Arjans ultra haze #2 and gigabud, am I clear for take off?


Well-Known Member
I'm going to finally start my grow setup this weekend, granted my seeds from attitude get here in time, we'll see. I'm curious of what you kind people on the forums think of my idea.

This is my grow area, although it's actually the closet directly next to it, that has a port into the attic where I will vent my exhaust air, and is about a foot bigger in both length and width.

My lights are a 600watt Cool tube MH and HPS. I will mylar everything before I start.

I built a hydroponics setup using a 21 gallon plastic storage bin. I plan to veg 8 gigabud clones for 4-6 weeks, depending on size. In the last two weeks of vegging I'm going to plant two Arjan's ultra haze #2 seeds that have germinated into FoxFarms Ocean Forest soil.

The gigabud is said to flower in 5-6 weeks, but realistically it's probably more like 7-8, which is fine with me because hopefully by the time the gigabud is done flowering the Ultra haze will have surpassed it in size, I know the stuff just keeps growing and growing after the flowering cycle has begun.

For the hydroponics I think I'm going to go with General Hydroponics Gro and Bloom nutrients.
For the ocean forest soil, I'm going to use foxfarm nutes.
I'll have a carbon filter attached to the exhaust fan to cover smell, though I've read both strains are pretty low odor.

So, my main concern is the timing of arjans ultra haze with the gigabud, I don't want huge plants and small plants, anyone have any suggestions?

I plan to to have the gigabud around 3-4 feet tall, maybe a bit more, and the arjans will grow as it pleases, though I'm going to try to stunt it's vigorous vertical flower growth by root bounding it, is this a bad idea?

I'm wondering also what my yield might be if the haze stops around 5-6 feet, there will be a total of 8 gigabuds started from clone and 2 ultra hazes from seeds.


Well-Known Member
well first off

did you say you were going to get clones and seeds and flower them together? (12/12)

you might pollinate the female clones with an unexpected male from a seed.


Well-Known Member
My bad, I have feminized seeds in the mail. I'm going to have 1 mother plant of gigabud in soil and she will make the clones, and will be in a veg box during the flowering stage.

The haze is also feminized, though I will inspect for any signs of a male during the flowering stages. And yes, I will flower them together, though they will veg for only a week or two until flowering, the gigabud will have been vegging very several weeks by the time I plant them.


Well-Known Member
I'd just like to add that if the gigabud you're growing is the infamous attitude freebee gigabud, don't count on it germinating. Didn't for me, and many other growers.
Freebees are nice, but not when they're shite.

I'm currently growing Arjans ultra haze #1 and it is quite something. Fucking looooooong flowering, but with huge buds and a fantastic high.
Kinda wacky looking though.



Well-Known Member
Impressive plant! Yeah I have my fingers crossed, I'm thinking about ordering another batch of seeds to grow in addition to whats on the way. Attitude threw in an Autoflowering plant, I'm not sure how I feel about growing it. I heard they don't clone well. If the gigabud doesn't germinate I guess I'll just grow straight arjans. I'll take a look at your journal after this post, I'm curious to the smallest size I could have the haze plant when finished.


Well-Known Member
Impressive plant! Yeah I have my fingers crossed, I'm thinking about ordering another batch of seeds to grow in addition to whats on the way. Attitude threw in an Autoflowering plant, I'm not sure how I feel about growing it. I heard they don't clone well. If the gigabud doesn't germinate I guess I'll just grow straight arjans. I'll take a look at your journal after this post, I'm curious to the smallest size I could have the haze plant when finished.
if you want to know how to get 5 free grand master kush seeds. PM me. guaranteed bombs but you could have some males.


Unless you shorten veg time to keep the plants small you might run out of space. I way underestimated the amount of space each plant would need for my first grow. I can't wait to see how your AUH2 turns out. I'm growing some AUH1 right now.


Well-Known Member
If you are growing arjons ultra haze #2 indoors then start flowering about 5/6 ince this plant is huge.I made the misstake with arjons ultra haze #1 flowering at just over 1 foot and because these strains need that bit of extra flowering time they get realy big.The internodes are not that close on both these strains i say about 3/4 ince even with lights realy close to tops.If you do let these plants get big then you are in for all kinds of bad news they will take over the grow room.But if flowered early then this plant will produce some of the most powerful cannabis that you will have smoked.I'm thinking of the arjons ultra haze #3 has my next grow because this is alot smaller don't know how greenhouse have done it but they have a small sativa.that is why arjon and franco are both the true wold kings of cannabis,But what i like is that they give everyone working class to the rich mothers the chance to grow the finest plants in the world at realy good prices.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I know it gets huge! I plant to do a low of topping and LSTing, luckily when it does get huge all my other strains are going to be done. I started a grow journal, hopefully will add some good content to this site, couldn't find much on Arjans ultra haze #2 grow wise. I got a bargain on a 1000watt HPS setup, so that upped the anty a little bit.