Asshole Stoner... Stuffed Cat Inside Bong


Well-Known Member
This dude took it to far, this would be funny if someone said "Hey, lets...." but to actually do it makes this guy a douche.
On another related note, I have a dog that ate a half ounce once and now if I ever smoke in smelling distance of her we have to put away our stash or she'll gobble it right up LOL....


Well-Known Member
This dude took it to far, this would be funny if someone said "Hey, lets...." but to actually do it makes this guy a douche.
On another related note, I have a dog that ate a half ounce once and now if I ever smoke in smelling distance of her we have to put away our stash or she'll gobble it right up LOL....
Maybe they built this little box for the cat and the cat happily goes in there everytime it's offered. No one saw him force the kitty into the box. Maybe the first time he had to force the kitty, but forcing a kitty to get high once isn't animal cruelty, it's exposure to new things.

Kitty probably loves that shit.


Well-Known Member
Dimebagdan, don't try to start fights... that's strictly against forum rules. By the way, do you have a lot of dimebags?