AREO CLONER -->SOIL ATF just poped some roots PLEASE HELP ++REP

SO i see roots on my ATF (like 2 stings 1 cm long) how long should they be on a clone till i can put it into soil... i dont want to keep it in the areo cloner to long and have it die:eyesmoke:bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
wont die in aero cloner let the root mass grow once you see some roots and an 1/8 strength nutes and some b vitamin supplement like super b or something like that and all will be well
lol I DID THAT YESTERDAY (i was like ... i think a little of this wont hurt lol) so i guess i should wait till there 2-3 inches before it goes into soil?
also the tops of the ATF's are turing yellow from N defi. i think(so should i just add some Nitrogen to the water?
OH i got a question... so the roots are barley attached there is a bigger root mass now but it is attached by a little thread

So... WILL this get bigger or stay the same size?
so i went over to a friends house and was looking at there areo cloner... HIS IS perfect... same set up...So i am going to change the water and everything in it ... BETTER WORK... also could the fact my light is only 4in from them affect the rooting... his is like 2 feet away.