Assange: Sanders Wife Death Threat..

What do we know about these threats to Sanders' wife? The link Sky posted was from a Trump message board. A few clicks around the web don't reveal much. What I found was that Putin said he saw something in an e-mail ( he claims to have 10,000 "Hillary messages" in his possession) and Assange said the same thing -- is there any doubt where he got that information? But what exactly are they talking about and why? These statements from Putin and Assange don't seem to be helping us to catch the perpetrator, they are just stirring the pot.

I agree that anybody who makes threats, serious or otherwise, on the lives of politicians or their families should be the maximum punishment and not tolerated by authorities or general population. That "zero tolerance" to threats should also include their political rivals when they make threats (ahem). Its my guess that any threats Sanders received were passed on to authorities. It shouldn't surprise anybody that the authorities aren't talking. On the other hand, is anybody out and out saying that the authorities are colluding with the Clinton campaign to threaten Sanders? That's the implication but I don't believe it.

More stuff from Russia (link below). It's clearly propaganda but contains the message that is being propagated through the Trump message board:

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz resigned in shame, her actions as DNC Chair spoke loud and clear..remember when everyone said noooooooo, not THE DNC.

I don't need anyone to validate the possibility of threats, least of all, you..when it has been PROVEN DWS colluded with media to smear Sanders.
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz resigned in shame, her actions as DNC Chair spoke loud and clear..remember when everyone said noooooooo, not THE DNC.

I don't need anyone to validate the possibility of threats, least of all, you..when it has been PROVEN DWS colluded with media to smear Sanders.
I didn't expect you to validate anything. I don't expect that dead horse to move one bit.
I agree that it can all be fabricated. I would think that there is some vein of truth to it, given the sources.

A real Bernie dude said it best some where go ahead and buy into trash.

"I really can’t believe some of the answers here, and the premise of the question is just foolish. I have met Bernie, followed his career for almost three decades, and voted for him at least ten times, including in the most recent Vermont primary. Anyone who thinks the man can be threatened into anything is just an idiot. If this was my local bar I would ask him to apologize or leave, or else I would take it outside.

Sanders can’t be threatened because he has lived a life of integrity, authenticity, and principle. He has no skeletons, and no real ambition beyond pushing the progressive agenda that I share with him. To say otherwise is deeply insulting, and I guess I get it from a Trump supporter because all that cretin knows is insults, but to hear it from anyone who pretends to have supported Sanders blisters my fingers.

Sanders’ noble but failed race pushed the Democrats far to the left of where they have been in the past, and there is some hope, if we unite against Trump and the intellectually bankrupt Republican Party, that over the next decade we might usher in a real new progressive era.

Sanders knows this. He got the best deal he could with the establishment, and if he says he is all in behind Clinton, than I am too. The idea that he could be threatened into anything—my fucking god, the man is tough as nails. Who do you think you are talking about? He’s my guy and I have his back, and don’t fuck with him unless you want to fuck with me too.

I won’t list all the names of the stupid people on this strand, but you know who you are. How much of the popular vote did Hitler have when he took power in Germany in 1933. If you don’t know the answer to that question you can’t talk to me—just leave this space and apologize on your way."
A real Bernie dude said it best some where go ahead and buy into trash.

"I really can’t believe some of the answers here, and the premise of the question is just foolish. I have met Bernie, followed his career for almost three decades, and voted for him at least ten times, including in the most recent Vermont primary. Anyone who thinks the man can be threatened into anything is just an idiot. If this was my local bar I would ask him to apologize or leave, or else I would take it outside.

Sanders can’t be threatened because he has lived a life of integrity, authenticity, and principle. He has no skeletons, and no real ambition beyond pushing the progressive agenda that I share with him. To say otherwise is deeply insulting, and I guess I get it from a Trump supporter because all that cretin knows is insults, but to hear it from anyone who pretends to have supported Sanders blisters my fingers.

Sanders’ noble but failed race pushed the Democrats far to the left of where they have been in the past, and there is some hope, if we unite against Trump and the intellectually bankrupt Republican Party, that over the next decade we might usher in a real new progressive era.

Sanders knows this. He got the best deal he could with the establishment, and if he says he is all in behind Clinton, than I am too. The idea that he could be threatened into anything—my fucking god, the man is tough as nails. Who do you think you are talking about? He’s my guy and I have his back, and don’t fuck with him unless you want to fuck with me too.

I won’t list all the names of the stupid people on this strand, but you know who you are. How much of the popular vote did Hitler have when he took power in Germany in 1933. If you don’t know the answer to that question you can’t talk to me—just leave this space and apologize on your way."
Translation: I don't really know anything, I'm just angry.
Translation knows a hell of a lot more than you do. :D and with that I am with him anyone on here supporting this is ignored.
I have no idea how you got into such a twist. I looked at my post to you again and didn't see anything to quarrel over. I hope you feel better tomorrow.
A real Bernie dude said it best some where go ahead and buy into trash.

"I really can’t believe some of the answers here, and the premise of the question is just foolish. I have met Bernie, followed his career for almost three decades, and voted for him at least ten times, including in the most recent Vermont primary. Anyone who thinks the man can be threatened into anything is just an idiot. If this was my local bar I would ask him to apologize or leave, or else I would take it outside.

Sanders can’t be threatened because he has lived a life of integrity, authenticity, and principle. He has no skeletons, and no real ambition beyond pushing the progressive agenda that I share with him. To say otherwise is deeply insulting, and I guess I get it from a Trump supporter because all that cretin knows is insults, but to hear it from anyone who pretends to have supported Sanders blisters my fingers.

Sanders’ noble but failed race pushed the Democrats far to the left of where they have been in the past, and there is some hope, if we unite against Trump and the intellectually bankrupt Republican Party, that over the next decade we might usher in a real new progressive era.

Sanders knows this. He got the best deal he could with the establishment, and if he says he is all in behind Clinton, than I am too. The idea that he could be threatened into anything—my fucking god, the man is tough as nails. Who do you think you are talking about? He’s my guy and I have his back, and don’t fuck with him unless you want to fuck with me too.

I won’t list all the names of the stupid people on this strand, but you know who you are. How much of the popular vote did Hitler have when he took power in Germany in 1933. If you don’t know the answer to that question you can’t talk to me—just leave this space and apologize on your way."

I think a threat on his wife's life, may give him pause.
Thread is perfect now! Except I can't ignore myself on here for fucking replying to it.

Gonna follow this one again and ignore anyone else who replies.............................

Ignores will be removed on a case by case basis after I feel like it. ;)
I have no idea how you got into such a twist. I looked at my post to you again and didn't see anything to quarrel over. I hope you feel better tomorrow.

Nothing personal.....I just woke up and I am trying to have a cup of coffee without spitting it all over my screen.....:P

With that time to go look at plants....that always makes me feel better! :weed:
Wow, apparently Bernie's wife was physically threatened. It's easy for us to call him a cuck for giving in but c'mon, let's give the man some respect. If your wife is physically threatened, especially by serial murderers like Clinton & Co. - how many of us will just go: "no, fuck you!" The truth is - not many. So let's empathize with Bernie a little.

Of course, we’re very interested in revealing the truth about any candidate and yes we have some material about Bernie Sanders that will be published,” Assange added.
"Serial murderers like Clinton and Co."? Nice unsubstantiated and totally fictitious Russian propaganda, ORW.

Three weeks before the election and yet you claim to have voted for Hillary?

I would bet a bundle you voted for Trump. I am guessing you will again.

Oh, but the Progressives had nothing to do with Trump winning. Meanwhile, Ty rages and spits about what poor Democrats we are. Lol.
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A real Bernie dude said it best some where go ahead and buy into trash.

"I really can’t believe some of the answers here, and the premise of the question is just foolish. I have met Bernie, followed his career for almost three decades, and voted for him at least ten times, including in the most recent Vermont primary. Anyone who thinks the man can be threatened into anything is just an idiot. If this was my local bar I would ask him to apologize or leave, or else I would take it outside

Sanders’ noble but failed race pushed the Democrats far to the left of where they have been in the past, and there is some hope, if we unite against Trump and the intellectually bankrupt Republican Party, that over the next decade we might usher in a real new progressive era.

Sanders knows this. He got the best deal he could with the establishment, and if he says he is all in behind Clinton, than I am too. The idea that he could be threatened into anything—my fucking god, the man is tough as nails. Who do you think you are talking about? He’s my guy and I have his back, and don’t fuck with him unless you want to fuck with me too.

I'm your huckleberry

You support Bernie but have a sig that says "beware of the people that will take your hard earned $$$$ and not think twice about it"



You been following Bernie for 3 decades? Have you been jobless that whole time looking for free shit too?
Nothing personal.....I just woke up and I am trying to have a cup of coffee without spitting it all over my screen.....:P

With that time to go look at plants....that always makes me feel better! :weed:
If you haven't already done so, you might as well put this poster -- who thinks Bernie's healthcare bill is an amateurish incomplete and embarrassing piece of legislation -- on ignore too. Yet, jerks like you keep saying just because it's obvious that Bernie's bill should pass, we don't support universal healthcare. We don't support Bernie's bill because it is a piece of shit. The bill has no method to pay for it, leaves out so many details the OMB can't give a cost estimate and it forces people from healthcare plans they like into an unknown system because it really isn't Medicare as we know it. You should put me on ignore because your beliefs are rooted in fakery and I'll just continue to remind you of that if you don't.
If you haven't already done so, you might as well put this poster -- who thinks Bernie's healthcare bill is an amateurish incomplete and embarrassing piece of legislation -- on ignore too. Yet, jerks like you keep saying just because it's obvious that Bernie's bill should pass, we don't support universal healthcare. We don't support Bernie's bill because it is a piece of shit. The bill has no method to pay for it, leaves out so many details the OMB can't give a cost estimate and it forces people from healthcare plans they like into an unknown system because it really isn't Medicare as we know it. You should put me on ignore because your beliefs are rooted in fakery and I'll just continue to remind you of that if you don't.
This horse is dead. You know as well as I do that the point of that was to get the conversation started- and it worked.

The Republicans are not going to be able to get rid of it.

The more people insist on it, the more inevitable it becomes, in spite of the big money interests arrayed against it- whom, I notice, you never seen to want to discuss.
This horse is dead. You know as well as I do that the point of that was to get the conversation started- and it worked.

The Republicans are not going to be able to get rid of it.

The more people insist on it, the more inevitable it becomes, in spite of the big money interests arrayed against it- whom, I notice, you never seen to want to discuss.
Bernie's horse is dead. His stupid healthcare bill died of embarrassment the day he let it out of his office.

The only path forward for now is a stronger ACA and include a public option.

Too funny that you want to claim victory for universal healthcare when it finally does become realized 6 or more years from now. Universal healthcare was and always has been a Democratic Party goal. Bernie jumped on the Democratic Party's bandwagon but they pushed him off because he's a jerk. He never was good at working with others.