Arjans ultra haze #1

MJ Crescendo

Well-Known Member
I know this is a little off topic, but anybody know anything about Arjan's Haze #2? I have read that the flowering is 10-11 weeks which is a whole lot better in my position. I am planning on growing it with a two 150w HPS and LST it. This has been a really motivating read, hope your harvest comes out amazing dude. Any feedback on what I am doing?


Active Member

I'm growing AUH #1 at the moment, and its going good.
I'm really impressed with it actually, bushy bushy bushes. Its very vigorous and responds really well to LST, especially if you can get your light real close, the branches form an even, competitive canopy.

After I stopped tying them down they developed stems thicker than my thumb and pulled most of the ties out, grew to like a metre something tall. A couple of tall stringy phenos that seem to be more sativa-esqe, taking longer to flower, thinner.

Im growing in canna coco with hesi nutes [TNT, Coco, Supervit, PK13/14]
on a recirculating drip system, dripping for half an hour 4 times a day.
only used a 250w MH for veg, then 600w HPS.

Don't know what your using, but they love this system, I would really recommend it.
Under a 1000watter they are going to be fat fat buds!

No ph or nutrient issues to speak of. I would definitely LST instead of topping, after being tied 3 times some of my girls had 9-10 flowering tips at canopy level, and they dont slow down one bit. At the end of vegging tho, when I was tying them away from the bulb they would recover with new growth by the next day, so if you want to keep them small maybe topping would work, but it would be a shame to kill the potential to be huge.

Early said

"I will give you my honest opinion on these seeds. They are a waste of your time and money. Period. If you want something with Haze in it that you can actually grow, look for something from Mr. Nice. GH are hustlers and pushers in the in the truest sense. They lure through their doors with promises of great weed and great yields. All they really want is your money. I spent 90+ dollars on AJH1 (fem) 5 pack. I would rather have arjan wipe his ass with the profit than spend it on advertising. But I am willing to bet that is not the case. The seeds were the worst thing I ever have spent money on. Ever. You will get better weed from Nirvana (any of the strains they have) than anything GH has in their lineup. And a lot cheaper too. It was grown under a 400 hps. I got 1/4 ounce of hay after 120 days of (yes thats 4 months) of 10/14. 10 on 14 off."

Mate, that really sucks. I guess it is quite an unstable strain.
After 35 days of 12/12 I have more than an ounce of dense, crystally bud over 5 plants. Easy.
Its not mature yet by any means, but as long as they continue to grow at this rate I dont care if they take a month longer than usual, that just means lots more smoke to me.
[I spent £50 on a 10 pack fem. btw]

Hope that helps. How are they coming along?


Well-Known Member
A few days ago I ordered 5 fem AUH1 and 5 fem Big Buddha Blue Cheese. I was planning on growing 2 of each (thats all I can really fit) under a descent amount of Cfls which yeilded me a nice crop this past summer.

After reading all this I feel like the AUH1 won't grow very well under the cfls. I think I might just grow all the fem Blue Cheese, and grow the haze outside when summer the way I also got 1 fem durban poison and fem northern light as freebies so I could grow those instead as well.

So hat do you guys think, should I keep them untill summer, or try to grow them under the cfls?? Thanks


Well-Known Member
Heres a shot of my single AUH#1 a couple weeks ago, now 7 days into 12\12, shes real nute sensitive, finding a balance is a bit of a struggle with her. So far so good though, lots of bud sites and plenty vigorous, only 14 weeks until done (or so i hear)
I took alot of clones off and after about a week they are only starting to show root nubs, wheras my home strain (the beloved sprucezeus) is almost ready for planting after the same treatment.
So far, easy enough to grow if you can ease off the juice, cloning is a little tricky (or just slow? its my first sativa, are they harder to clone than indica doms?) but all in all a nice plant with some promising nodal action. From what i hear if i got a good pheno this could be the best dope i'll ever smoke, but hey, i'll cross that bridge when i come to it... in late febuary.
and a couple porn shots of the sprucezeus, cause hey, everyone likes budshots.

a cha cha cha.

Irie Hawaii

Well-Known Member
I will give you my honest opinion on these seeds. They are a waste of your time and money. Period. If you want something with Haze in it that you can actually grow, look for something from Mr. Nice. GH are hustlers and pushers in the in the truest sense. They lure through their doors with promises of great weed and great yields. All they really want is your money. I spent 90+ dollars on AJH1 (fem) 5 pack. I would rather have arjan wipe his ass with the profit than spend it on advertising. But I am willing to bet that is not the case. The seeds were the worst thing I ever have spent money on. Ever. You will get better weed from Nirvana (any of the strains they have) than anything GH has in their lineup. And a lot cheaper too. It was grown under a 400 hps. I got 1/4 ounce of hay after 120 days of (yes thats 4 months) of 10/14. 10 on 14 off.
you said "AHJ1" but there talking about "AUH1" (ULTRA) haze.


Active Member
I've grown WW, WR, AUH1, SSH, NH, Kings Kush, Trainwreck all from greenhouse, they were all the bomb ass weed i've ever smoked and never paid more than 45.00 for 5 seeds, I think you just need to learn how to grow man.


Active Member
I just started a couple AUH1 and they seem to be beasts. Here is a picture of one after 2.5 week of vegetation and germination under a lighthouse hydro 240 watt blackstar L.E.D.

pot 3 week.jpg


Well-Known Member
I am growing this now from seed, but with a more realistic time line. I won't even start the flowering stage until at least 3 months of veg and I am expecting it to take a good six months total. It is, after all, a Sativa.