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Well-Known Member
lol breaking the rules of the thread! But I'll play along..

Best memory.. Probably being with a girlfriend who I thought I was in love with. (at the time) Now, fuck that of course, as she proved me wrong.

Beyond that, anything with Pop, teaching me about cars, fixing shit around the house, as sad as it sounds, even helping him with yardwork when I was a kid.. The relationship between father and son is impossible to recreate


Well-Known Member
Hurricane, more general, less localized, waaaay less dangerous it seems!

Would you give up your life to save someone elses?


Well-Known Member
Hurricane, more general, less localized, waaaay less dangerous it seems!

Would you give up your life to save someone elses?
Not to just anyone. Under the right circumstances I'd like to think I would.

Whats the lowest amount of money you would need to give a handjob. No isn't an option...


Well-Known Member
gum, don't really like either but I have to chew something when i roll to keep from biting my tongue off at shows

what's the best purchase you ever made? expensive or inexpensive?