What do we know about these threats to Sanders' wife? The link Sky posted was from a Trump message board. A few clicks around the web don't reveal much. What I found was that Putin said he saw something in an e-mail ( he claims to have 10,000 "Hillary messages" in his possession) and Assange said the same thing -- is there any doubt where he got that information? But what exactly are they talking about and why? These statements from Putin and Assange don't seem to be helping us to catch the perpetrator, they are just stirring the pot.
I agree that anybody who makes threats, serious or otherwise, on the lives of politicians or their families should be the maximum punishment and not tolerated by authorities or general population. That "zero tolerance" to threats should also include their political rivals when they make threats (ahem). Its my guess that any threats Sanders received were passed on to authorities. It shouldn't surprise anybody that the authorities aren't talking. On the other hand, is anybody out and out saying that the authorities are colluding with the Clinton campaign to threaten Sanders? That's the implication but I don't believe it.
More stuff from Russia (link below). It's clearly propaganda but contains the message that is being propagated through the Trump message board:
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz resigned in shame, her actions as DNC Chair spoke loud and clear..remember when everyone said noooooooo, not THE DNC.
I don't need anyone to validate the possibility of threats, least of all, you..when it has been PROVEN DWS colluded with media to smear Sanders.