Well-Known Member
The gangsters were not good people. The people were less free than they were today.Actually I guess it was 20's. I was pretty close.
Back when gangsters ruled the nation a free nation.
The gangsters were not good people. The people were less free than they were today.Actually I guess it was 20's. I was pretty close.
Back when gangsters ruled the nation a free nation.
I don't really care about flying I don't like airplanes. But the NSA spying, largest prison population on earth and Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton yeah this country is going to shit plus I need to get passports just to go to fucking Canada!!Bless your stoner hearts.
This has to do with Real-ID-compliant licenses which 41 states currently issue. By 2020 I imagine the other 9 states will be compliant and you can use your driver's license to fly.
All of you that are freaked out by having to use a driver's license for ID to fly can go ahead and leave the country, we have enough stupid people here.
VPNs are great protection from NSA spying -
How a VPN Can Protect You from Government Surveillance
The good news is that it’s not really that difficult to stop the government’s ability to spy on you online. It’s not like they are using some kind of advanced technology to do it. And let’s be honest: data brokers and cyberthieves have been doing the same thing for years.
It’s a good rule of thumb to assume that everything you do online can be viewed by others. So, it’s probably not a good idea not to let your Facebook friends know that you will be on vacation for two weeks and leaving your home unoccupied, or log into your online bank account while using an unsecured WiFi network at the airport.
Also, it’s a good idea to change your password to complex ones (a mixture of letters, numbers and special characters) and to change them every few months. Your security is only as good as your weakest password. You can also install a product called Ghostery on your Internet browsers which prevents websites from tracking you.
But you can take all of these precautions and still be vulnerable. Everything you search for on Google, every website you visit, every email you send to your friends can easily be snooped on by the NSA. Don’t want the government to know what you are doing? Then it’s time to get a VPN.
A VPN, or virtual private network, is software that secures and privatizes data across the Internet by building an “encrypted tunnel.” When you access the Internet, your data passes through this tunnel which protects it from anyone who tries to intercept it. A VPN like PRIVATE WiFi encrypts everything: your email, your web browsing history, your IMs, your VOIP, everything. Another benefit of using a VPN is that even if your data is intercepted, your identity is protected, since a VPN masks your IP address.
So now the secret’s out: the government is spying on you and has been for quite some time.
Maybe this confirms what you already thought or maybe this is news to you. Either way, you can protect yourself and your data from any kind of surveillance, government or otherwise, by using a VPN.
It's better than you think: you're vpn does mask you ip addy, but it also creates a super-encrypted tunnel through which your data flows that no one can view. Your ISP cannot see or shape your traffic, because it cannot see where you are going, or what you are doing. Same with using public wifi, no hackers can see anything that you're doing. Pretty awesome, right? That fucking flush wasn't effective. Those NSA hits are back on my pc. Unless these are fresh hitsI use a VPN but I don;t think it protects me from anything more than the end user not knowing who I am. My ISP still sees where I go, and therefor, the NSA. I did do the flush. How long is that good for? I came here then went back and tested it again and the NSA shit came back up.
How safe is VPN and TOR together?
lot of people hated on scoob... he was stopped from doing a contest here and i backed him up and so did one other member here.. dude gave me 500 bucks to spend on grow supplies.. really solid guy in my book.. really wonder what happened to himScoob's last words
Riight? Don;t you know some people who know some people with some clout around here????pinworm.
In 1974 The captains of the portuguese army took over the facist regime with flowers in their guns, sickest coup in coup history, look it up.
I bet you yanks cant beat that one for once. I also think most americas are too stupid to know what a revolution is, and if they know what it is they dont know whether to get combo meal or just regular. Get real bro, its too at least 2 decades too late for a revolution. You are all fucked!
Bless your stoner hearts.
This has to do with Real-ID-compliant licenses which 41 states currently issue. By 2020 I imagine the other 9 states will be compliant and you can use your driver's license to fly.
All of you that are freaked out by having to use a driver's license for ID to fly can go ahead and leave the country, we have enough stupid people here.
i think america is crazy cause it was intended to be crazy. I remember learning in school that most of the original colonists back in the day, and i mean the bigger percentage were fucking criminals and prisoners pardoned for their crimes, degenerates crooks and the like. Lol explain the massacres of thanksgiving? Only some propper fucked up peoples would so something like that. I mean if you carefully read the bill of rights you can clearly see its the start a of a beautiful conspiracy.Agreed 100%. The vast majority of 'Muricans have been conditioned. Our gov't divided the rubes up politically so they will NEVER come together to fight the real enemy.
Did I mention I have not left my front yard in over ten years?did I mention I haven't filed a return in over ten years?
Wow, that is amazing. I always called that command "trace route" rather than "tracer-tee". I wonder if he is related to Racer X.I just did this, it was freaky to see the NSA hits on my pc. I don't feel any safer, but it was free, so...