As simple as possible...


Active Member
I am not too interested at this point in getting into growing too seriously, as this seems like it takes a lot of skill to do it very well. I was wondering if I just planted a few mid seeds, put them near a window to get sunlight (of course out of plainview from outside places; neighbors etc.), maybe got some fertilizer, could I just grow like two plants as houseplants? Would it even develop into the harvesting stage or would it likely die before then? Would this mj likely be worth smoking or would the THC content diminish significantly from this basic approach?


Well-Known Member
My brother did the same thing with his 3 plants and yea it is possible... where do you live and what kind of weather is common where you are?


Well-Known Member
You usually won't get much of anything in a window and if you try to start seeds in soil like miracle grow etc it won't work. You should start the seeds in peat pellets or something else, and in a warm place 80f or so, so they at least have some kind of chance of surviving. Windowsills in most places this time of year are way too cold.


Well-Known Member
if your gonna grow it to smoke, don't bother.

but i would do it anyway..consider it a low cost experiment...

keep us posted..