• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Astral Traveling or Projectory.


Well-Known Member
its where people while meditating try to visualise/ imagine what places look like that they have never been. once their imagination is running at full steam then they beleive they are using a none exisistant organ that can see anything at any distance thru anything

just the other week i was reading a particualry good vision where the person had traveled to the far side of the moon (might i add hollow moon) while they were up therer they saw a lisard army coming out of hollow moon preparing to invade earth. like any good citzen would he was warning everyone to prepare and wake up....


Well-Known Member
o this is that same shit those guy in the men who stare at goats were doin i tried doin it a couple times but i suck although i have been none to lucid dream from time to time but thats more like me running round in my mind than traveling to a whole new place

grow space

Well-Known Member
interesting stuff....but can someone post a link or something how to start doing it step by step maybe ?!



Active Member
I've heard people talk about being able to do it but I've always been skeptical. I'll try it eventually.


Well-Known Member
I am also curious about this. Does anyone have any links to free ebooks or video's that might help? I hear it's something you have to work at and study, can take what seems like a lifetime to master.
Also I'm hearing a lot of stuff about how diet, health, alcohol, even flouride in tap water can hold back progress. Anyone care to explain?

Whether it's real or imagined, it sounds like it could be a healthy excercise. Meditation itself IS proven to be good for you both mentally and physically, just like stress is proven to be harmful, so I don't see the harm in trying and it's a given that there's way too much negative stress in everyones life right now, so seems like the perfect time.

Bobbypyn, I'd like your help. Or the jedi... What were you offerring with standing in front of a mirror or whatever else? Just that short writeup you did with the elevator and etc, that can't be enough can it? I'm over 40 and have lived a very unhealthy llife, eating and drinking and smoking up to my recent past, though I do still smoke cigs, and so far am unable to get anywhere with this no matter what I seem to try.


Well-Known Member

That write up is pretty good. Do a search on "guided meditation" and you will find TONS of resources out there. Don't buy into the "remote viewing" aspects of it, as these aren't at all useful for what you're looking for. The spiritual and contemplative side of meditations is where the real benefits are.

If you'd like a "kick start" into reaching meditative trance and altered states such as this, I'd look in to binaural brainwave entrainment. This involves listening to cds wearing headphones of some "soothing" music, that has 2 different, nearly inaudible tones, going into each ear, each separated by somewhere between 20 and 1 hz. What this will do is cause your brainwaves to mimic the differential frequency, lowering your brainwaves into alpha, theta, and delta ranges, each associated with deeper levels of meditation.


Well-Known Member
Thanks karrion. I'm interested in both just out of curiousity... Ever since I learned how much the CIA etc is into this stuff while at the same time discrediting it to the masses I figure I have to try the remote viewing part. But since I still can't even meditate properly, can't seem to shut off wandering thoughts and just clear my mind, so that is probably the puddle I need to play in first.

Do you have any favorite music which is known to work well at least for you (or others), that maybe that you can link to on youtube or just give names and I'll find it?


Well-Known Member
There is much evidence to the idea that meditation is helpful. There is zero evidence that the idea of remote viewing is credible. Did the CIA launch an anti remote viewing propaganda campaign? I must have missed that. How would they keep something like that suppressed? Considering how relatively easy it would be to test independently. I am not trying to belittle you, just trying to explore the logic of the one criteria you put forth. I would encourage you to listen to karri0n and focus on the proven benefits of meditation, and put a little more effort into critical thinking.


Well-Known Member
There is much evidence to the idea that meditation is helpful. There is zero evidence that the idea of remote viewing is credible. Did the CIA launch an anti remote viewing propaganda campaign? I must have missed that. How would they keep something like that suppressed? Considering how relatively easy it would be to test independently. I am not trying to belittle you, just trying to explore the logic of the one criteria you put forth. I would encourage you to listen to karri0n and focus on the proven benefits of meditation, and put a little more effort into critical thinking.
It's like I'm talking to myself heisenberg. But I guess heisenberg is walt's bad side. :)

I've always been a prove it/practical type of guy too, would have always said all these people behind this stuff are charlatains or deluded, but as I get older I have gotten a bit more open minded.

Now I'd rather play around with both and see for myself, rather than take anything I've previously been told one way or the other as truth. Maybe it will be about as effective as staring at goats or just a nice trip around ones own imagination, but that's ok, nothing lost. A nice trip around my imagination is about as close as I can get to doing drugs these days anyway.


Well-Known Member
Heisenberg is also Walt's less emotional, more logical side.

I don't think you should see yourself as open minded, but rather 'open eyed'. The mind should in fact have order, discipline, and a very careful way of interpreting and considering the world. The things you perceive the govt doing have caused you to embrace doubt, and that is a very wonderful thing.

I thoroughly support doubt, questioning authority, and self exploration. I just believe it should be a systematic doubt with consistent rules and awareness of logical pitfalls. The idea of remote viewing is indeed interesting and worthy of consideration, it just doesn't stand up to the criteria we set for claims of reality. We must follow evidence wherever it leads us, even if it is not in the direction we were hoping for.


Well-Known Member
Cant argue with anything you said except if walt had found his heisenberg side without loosing who he was (walt) and what was important to him, he'd be much better off.
If part of me is a naieve dreamer, still open to being young at heart and not caring about making a fool of myself even at over 40 years old, then I feel better off for it, as opposed to the depressing closed off other alternative you've seen heisenberg become.

He's alone, he's not happy any more, he's lost the love of his life, he's lost his most basic priorities and what makes him the best of what he was. Sure he toughened up, in a way grown up and grew a pair of balls, but thats not enough to strive for.

Jessies gf was an evil bitch, but he didn't have to just watch her die and ruin his own self esteem and jessies too.

(ok now I feel like an idiot more for speaking about life in terms of a tv show, than the possibility of remote viewing etc.)


Well-Known Member
Seriously, Look into brainwave entrainment. It will help with the "monkey brain" which is those wandering thoughts that you can't seem to shut off. The advantage is that using this, you start to understand how to meditate and shut off the monkey brain, and you don't need the crutch as much once you know how you personally reach the desired state. There are a couple of places out there that will charge you(and charge you a LOT in some cases, read "scam" you) for their cds with binaural beats, but there is also a free utility out there called "brainwave generator" which is the best utility as far as I know, and will allow you to take any piece of music or audio that you like and add the binaural beats to it. Know that there are TONS of different samples out there, but truly the best will be something like a 15 -30 minute long downward sweep from around 16 hz to no lower than 2 hz. After the downward sweep, I like to use a gradual sweep between 2 hz and 7 hz, to slowly fluctuate between delta and theta. Many of the commercially available solutions do lots of funky things like one high beta band and one low theta band - and no downward sweep. This will be ineffective as it's nearly impossible, even for someone very experienced in meditation, to drop immediately into a theta wave pattern from normal waking consciousness. I also don't see the point of trying to induce multiple entrainments, especially when the two frequencies will be forming their own binaural beats with each other. There isn't usually a way to know what type of binaural beat the makers of the commercial ones are using, but very rarely is it a simple downward sweep, which is the most effective by far.

For reference,

Beta: waking and alert. 12-30 hz
Alpha: relaxing, contemplative, light meditation. 8-12 hz
Theta: Deep meditation, light sleep. 4-8 hz
Delta: extremely deep meditation, deepest form of sleep. 0-4 hz

I know this post is becoming convoluted and not very congruent, and I apologize.

Personal taste is important, but I'd still recommend using something like Enya over Slayer. A happy medium can be achieved. Music without lyrics is better than music with, as the lyrics can make you start thinking again.

As for me, I've got ADHD as well as an extremely multitasking oriented mind, which can make quieting the monkey brain quite difficult. What I found to work best when first learning meditation was a modified form of using a Mantra. A mantra is a word or concept that you repeat, or sorta draw out into a constant, within your mind, as a focal point instead of thinking about the random wanderings of your mind. I found my mind was capable of keeping my mantra (I used the traditional "OM", pronounced ohm, because it's a very easy sound to draw out into a constant)while simultaneously thinking about other things. I then simply replaced that train of thought with another instance of "om", and did that each time a new train of thought came up. This eventually led into me focusing on four separate instances of the mantra, in the four distinct hemispheres of my brain. I do realize this isn't actually how the brain is functioning, but the visualization was effective.


Well-Known Member
Clearly exploration is in order. Essentially the way Huna works with it is you have to have your lower self open up to the higher self and so trust and peace and belief are essential. That's why that person with the self-hypnosis suggestion is so right on. But it may take some tries even the folks who hit it right off may have to work on it a while to do it again. The essential things that sends you flying back are any sense of judgment or separation that comes relative to the events which you witness.For travelers I would say to open oneself to love more and more often would be the thing in the moment that would allow you to stay out for long periods.

The video is great cause it's kinda letting you know that's pretty straight forward if you have a road map and follow it, it seems to be a native way to relate to the world.


Well-Known Member
Sorry - I really can't stand the guy in that video. He is annoying the crap out of me. I wish he had written it in text and I would respect what he's saying a lot more


Well-Known Member
I've tried everything I've researched and that you guys posted, still getting nowhere fast. I have managed to clear my thoughts better during meditation but so far that's my only progress. Maybe I do need a goat to stare at. :(