Well-Known Member
Yeah I guess you get free electricity and free AC to right? And yes you can produce the same amount of product at higher quality with 1/2 the electrical usage with a properly set up cxb3590 build. No convincing you though because you wouldn't believe it if you saw it with your own eyes. Yes 99% of led companies are liars and that's that. At the end of the day though a light source at say 64% efficiency will producer twice as much as one at 32% per watt.
You guys keep jumping all around the facts. I know this much the hydro store that I visit locally sure was excited to put up my display. They took down there gavita as you walk through the door lol. And this person hates LEDs. She said there just not there yet lol. I had been telling them about my build and they where like yeah yeah yeah. I came in with a unit plugged it in and they where instantly sold. The comment from the owner was "I want to take this home right now" lol. I posted a chart of my light and you still deny facts. Maybe one day you'll stop being a hater....... Nahhhhhh probably not
May I see your light? You've just made an excellent defense of the reasons why I'm planning my own high wattage COB array.
Turns out there are lots of things that an HPS lamp can't do but a COB can.