowl with a rush hole before I was confused as shit. But got a great high. I was doing wheelies, hitting jumps, and just going faster then I had in the past. Ever since then I was hooked. At 15 when I started high school I started to sell up in this area to fund my oh so great smoking/ Being so young and only making 70 bucks a week at my job I couldn't really afford to just smoke, so I sold. I remember selling like nickel bags at first hahaha. then in less then two months I was top dude in my town moving a lot. Enough to fund my habbit as much as I could smoke and then some, well and then a lot! Being the greedy money grubbing bastard I am, I kept going about my ways, smoking every morning before school, at lunch during school, and all evening while I was driving around dropping of peoples orders. I maintained a 3.0 GPA throughout high school and even though I got in trouble for selling I owe all those good grades to weed. I could've never made it otherwise. Everyone pissed me off soooo bad, its the only thing that kept me sain. Anywho make a long story short.

Senior year I got busted, it was my fault I fucked up big time. Me and a good friend of mine were going up to Ski Liberty for some Skiing, my treat. Before we left I made a mental note to take my backpack with the "stuff" out of the car because theres no reason to be driving with that much shit up to ski liberty which is over an hour away. Well stupid me got side tracked, and forgot to take the backpack out of that car. I thought I did but I didn't. I got a call from a customer who wanted a very large amount and I would be profiting close to 1000. I told him I would be there in 30 minutes and we hadn't even taken our boots off yet lol. Coming home I was doing 100 through Tawny Town in a 40 zone. Cop clocked me and pulled me over. Searched the car without my consent cause he said I ran from them? WTF?????!!!!! Found the bag I forgot to take out. Adn the rest is the rest.

Moral Of this story? Don't sell just smoke. Or if you sell don't drive with it. Meet your people at the local quickie mart and walk there for god sake lol.

So I got kicked out my high school my senior year with only 2 months left in the semester there was no time to fight the action legally.

I got put into a private "work at your own progress" learning program at Gateway which is basically the bad kids school lol.

The first day I went in there I was soooo ripped. All I remember the dude saying to me was. Read these grammar pages on the computer, and complete the tests givin. My favriote line of his was the following. "And the most advanced student we have had finished this program in 2 weeks". The program was designed for the average kid to take approximately 2 months to 3 months.

well, being the swindler/weesle/stoner I am. I smoke a lot before I went in, didn't read the pages I was supposed to because each section (all 20 of them) was like 4 pages long in 12 font lol. So I just took the tests. I could take each test in 15 minutes. Well I finished them all in 2 days and passed with a 92.5% A hahahha. I laughed walking out of that place. And I still have that paper on my wall in my bedroom.

Even though I am only 18 now I love smoking. Any of the younger audience on here (14-whatever) that doesn't smoke on a daily basis should really consider it. Before I smoked I was just your average dude, just me not much more hahah. Now that I've been smoking every day for four year I have graduated my high school with honors (even though I was forbid to walk the stage grrrrrr). I have almost completed building a second house for me on my parents property, started a successful roofing company that in 1 year grossed more profits then my cousins roofing company who has been in business for 6 years. I recently took over management of there company and my older cousin now works for me. The list goes on, this is just a small piece of the pie.

Now that my jaws broken I can't get out to the jobs with the guys anymore which kind of bums me out. But they know theres nothing I can do and I still take them out to eat so they don't really care lol.

I hope this inspires some young kid out there who doesn't know what to do.

Just remember stay out of trouble. I got in trouble a long time ago and shits still biting me in the ass from it up until this day.

rob the pot head

Well-Known Member
15 out of a coca cola can... went walking home right afterwards (mistake)... a surreal experience. 19 now but it took me a while to become a stoner...


Well-Known Member
My dealer started when he was 7. o.0 But yea 16 is a good age man thats when I started.
Dang age 7!!!!! I could only imagine how somone gave a 7 year old weed, "would you like some candy little kid?" "This is called a lighter when you touch the flame to the candy and inhale it, you go to a happy place" bahahahahaha


Active Member
I was 13 (19 now) my best friend and another friend came and took me into the woods at night, smoked from a homemade bong. I was so scared, i got wicked high though, then went downtown to get some food, what i reall remember was being parinoid and having wicked cotton mouth.


Well-Known Member
I dunno Chester. Looks like you're foaming at the mouth to me.:mrgreen: I little green around the gills there too.
Let me look in the mirror. A little froth but no foam. And the green gills fad died with Vince's Aquaman performance. He should have listened to Ari and E before making that last movie.


Well-Known Member
I was 12, first year of high school about to start. 1999.

I got high under a local Public school building that was on Christmas break.
I swapped some smokes for a cone with some local boys I bumped into.

I had a bit of a memory blank and the next thing I new I was high as fuck!
Naturally, I panic and run home.
I was satying at my grandparents place that week and my nan knew somthing was up.
I admited to what I had done and after a bit of a talk she said go have a bath and sober up.

I spent the next 2 hours enojoying my high while I built bubble castles.

unfortunatly, I gradually smoked more and more untill it wasn't enogh any more.
this combined with a step father that beat the shit out of me on a regular basis resulted in me finding other drugs.

by the time I was 15 I hit rock bottom and sobered up after a near death experience where I smoked a few bowls with some strange guy at a party (turns out he laced it with something) and my cousin found me wandering in traffic a few hundred meters from where I blazed up, I'd been hit by a car, and they'd done a runner.

after that I was sober until 19 (I'm currently 21).

I now respect weed, and I only smoke after work, in my own home.

I dont drink
I dont do hard drugs
I'm getting married to the girl of my dreams in less then a year.
And I've built myself up quite well by working non stop in Information Tech. since I was 15, and now I could most likely retire if I sold all my investments.

I can honestly say after all this, that weed IS a gateway drug for some in the right circumstances.


I also agree that in moderation weed can be ok, and in some cases beneficial.

***I'm reposting this in a new thred with a poll, as I'd like to hear about anyone else thats been thru this.***