
Well-Known Member
Which one of the free masons has the largest testicles?

How big are they?

Softball big? Does he get to be the head of the group because of them? Is that how you pick your leader?

Do you guys have gang bangs like in “Eyes Wide Shut”?
on that note i feel i can ask ..........what is up with the name

i knew a girl with that name but it was because she was a huge slut would take any dick and as many dicks as she could get ........Jessica or Yessica


Well-Known Member
on that note i feel i can ask ..........what is up with the name

i knew a girl with that name but it was because she was a huge slut would take any dick and as many dicks as she could get ........Jessica or Yessica
It's how the Spanish speaking fold pronounce my name.

I thought it was cute.




Well-Known Member
It's how the Spanish speaking fold pronounce my name.

I thought it was cute.


sorry if i wrecked it for yah ........ u can tell guys it is because u are known for screaming yes to loudly

it is nice name .......i just went to a school with the nick name slingawhore


Well-Known Member
As the lodge allows?
My questions

, What questions do they not allow?

Also,are you a luciferian?

Are you familiar with the works of manly P Hall and albert pike?

What is your opinion of astrotheology?


Well-Known Member
I have been a member of the Blue Lodge AF@AM since 1992. I am willing to answer questions as the Lodge allows.
i really ment that ?
please explain to me how u are able to pull off anti gravity........that is the only answer to how the man was able to build the coral castle by himself

the man hinted to things .......things that u should know as member builder
master is somewhere in the mid 20s 33 degree is hold for only a few that completed the training done the logic puzzles......meanings with in meanings

u started this ........u know the rules the experiment is not done until it has run it natural course .....