Artificial Intelligence Generated ART

They're teaching the AI using real art so it can steal any style, so is the endgame to put actual artists out of business? Big businesses would probably love not having to hire anyone to design for them. This whole thing reminds me of the NFT shit that idiots were peddling last year, "uh actually my collection of monkey pictures IS real art even though they were made by moving sliders on a website while burning down a rainforest."
Well fuck girl show us what dirty, depraved, disgusting art you created!

the blurred it.>:( Prudes!

They're teaching the AI using real art so it can steal any style, so is the endgame to put actual artists out of business? Big businesses would probably love not having to hire anyone to design for them. This whole thing reminds me of the NFT shit that idiots were peddling last year, "uh actually my collection of monkey pictures IS real art even though they were made by moving sliders on a website while burning down a rainforest."

It's like anything else in this world. If it can make money, it will be exploited. No matter the damage in its wake. If a mere amateur like me can make all the pieces in this thread with some clicks, I think it will be inevitable that this gets used on a mass commercial scale. And perhaps the only recourse for true human artists is a small sticker that says "a human drew this". I don't think technological advances can be stopped. Or even should be. The atom bomb was crazy Wicked evil. But how many medical advances grew out of that? With all the advances does come a real need to seriously discuss UBI though. People think of sci-fi and they think of robots taking our jobs. But it's already started in the form of computers. Self checkout. Help lines. Driverless vehicles. AI Graphic designers?