Artists needed for growing


Well-Known Member
What about multiple men on fire creating a massive ark to save the animals of earth and put to rest any fears of mass suicidal sand-eating monkey men in man suits throwing the exploding fecal matter of doom. Is that a valid idea?

ink the world

Well-Known Member
any and every idea is gr8

I got your PM about the tattoo....I charge $100 an hour for tattoo work, thats pretty much the standard rate for decent artists,

you want a world class artist its more, you want the local scratcher its less.

Nice work on the drawing.
The design would have to be a pretty large tattoo because of all the detail, i wouldnt go any smaller than 5X5 with that design. If too small over time you'd lose some of the detail and it would turn into a blob of ink.

If i was gonna do that tattoo i'd prolly charge between $300-$500 depending on how busy I was and the attitude of the customer.

Here's a helpful inside hint: If you want tattoo work cheaper go during the off-season....Most artists are pretty busy during the summer months, if you live where it gets cold, that's the time to get cheaper work..I spend alot of time in the winter sitting at the shop drawing, watching TV and other bullshit. Ill charge less simply because there's less demand at that time.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
I got your PM about the tattoo....I charge $100 an hour for tattoo work, thats pretty much the standard rate for decent artists,

you want a world class artist its more, you want the local scratcher its less.

Nice work on the drawing.
The design would have to be a pretty large tattoo because of all the detail, i wouldnt go any smaller than 5X5 with that design. If too small over time you'd lose some of the detail and it would turn into a blob of ink.

If i was gonna do that tattoo i'd prolly charge between $300-$500 depending on how busy I was and the attitude of the customer.

Here's a helpful inside hint: If you want tattoo work cheaper go during the off-season....Most artists are pretty busy during the summer months, if you live where it gets cold, that's the time to get cheaper work..I spend alot of time in the winter sitting at the shop drawing, watching TV and other bullshit. Ill charge less simply because there's less demand at that time.
thats gr8 insider info and that price is way less then i was thinking + rep for the insider info

Oh my. I don't even remember writing that. Kids, this is your brain on drugs.

- so glade this screen divides me from you, you are scarry
i hop the only thing you do is grow weed - you dont need to work with the public,hell, any human beings for that mater, just you and plants

PS. dont talk to them to much either, we dont need them getting all hermmed out


Well-Known Member
I found this one which i like, i just wish u was a bit more obvious weed, and maybe had some growing involved and some bud.

also i would get his eyes red


Well-Known Member
wow i really like this thread and the las pick thats too damn cool, ill draw some stuff up for ya guys my other hobby is airbrushing lol