Argentina Decriminalizes Cannabis


Well-Known Member
from norml's website:
Argentina Decriminalizes Cannabis (and Drug) Consumption

April 23rd, 2008 By: Allen St. Pierre, NORML Executive Director
From the cato-at-liberty blog:
This just in… A federal court in Argentina has decriminalized the personal consumption of drugs in that country. According to the court’s ruling, punishing drug users only “creates an avalanche of cases targeting consumers without climbing up in the ladder of [drug] trafficking.”
Last month at a UN meeting in Vienna, Argentina’s Minister of Justice, Aníbal Fernández, said that the policy of punishing drug consumers was a “total failure.”

and the link: NORML Blog » Blog Archive » Argentina Decriminalizes Cannabis (and Drug) Consumption

“creates an avalanche of cases targeting consumers without climbing up in the ladder of [drug] trafficking.”

and why can't the US fed gov understand this?

good news for Argentina though, that's awesome :peace:
Smart. I wonder if this will affect the U.S. at all, more likely the U.S. will just put pressure on them to make it illegal again.
heading in the right direction, lets hope the usa dont mess it up for them. we need an other seed bank country, i understand that canada, holland conservative govs. are cracking down and london papers are writing negative press on the pot issue.
i didn't even think of that, oh imagine the beatiful plants comming out of argentina, i would pee myself a little involuntarily
Yeah USA government sticking their f#%ing noses in everyone else's business! I read in a book called "Pot Planet" years ago how the USA putting pressure on Holland trying to get them to crack down on their legalization on marijuana. Sad really but at least it looks like Argentina will definitely be on my list of countries to visit the only problem is that I don't think one would be able to go and sit in a coffee shop and smoke the good stuff like you would in Amsterdam. At least I don't have to worry about getting good seeds though as South African weed is not bad at all and there are some very good genetics out there to get hold of to grow your own, so not a problem there..

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congratulations to Argentina!
think about the celebrations and shenanigans that would occur if that happened in the US.
one day, you're just sitting on the couch having a toke and you're flipping through channels and BAM headline new on CNN marijuiana legalized!
brings a tear to my eye
The Argentine National Anthem has these opening lines:

Mortals, hear the sacred cry,
"Freedom, freedom, freedom!"
Hear the noise of broken chains,
see the noble Equality enthroned.

They could be singing about regaining their freedom from the UN, the USA, and it's propaganda machines, the NIDA, ONDCP, DEA. It's time our Government stopped it's international coercion to enforce worldwide cannabis prohibition. Hooray for the Argentine's. We should pray that the rest of the world wakes up and throw's off the yoke of tyrrany, too.
i live in Argentina...

i don't think this is true.

there was a case a few months ago. A guy got caught with 3 plants indoor... and he got released because the judge said a growing plant is not the finished product so is not related to selling or anything bad. The guy said it was for own consumption so he is ok BUT he got raid, like imagine if agents od the DEA go to your appartment at 5 am on monday with guns and destroying your backdoor like if you were a gangster or some mafia guy...

policemen are brute and stupid, they just go and raid you and steal your plants (maybe they smoke it later) and treat you like a criminal for growing...

polices do they "job" and they fuck you up anyway, they don't care about the law...
i thought it might have sounded too good to be true, I'm sorry to hear that motz. any gnarly strains down there tho?
This will only help them as many Americans consider the "dream" vacation a trip to amsterdam or italy, but there's been a shift to the south american countries such as chile and argentina because they are more affordable places to visit and offer many of the ammenities we look for in europe.

Having the ability to enter a coffee/smoke shop in some argentinian city would be sweet. I was reading the wall street journal and they had a nice article about the new decrim and showed a picture of a guy tending to one of his plants in the open.

By the way, the picture was hilarious!!!! The guy was skinny with dark hair but he had a mullet!!! In his late 20s, early 30s, he was lifting a younger plant in a gallon container, looked like he was moving it around, had a tool of some sort in the other hand.

I can only imagine how much fun it would be to go down there and openly smoke up, go to some ruins...seriously.