• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Arrested For Growing In Connecticut, State Police & Locals Are Out To Get Growers


Well-Known Member
Back in the 70s there was a huge debate about whether or not police radar was an illegal search. The 4th amendment is pretty much gone unfortunately. 2800W 24/7 is high enough to get you noticed though. Never run HIDs longer than 18 hours.

Sorry to hear about your hardship.

Ole Budheavy

Well-Known Member
The real evil is right under our nose. :sad: Its the oppression that the very few force upon the masses. The blatant disregard for human dignity has run its course in this country and many other nations regarding such a personal choice. :fire:

We as growers, consumers, and libertarian-minded people have a revolution upon us, one that is like a tsunami, engulfing the ocean waters in order to come crashing down on the federal government and the corrupt fuckers that run it. :cuss::cuss:

Keep pushing people. Keep growing, but be smart. :leaf:


They also had photos off of this site from the shed... when it was in full bloom. So i am assuming my ISP was involved as well? Who knows. I am waiting till court on the 9th. The strange thing is it hasnt even been in the paper or the news... and something like this in this bodunk town is definitely 'news'.

I don't know. I did switch to CFL for the grow they got me with.. but they still took my HIDs even though they were not in use.

Took everything -- from lights to clonex to nutes.. even all the buckets I had in the house.. 90% of them were NOT for DWC.. but they took them anyway.. bah.

Took all the tupperware in the house.. the larger rubbermaid roughneck suckers.. had a stink bud setup that i had that was dismantled, outside and covered in snow and ice.. they took it too... All together everything took two van loads... but what did they really get? 6 plants.. maybe 20 grams my cancer journal about how much i smoke a day and what i feel like... I'm tired of living like this.. every day is a battle andnow this shit.. h onestly.. they came into the house thinkin i was part of a cartel. Left the house with me puking and feeling shitty. I also am on methadone from the damned addiction i have gone through from pain meds for the past few years thanks to the drs... they did not let me get my dose and i was under duress the entire time they had me... i was shaking, shivering, puking, etc... I'm on a rather high dose of methadone andhave been for 2 years.. i go every day as they do not give me bottles as I smoke pot and wont give me take homes because of my pot smoking.. I'm on 180mg of methadone daily and it helps me with my pain management as well.. but marijuana was really the only thing that allowed me to eat and be OK. Im a big boy. Im 6'4" and have been 260ish my whole life.. When I was diagnosed with cancer i went down to 130lbs.. with the assistance of pot Im back to 230.. and although i am 'fluffy' and overweight at least i am not skin and bones and deathly-looking.

I really do not get it. I have a feeling someone said something but when I think about it.. no one really had a clue as to what i was doing.. My little woman wasnt in the loop.. she knew i smoked though but ive been with her for 8 years.. a couple other cancer patients that go to the same clinic i go to for treatment got popped this past week as well (after i did).. so maybe they are after our doctor? Hes a pretty big local mj advocate... and tells his patients about it.. I don't know.. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.. im tired of all of this shit.


Well-Known Member
if they had a warrant, they certainly could have monitored your ISP traffic
or they may pulled it off your PC?
sounds like they had it before since PC forensics takes some time
they really went all out on your case which i don't get, is Connecticut this backward?


Well-Known Member
well if it snowing outside where you live, and you were running those hids for over 18 hours, you could have been giving off a heat sig.

just a thought


Trust me that the power bill was in the 1000s, it def had something to do with it.. it is the only attachment to the affidavit other than one photo. Even if a CI had given some info there would be a statement of his/hers attached.. there is not.. we will know more on the 9th... indeed CT is backward.. the bitch gov jodi rell veto'd the pallative use act... and there were not enough votes to override.. go figure..

i just tried to go get my car back today (it was impounded on the day of the raid)... my insurance had lapsed previously and I had to get a new insurance card before I got my car back.. NOW DMV suspended my reg within the past week and I didnt get JACK in the mail.. I dont know how they can do that without notifying me... wtf? So i was on foot all day.. walking here, there, everywhere and i live in the f'ing boonies, no buses... let me tell you due to my health it takes me almost 20 minutes to walk a mile as i get all these aches and pains andhave to stop and stretch and ride it out.. i had cops drive past me TWICE.. ask if i am ok.. i tell them how i feel and they offer no ride.. no assistance.. nada... thanks for 'serving' me.. asshats.. protect and serve eh?

So anywho.. i finally get my insurance card after finding a fax machine at a local store that the owner graciously allowed me to use and sure enough i get to the cop shop and they won't let me pickup my car without first going to the dmv and paying some 125$ fee to reregister my vehicle.. now ontop of it i get home today and in the mail is the statement from the dmv re my reg suspension AND ontop of it i have to get my vehicle re-emission tested.... which is just not going to happen as its a 93 jeep cherokee sport straight 6 with 304,000 miles on it burning oil like crazy.. so.. tomorrow.. im going to have to buck up and go yank the motor out of a junk jeep from my buddies house.. and have it here waiting so when i do get the jeep back here i can put it in.. i am just having the luck the SHANTY irish lately.. where is the luck of the true irish eh?? wtf.. honestly.. anyway... i am just sick and tired of being sick and tired.. my headaches and body aches are getting worse without my mary jane.. the marinol that they have me on makes me so loopy feeling its sickening...

I'm young.. i should be happy,i should be working and being stupid and having a good ol time.. instead i'm suffering at the hands of my health and the government... no wonder I broke down and cried today.. its all so feckin frustrating. Ah.. but again.. the way i get through it? I tell myself this all the time.. there is always someomne out there who has it worse... and so i continue on...


Well-Known Member
man bro sorry to hear about the cancer...my thoughts are with you my man...as far as the gov go i would do as some said above and at least reach out to MJ friendly media...you never now a lawer may hear your story and want to work with you probono...who nows but man it worth a try...best of luck...


Well.. went to court today.. the whole situation is fucked.. first offense on this situation and they don't want to play ball with accelerated rehabilitation, probation or suspended sentence.. they want my ass.

Today was the arraignment next date is the 13th of april.. hope to hell something comes thru for me.. cause right now i am looking at some years. Fucking bullshit.

All for personal use ganja... honestly. The prosecutor was saying how I had a 'sophisticated multi thousand dollar setup' and that i was making 'thousands upon thousands of dollars from the sale of marijuana' (even though i was not charged with sale or distribution?? WTF?

They also gave me shit for a demilitarized WWII sawed off shotgun... has no firing pin but they are charging me with its possession. AND to top it off they are going after my pops as well for possession, even though he had nothing to do with it.

Gotta love the good ol state of ct...ct.. c*nt tactics? who knows.. but the state of connecticut is out of hand. I had 6 plants and 36 clones.. they are callling the clones small marijuana plants.. how can it be a plant with no root system? And they were counting old decrepid, rotted root balls as plants too.. wtf?

In total i had 2.9 grams on me, a couple pieces of glass in the house, 9 grams in a a jar, another 2 grams in a jar, and the plants. I smoke/eat about 5 grams a day.. they even took my butter.. they also got a big bag of trim (200 grams?) that they are calling 'usable marijuana'.

When I get a copy of the police report (which i will get soon enough) I'll post it up here so you all can read how crazy they went to get little ol me... all for a cancer patient who might not even be here in a year or so.. honestly.. what the fuck.

Such is life.. if anyone is thinking of doing things in connecticut.. be VERY wary.. especially if cablevision/comcast is your isp.. they will divulge ip/customer info without blinking an eye. Without a subpoena, hah.. and any pics you post.. they can get too.. dont put anything online that you wouldnt want EVERYONE to know about.. as even with proxy usage you can be traced, laid out and 'h4x0r3d'. BE VERY CAREFUL EVERYONE. NO ONE NEEDS TO BE GOING THROUGH THE SHIT I AM RIGHT NOW.. 12 fucking years was the offer on the table from the prosecutor.. sorry no. Not happening. Hope everyone stays safe and does what they need to do.. even if you are sick.. you arent safe.. and half the time a judge wont grant it as ana ffirmative defense.. fuckers.

UGh.. such islife.. there is always gonna be someone out there who has it worse than me... all i want to do is get better/have my surgery, get married to my love and live life.. I'm not bothering anyone.. i wasnt selling anything, i wasnt giving anything away, I was using it all myself..alas it is illegal and in their eyes i performed said illegal acts so I must be willing to pay for it.. yeah i would do probation for like 3 to 5 years, community service and a fine.. hell I'll even go teach drug abuse resistance education (D.A.R.E.) classes or go volunteer in rehab places...

I dont know I got some good arguments on my side such as I was under duress when they were questioning me as they had neglected to give me my methadone (a medication I take every day - which i take quite a high dose of and if I dont have it at the same time everyday after about an hour of missing it my body goes into detox mode.. which is how i was when they were questioning me... which has been proven that people going through detox are experiencing a psychosis/psychotic break.. we'll see..

At least I'm free for now..


i feel for the guy .. i really do . but i got to thinking............... if i was him..... and had cancer...... and was in as much trouble and shit as he was going through,,,,,,,,!!!! would i really care to come on line to this site and warn and tell every one about it????????? i would be more worried about my own ASS AND SITUATION THEN TO HAVE TIME TELLING U ALL TO BE CAREFULL!!!! .. if im wrong im sorry but good luck to u in any case.. peace.


Well-Known Member
power consumption isn't enough for a search warrant.

for all they know you do some catering from your house, and a medium sized george foreman grill pulls 1000 watts.

or you could've been a hardcore gamer with a multiple pc rig, (a good gaming pc will have at least 550watt power supply), or you could just enjoy gardening rare bonsais that only grow adequetly in 60 degree weather, so your a/c has to always be on HIGH.

you fucked up somewhere, and it wasn't the power if you paid it on time.


Active Member
I sent this guy a pm around the time he was going to court as I was in a similar mess with the great state of Connecticut! I'm pretty sure the prosecuter took it to him cause he never replied and has no activity on his account. Very tempted to scoot over to RI for their MMJ. Feckin Jodi Rell vetoed a bill for compassionate use. Gotta get outta here, about to have a routine criminal background check that my company issues every five years....I'm waiting for the hammer to fall!


Active Member
If anyone hears how it all ended up for this guy please let us know or PM me..... I am truly floored on what happened to this guy....wow


Active Member
No way did you get busted from 2.8k watts. You told somebody, you pissed somebody off, or put something in your trash. 2800k watts is nothing man. In fact that would only be like 220 dollars even in Conn. or NY. I'm ot flaming your post, I'm telling you this as a bro, cuz you need to figure out what REALLY happened. Seriously though I've known ( or have I?) of quite a number of grows, most pushing closer to 4-6k and your usage just isnt that high. Certainly not enough to issue a search warrant!! The evidence to obtain the warrant can be presented to your lawyer, chreck it out, and post what happened please.


Well-Known Member
Seems odd the power company would turn you in unless they thought you were stealing power.

It would seem more reasonable that someone told on you and they subpoenaed the power bill to get the warrant. For all they know without an informant is that you put a hot tub in the basement.

Cops aren't going to tell you someone informed on you.

Seems like some one narcd on you. Power companys dont narc unless you dont pay, it wouldnt make sense from a busness standpoint to turn in your highest paying customers. iv never had a power company narc on me because i was using to much electricity, and i always pay my bills on time.