ASAP question traveling with plants


Well-Known Member
so i need a way to transport as a one time thing there getting switched to hydro after but would it really do damage if i unplanted plants one time rinsed the rooots off carefully and sealed them in dark for 8 hours in a bag basiclly whole plants in one bag for a short time while i ride
hmmm, if i were doing somthing like that i would take a rooting formula and soak the roots in it before bagging and it shouldnt put too much stress on them as long as they are in a box with some air vents and no longer than the dark period of there normal schedule, id imagine they would be fine bro, even if you took 10 hours i think they would be fine just stressed the fuck out and would take about a week or so to come back.
Soil to hydro? Be very, very careful. Be very, very gentle. Like thetremmer said, use a root treatment, Ph balanced cold water, and something like "No Shock".

Plan for the worst and hope for the best.
Expect your plants to be shocked by the transition from soil to water, they'll be sensitive to things like Ph inbalance.

i have done this befor and all i did was make sure the roots stayed wet for the trip, however the plant will droop bad but it should perk back up after a few days....