Asking possibly every question possible....


Hi guys. My first plant is doing alright, i have a auto growing and a non auto growing which im thinking of chucking as i doubt i will be able to stick to the light scheduled as i'm away working a bit (Any way around that ? a 24/7 automatic timer ? link ?) as thats the only reason i am growing an auto due to the light factor.

My "Grow room" is in my closet. White interior with white fabric over the front to let air in and still reflect a good amount of light back at the plant. The space is 50x50cm floor and about 1.50 m high. How many plants can i get in there nicely. I have 1 90w LED due to power, nothing wrong with it so far, I might get some low watt panels to put under the plants if i have 3 in there ?
I'm looking at getting these.

And put 4 in there. Now the only thing i have an issue with is SMELL. i have brought some ona gell that should arrive this week, snow dependent The strange thing is its stronger downstairs more than upstairs ! I dont have an extractor fan just 4 little USB fans around the inside to move air around as the door is open during the day.

Soil and nutes is one of the areas where i am stumped. Im fine with physics, but growing living things is where i get confused. Atm i have just soil from BnQ and miracle grow. Im after some good soil and good fert. Any good websites that deliver soil and nuts ?

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Thats what i have so far with just one small ish pot. (How far along is she ? )

I want a good strain that is not a low rider but an auto (Unless there is an automatic way to control the light) that is small, sweet and has a good yield. Again has to have VERY LOW ODOR as i dont want the people in my bitching at me constantly about the smell of bud. I bet they will be the first to want to smoke with me aswell. . . Naaa mate :')

I have been looking at the following (3 pots)

[h=2]Northern Lights x Big Bud
Critical Auto Feminized
[/h][h=2]Auto Seeds Berry Ryder
Barneys Farm Auto Blue Mammoth[/h]Feminised
Northern Lights Feminized
Big Buddha Seeds Cheesy Dick

I am not sure what is the lowest smelling highest yeilding plant. I can handle a little smell say with only 2 plants.

I can google the hell out of all the above, but i need advice from real people.

Thankyou guys


Well-Known Member
about soil, most important when we talk weed is to get a airy soil with the right PH (between 6 and 7)

you can maintain a good airy soil with good drain with air pots and grow bags or atleast a pot with some good big drain holes in the bottom, not clay pots with a single small hole, beside that use stuff like perlite, coco and lega nuts in your soil mix, weed dont like to stand in a clay ball of wet soil alternative look in to hempy grows or DWG/hydro

cheap soils often have a low PH 5-6 and is not good for weed, look at the bag, if you have a hard time finding a soil you can help a acid soil to maintain the right PH with Lime (dolomite Lime or Maerl) google it


Well-Known Member
and a simple timer for your light will solve your light schedule "Problem" ? if that is really the case ?

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notice the light timer under the tomatoes at the right of the pics, cost like 10$


Well-Known Member
BTW I have been (still am) in the work away too much rut. Buy a cheap mechanical timer, set it on 12/12 and grow any strain you want from the photos.


Hi again :) Thanks for replying so fast.
The problem that nuts like foxfarm is SO expensive and i wont use a leter. Is there anywhere that sells smaller quantities of it ?

I have brought an electronic timer so once this auto is done i can focus on the non autos (White lavender) I will be growing in soil so is there any difference in what nuts i can use . Obviously i dilute it a hell of a lot.

I cant get a carbon filter as growing in closet, dont want to cut holes in the back.....

The auto is 70cm approx from top of pot to near the top. and the non auto (Blueberry something) is well, a baby still.
How long till the auto is finished ? I have lost track on how many days, but roughly since the first of December for the auto .

Whats the deal with growing multiple plants in a small space ? SCROG it for maximum light coverage ?

On a side note, a strain for sleep/pain. Anyone reccomend something that will just knock me out and not get all giggly.. The plan is to grow one plant for chilling and the other one just to floor me(I have insane stress related insomnia)

( Update, i had a word with my mate from le scotland and have now brought some biobuzz nuts and soil for when i transplant the littl'en)


Well-Known Member
best strain I have grown for sleep is LSD from Barney`s that did knock my out, completely, almost to much, almost ;)

and good you brought some soil/nuts:)

most nuts line have a small start kit with all you need in small bottles


most cost like 30-80$ and can go a long way if you just grow a few plants at the time

and multply plants is a SoG (Sea of green) in your care I would do one or two plants at the time, maybe in a scrog (a net over the plants to train em and keep all the Buds on top close to the light/LED


your Auto really look nice and healthy, and I guess you have a few weeks left, maybe 3, do some research about harvest and when then plant is ready

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best strain I have grown for sleep is LSD from Barney`s that did knock my out, completely, almost to much, almost ;)

and good you brought some soil/nuts:)

most nuts line have a small start kit with all you need in small bottles

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most cost like 30-80$ and can go a long way if you just grow a few plants at the time

and multply plants is a SoG (Sea of green) in your care I would do one or two plants at the time, maybe in a scrog (a net over the plants to train em and keep all the Buds on top close to the light/LED


your Auto really look nice and healthy, and I guess you have a few weeks left, maybe 3, do some research about harvest and when then plant is ready

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Yea my end date is the first sat in feb roughly. :) I brought some biobizz on ebay, bloom and grow :) Will let you guys know how it goes.
I will SCROG it once i can get to BnQ or somewhere near me that sells the stuff.

Cheers :)


Well-Known Member
You need a decent carbon scrubber/fan combo. Ona gel only masks odor. You need to constantly clean the air. Your plants are only going to smell even stronger later in flower. You can order quality soils like ocean forest, happy frog, or roots organic online. Nutrients are also readily available. Oh, I hear Northern Lights is a low odor strain, with good yield.


Well-Known Member
Your dads orange grove??? Dont screw somebody else for your greed! No offense to anyone of hispanic/spanish heritage....but the mexicans who take care of the field or pick the fruit will get the bud long before you!!! Try growing elsewhere.


Well-Known Member
Lampielex: i dont know what type of lamp you are using but if you grow soil the fatness of the bud depends on the amount of soil you have in the first place, you can have an Amnesia Haze and still get small ass buds if you use a small pot and regular soil without adding anything... i say the bigger the pots the bigger the buds, if you want a strain that gets fat buds i suggest growing it now but dont have any flowering yet, i was told it yields a lot and considering its only an 8 week flower its probably worth it... From experience i can tell you that Amnesia Haze will get extremely large buds, but it takes atleast 3 full months to flower (Worth It!) my first grow the buds actually where too big and i harvested it a month early due to mold!

Younggrower831: Outdoor plants smell but couple years ago nobody really noticed my 2 plants and only the real smokers could smell it, and it was a white widow with a powerfull and straight ransid smell.

IMG_0873(2).jpg Like that is hard to notice lol



Well-Known Member
Dinafem White Widow Auto.
<~~~~~~~~ REEKS and they get pretty large most of the blue himalaya diesels dont stink for the most part you could always get a few that smell fruity and not so skunky i love the dinafem white widow and the original amnesia auto but im also running a 6" carbon filter both are kinda stinky barneys farm sweet tooth auto has a bubblegum, skunk with a lemon up his butt smell can easily be played off with ona or blunt effects airfreshener spray the strains you have are beast id would just try and get a carbon filter even if it isnt vented out and just recycles the air it would still filter the smell


Well-Known Member
try "the recipe for success" its a all you need starter kit can be ordered for about 40 bucks us dollars when you see the results you will get over the not wanting to spend the money on nutes and they really are cheaper if you buy bulk


Well-Known Member
Hey dude i just bought this like you said how much nutes should i give it 4 weeks into veg? and how often should i water?


New Member
I recently grew a Babylonian type autoflower and had great results growing it under a 24 hour cycle it produced just under 2oz per plant and was 72 days seed to harvest. It grew under 2 x 400 watt metal halides and when flowering really set in I swapped one of the metal halide 400 for an HPS 400 and finished it that way also I fed it grow nutrients in the start and when I changed the bulbs, I changed the nutrients to bloom formula, honestly I'm not sure what would have been better nutrients grow the whole time or switch to bloom like I did. However, I had great results with this method During the flush out at the end (final 12 days) I changed the light cycle to 20 on 4 off to help ripen it all. Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
hey man

u got several choices
1 freebrez plug in / and works somewhat
2 ozone gen/negitive charged ions ...............this removes the smell completely but pricey ebay it u can get kits or premade ones with no casing
3 ceder chips /along with i spilled colon on rug carpet excuse
4 yes u can use a carbon filter .....go to the store buy one active carbon filter for AC ( u get 10/12 use out of one) then u cut it to fit the exhust fan and place it over it the air passes tho the active carbon does it job when it starts to be smelly again change the pad

last choice is to take some ducting u seen it all over the place and then go up the coner tho the shelf and then u can go in attic to vent ....or u can use the ozone gen and ceder chips /carbon pad .....set some things infront of it and hang a shirt or 10 to cover ducting ........your clothing should not smell with ozone gen and ceder chips in there

prue redneck jerry rigging

by the way protect your father him rent(by paying him rent u make that area under your control and only your controll anything done in that area u are the only one legal least this is the way in my state) and check the local laws u might have affirmed defence or be allowed to grow so many for personal use 3 in my state.............if u are going to break the laws learn them all so u can weight the choice to the chance of it all going wrong and wrost case do not be a ass and wreck other ppls stuff


Well-Known Member
People who get greedy and rush things without proper research, never reach the satisfaction in their harcests. Asking questions like you are is only gonna give you answers to what piece of info your looking for. Only advice im gonna give you is research. If you would of took time to do that at first those nodes wouldn't be as stretched as they are, when i saw that i almost had a heart attack. I couldn't stretch them like that if i tried mate lol..