asked humble about out of state meds


Well-Known Member
Kal el November 5, 2013 at 1:32 pm

I am curious how the dispensaries not only are selling infused products but are selling infused products made in other states too? The AZ dispensaries just had their own awards show and the winner of the edibles award was an out of state product.
How is this possible if the state was actually regulating the dispensaries?
Could you also show where in the AMMA it says I am only allowed to possess 2.5 ounces of mmj? The only part I read was that 2.5 ounces was the max amount I could get from a dispensary in a two week period. So I assume I can actually possess more, just not buy more than 2.5 oz. from a dispensary.Reply

* Will Humble November 7, 2013 at 10:12 am

According to our regulations and the statute that the voters passed all the product must be fron in-state sources. I will check with my team on this issue.
You should consult with your lawyer regarding possession amounts. Patients can only purchase 2.5 Oz from a dispensary every 2 weeks. You should consult a lawyer if you are a patient want to possess more than this- as you may have some legal exposure.Reply



Active Member
He's gonna get back to his team? Hmmm... Seems like convenient memory. I thought this was a big issue to them, then it changed. I remember that originally they were obligated to grow a certain percentage in house.


New Member
Dispensaries need a lot more regulation of all forms and this should include auditing of all
incoming weed as well as all paid salaries to stop the illegal smuggling they do. I highly recommend people bring this up in Hubble's blog. I believe they should be held to 99 plants as well.. now that would be a good update to the rules which Hubble could do.


Active Member
The dispensaries are paying taxes so "hey leave them alone for awhile"'s time to go after all those criminals that used to be legal caregivers and are still growing.

I'm one of those legal caregivers that plays their game the best I can by their rules, but my patient cards run out just before x-mas so unless a dispensary wants a grow set up, or will make me a dispensary agent to grow for them, I'm off to Southern Oregon...I like fishing :)


New Member
The dispensaries are paying taxes so "hey leave them alone for awhile"'s time to go after all those criminals that used to be legal caregivers and are still growing.

Well if you support easy regulations for the monopolies and locking up citizens for growing perhaps Az wont miss you and Oregon would be best. Glad I am always legal though!