Asking Others

match box

Well-Known Member
I have never seen that before. Too much rep given. I don't ask any more I seldom smoke with any one.


Well-Known Member
I saw that once, I was rep'n n00bs in the indoor grow and newbie central, for being intelligent, asking questions with details, all that good stuff...

I tried to rep ya' for spreadin' the mad rep, Sunny, but this is what I got: You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to mysunnyboy again.

Nether Region

Well-Known Member
Any time I see someone wearing sunglasses when it is overcast out, I assume them to be high. I might drop a subtle comment around them. Anyone that looks like an artist, or who has some style probably smokes the herb. I look like a cop so people look really tripped out if I say anything about it. It's pretty funny.


New Member
I like the old tried and true method , simply find a safe neutral place and ask : Do you smell weed ?

Then look at there initial response and you will know right away if its kool or not lol:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
A situation like that hasn't arisen in some time. I look like a normal everyday square, so I imagine most people just assume not. Which suits me just fine.


Well-Known Member
I think I look like someone who smokes, long hair, beard, I'm always wearing shades if I'm outside. But that's because my eyes are sensitive to light, not because I'm always high.

I dress for comfort, which lately has been flannel pants and a t-shirt. People call my pants pj's, but I don't wear pants to bed, yo.


Well-Known Member
Long story short...Me and a friend were moving a piano for a for a customer and when we arrived and did the meet and greet handshake,my friend who does not smoke says "smells like a skunk out here!"...I said "smells good to me"...I don't care who knows I smoke.......well,when we were done the guy says he appreciates what we did and that he didn't have cash for a tip but says "I have some of the best weed in Texas,and you can have some"....we could smell it outside his office building and it was inside in a cabinet!.......YES IT WAS GOOD:eyesmoke:he gave me about 10g


New Member
people always ask me for a bag.It sucks when I'm out with certain people.My old boss got a kick out of it whenever we went anywhere.