Ash as fertilizer

yes^^^^^..... do a lil more research...the indians have been doin it for hundreds of burning the field after each crop to get ready for next year.....i think its kinds odd that the dispensaries carry mj ash too....but

im guessing you misread the post..but dispensaries selling me chuckle a lil bit
or lava ash from a volcano? yes I have lava ash
I bet that would work.
your gonna change the ph . ash is alkaline its ok in small amounts but i wouldn't do it unless your acidic
Thatnk you, had no idea. I will probably not dump as much. Is just the ASH weird Ph, or ALL plant material?
Wood ash contains heavy metals,maybe from the las 100 years of leaded gas and chemical plants pumping toxins in our atmosphere .
Maybe wood isn't a good idea.
No Kingsford!! Processed charcoal is plant poison!! But wood ash in small amounts is great in the "garden"!!! I am not sure what too much is though so........
Farmers have been burning off fields for as long as they have farmed. It is the fastest way to reintroduce carbon to the ground. All the ashes from my brush pile burns in the spring always get broadcast about the place.
Just look how green the fields and forests are after a fire roars thru. Ugly at first but boy do they green up fast.
I'm in New England now but as a kid down south a way pretty much every homeowner burned off their lawn in late winter. Got rid of the thatch and some kinds of critters but it greened them up pretty darn quick.:leaf:

As much as you need NPK, in the old NPK equation roots are as important as leaves. I have some NON-Weed cuttings going and nitrogen is secondary. I could work with a 3-5-5 blend just fine.:leaf:

Blah Blah Blah Blah...Ash is free, Use it. Blah blah blah
Agreed, no big industry charcoal. If your going to use charcoal it NEEDS to be REAL. Charcoal is just wood burned to black, then chopped into bricks. So wood would be good. Or REAL charcoal.
The ashes are burned and probably do not contain useful nutrients.. But it sounds like an interesting idea. I've thought about using water that is full of stems and clippings, so the THC get's absorbed. But I doubt that would work either :(

Damn pot head ideas.

Well man if you think about it THC isn't water soluble, now if you can get some kind of watery oil, like that could happen :P but if you could do that warm up the stems and clippings and in oil water mix and hope the Oil/water mix gets absorbed.