Arrested for cultivation of cannabis, Plants confiscated.

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Well-Known Member
Last night i ended up getting really drunk and taking my mums car out for a drive (3rd time driving), ended up wrapping the car round a lamp post after getting chased by old bill. The police then went to my house because it was my mums car, without a warrant searched my room and found my plants :cry::cry: Kidnapped all 3 of my beautiful babies.

In the interview i said that the 3 plants were for my personal use so i dont have to deal with drug dealers and save money.

Got court next Thursday i think so ill let you know how it goes :cry:

Gutted about the plants!


Well-Known Member
Last night i ended up getting really drunk and taking my mums car out for a drive (3rd time driving), ended up wrapping the car round a lamp post after getting chased by old bill.
Serves you right man.


Well-Known Member
drunk driving?

i'm not really allowed to insult other members but if i could........................


Well-Known Member
Nope, i wasn't in the house at the time....and my mum isnt one to argue with the police...i think she got arrested at first for it but let of with a caution cause there mine.


Well-Known Member
No, its a my plants are gone thread...

I dont know...i have not drunk in ages because when i get drunk i keep drinking till im wrecked and then i always nicked.

This is the end of drinking for me.


Well-Known Member
Man, this whole thing sounds really silly. It makes no sense how wrecking a car while drunk leads police to search your room in your home.



Well-Known Member

I have no idea what they was doing in my room, and then into my cupboard.

rkm what are you trying to say?


Well-Known Member
rkm what are you trying to say?
I am trying to say that people like you are the ones that fuck it up for everyone else. Not to mention I will have a daughter that will be starting to drive in a few months and it is bullshit that I have to worry about things like this. I personally hope they throw the book at you with the maximum penalties. I have zero sympathy for drunk drivers, but I have all the sympathy in the world for the people drunk drivers injure and kill.

durban poison

Well-Known Member
Fuck! No time for drunk drivers!
My mate was wiped out because a drunk decided to get behind a wheel to get some more booze!

You got what you deserved!

And your Mum? You put her through getting arrested, the shame as well? Her house getting raided, because of you?
You've got some growing up to do, seriously! And need to sort out priorites, hows your mum going to pay for her car to be repaired? Write-off you say? You going to buy her a new one? You going to pay for her insurance premiums now because they just went through the roof?



Well-Known Member
of all the things that happened, or could have happened i think losing your plants should be the least of your concerns. is really that hard to appoint a designated driver? or call a cab? or walk? the fact that you know you almost always drink to excess should have been a huge fucking red flag that you should even consider driving.

durban poison

Well-Known Member
of all the things that happened, or could have happened i think losing your plants should be the least of your concerns. is really that hard to appoint a designated driver? or call a cab? or walk? the fact that you know you almost always drink to excess should have been a huge fucking red flag that you should even consider driving.
Exactly, you took the gamble and paid the price, big time, now stop bitchin' about your loss of plants...:blsmoke:
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