Area 51 Why wait, seems you can buy cree cobs lights now

Yeah I guess you get free electricity and free AC to right? And yes you can produce the same amount of product at higher quality with 1/2 the electrical usage with a properly set up cxb3590 build. No convincing you though because you wouldn't believe it if you saw it with your own eyes. Yes 99% of led companies are liars and that's that. At the end of the day though a light source at say 64% efficiency will producer twice as much as one at 32% per watt.
You guys keep jumping all around the facts. I know this much the hydro store that I visit locally sure was excited to put up my display. They took down there gavita as you walk through the door lol. And this person hates LEDs. She said there just not there yet lol. I had been telling them about my build and they where like yeah yeah yeah. I came in with a unit plugged it in and they where instantly sold. The comment from the owner was "I want to take this home right now" lol. I posted a chart of my light and you still deny facts. Maybe one day you'll stop being a hater....... Nahhhhhh probably not

May I see your light? You've just made an excellent defense of the reasons why I'm planning my own high wattage COB array.

Turns out there are lots of things that an HPS lamp can't do but a COB can.
There's so much more than efficiency to be considered in the equation and that's where the disconnect lays between some of you and me. I can think of at least one example where 100% efficiency doesn't even come close to matching, let alone doubling, 20% efficiency in terms of production.

The reality that a bunch of you're trying to dismiss is that a majority of people want to save as much money as they can without sacrificing any output. The issue lays with technology. COBS are fairly new to the lighting scene and aren't cheap, where as bulbs have been around since Edison.

Point incase - COB fixtures can't be sold solely on higher efficiencies, not this early in the game, as the cost associated with running softer is cost prohibitive on a commercial level for typical growers. Don't believe me, look at Supra's excel sheets.


If there was no gain in efficiency then why did ~900W of COBS considerably outperform 1000W HID? The same outcome occurred with ~450W of COB against 600W HID.

If I didn't know any better I'd say both sides have trolls and as you know, trolls gotta eat! Gargoyles too but they're nocturnal and I'm not staying up for them.
There's so much more than efficiency to be considered in the equation and that's where the disconnect lays between some of you and me. I can think of at least one example where 100% efficiency doesn't even come close to matching, let alone doubling, 20% efficiency in terms of production.

The reality that a bunch of you're trying to dismiss is that a majority of people want to save as much money as they can without sacrificing any output. The issue lays with technology. COBS are fairly new to the lighting scene and aren't cheap, where as bulbs have been around since Edison.

Point incase - COB fixtures can't be sold solely on higher efficiencies, not this early in the game, as the cost associated with running softer is cost prohibitive on a commercial level for typical growers. Don't believe me, look at Supra's excel sheets.


If there was no gain in efficiency then why did ~900W of COBS considerably outperform 1000W HID? The same outcome occurred with ~450W of COB against 600W HID.

I think that it is only a matter of time before they make a COB that is as easy to plug and play as HID currently is. This argument spawns back to the dawn of LED growing 5+ years ago. The whole idea behind LEDs was to boost the spectrum of light to amplify production while cutting out bullshit. Turns out some plants thrive on bullshit, and they need it to grow properly. Now it's all about the white LEDs. This technology has been proving itself year after year, getting more and more efficient. I personally think that companies such as Indagrow and probably Gavita are just waiting for the cost of the COBs relative to installation cost to decrease. Currently it takes some time to built quality lights, and the drivers can add a bit of cost too, but I think eventually we will see more advanced and compact drivers that will allow some companies to put cobs onto regular sockets. Running at the right amperage, and with the correct heat sink we could see this happen extremely soon. I honestly think that we may see a renaissance in NM specific lighting for the horticultural hobbyist, but I think that unless some of us growers get involved it may be a bit off. There is a reason that vertical farms use pink/blurple light. It is extremely efficient, and yet almost no one is implementing this lighting into their grows on this forum because of our past experience with them.

Everyone was so psyched to get white LEDs that they didn't even realize that the technology is just a bit more efficient than HID, right now we aren't breaking ground on state of the art efficiencies in both photon production and cost that blow HID out of the water. Cost will always be high as long as the chips and drivers stay the price they are at currently, but in 2 years these chips will be cheap, add in some nm specific wavelengths and I think it will be impossible to surpass LED's efficiency barring the advancement of new technologies. I think that Indagrow was onto something with their pontoon, and I think that Growmau5 is showed us how efficient combining these principals can be. I'm not a light specialist, but I think that companies like A51, ApacheTech, Advanced Led Lights, Spyder and Amare are onto something by combining Monos and full spectrum lighting. In the future I think we will have lights that barely use wattage in Veg compared to running 3000k COBs, but it will contain those chips for use in flowering. I also think that we may eventually see Cree Cobs with Han's spectrum. Just some food for thought. Regardless of my opinion and the opinion of others, I think that the future for LEDs in general is extremely bright, and the pun was 100% intentional.

Today's COBs have the potential to win a head to head test vs HPS and do it on a dollar for dollar basis, which is the only one a designer for a new commercial warehouse will be interested in.

I plan to prove it.
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Today's COBs have the potential to win a head to head test vs HPS and win- on a dollar for dollar basis, which is the only one a designer for a new commercial warehouse will be interested in.

I plan to prove it.
I watched a TV DOC on MJ recently and they filmed an indoor grower who was using 1000 watt hps and growing in a warehouse and he said he "tried" led to see if it was feasable to switch, so he ran a side by side room with led and hps, and he got a huge loss in harvest weight, so he ditched LED, he did show the "light" he bought and he had it veggin some plants, but it was a huge ass BLURPLE panel,, and I sighed a big UGH sigh,
but then he said something that stuck with me, the grower could not run DIY panels because his insurance would not allow it, the DIY panels were not UL listed and other things,
I get the feeling that for a big operation that is above board, Legal in legal states,, that they have to buy a plug and play type fixture to pass inspections and pass state regulations and insurance stuff??
It's not my design, it's GoGreen's, hence my desire for proof of their claim.

Yeah, most, if not all, of the guts between the COB fixtures you see are nearly identical or at least bare parts with the same name. Quality helps us distinguish a bunch, such as COB binning. 75W of BB bin beats 75W of AB bin, as you may know.

I'm pissed, not because I haven't seen "bomb ass mega-nugs" grown under the Go Green fixture nor canopy numbers but that another random company has taken something good and mixed it with the past's bad, that bad being the limitations of the fixture's case/enclosure. Having 450W of efficient light beaming down from a fixture is great but not if it's restricted to a 17" x 17" case, as this limits the potential footprint/spread of the fixture itself at various heights; what good is it to have a 1000W HID replacement in a 3' x 3' space? Overkill, right? Intensity is one thing but footprint is the other and juggling both isn't an easy thing to master. Don't b
May I see your light? You've just made an excellent defense of the reasons why I'm planning my own high wattage COB array.

Turns out there are lots of things that an HPS lamp can't do but a COB can.

Look up johnson grow lights thread
I watched a TV DOC on MJ recently and they filmed an indoor grower who was using 1000 watt hps and growing in a warehouse and he said he "tried" led to see if it was feasable to switch, so he ran a side by side room with led and hps, and he got a huge loss in harvest weight, so he ditched LED, he did show the "light" he bought and he had it veggin some plants, but it was a huge ass BLURPLE panel,, and I sighed a big UGH sigh,
but then he said something that stuck with me, the grower could not run DIY panels because his insurance would not allow it, the DIY panels were not UL listed and other things,
I get the feeling that for a big operation that is above board, Legal in legal states,, that they have to buy a plug and play type fixture to pass inspections and pass state regulations and insurance stuff??
Everyone is already arguing about this over in the Spectrum King "think I've been led astray" post and one other about certified lights for a greenhouse
Lights for commercial green houses not only have to have UL certs but they have to be rated for damp environments. Without the proper safety certs the growers can be fined. In Co. Last year gardens were fined anywhere from $5'000 to $70,000 for not having lighting with proper certs. If you noticed in Gg's thread where I asked him about getting UL certs on the plc lights. if the new regulations here go into effect.
Lights for commercial green houses not only have to have UL certs but they have to be rated for damp environments. Without the proper safety certs the growers can be fined. In Co. Last year gardens were fined anywhere from $5'000 to $70,000 for not having lighting with proper certs. If you noticed in Gg's thread where I asked him about getting UL certs on the plc lights. if the new regulations here go into effect.

that gives GG an advantage since he is buddies with apache.
I watched a TV DOC on MJ recently and they filmed an indoor grower who was using 1000 watt hps and growing in a warehouse and he said he "tried" led to see if it was feasable to switch, so he ran a side by side room with led and hps, and he got a huge loss in harvest weight, so he ditched LED, he did show the "light" he bought and he had it veggin some plants, but it was a huge ass BLURPLE panel,, and I sighed a big UGH sigh,
but then he said something that stuck with me, the grower could not run DIY panels because his insurance would not allow it, the DIY panels were not UL listed and other things,
I get the feeling that for a big operation that is above board, Legal in legal states,, that they have to buy a plug and play type fixture to pass inspections and pass state regulations and insurance stuff??

This would be correct.
why 2 years? does it take that long to get ul certified?
I'm not saying it won't happen tomorrow, I'm just saying inside of a two-year timeframe there will be a commercially-viable COB-based panel that can be insured, and then we'll see commercial facilities move toward them. The listing/certification process takes a fair bit of time and no small amount of money. Pure speculation on my part, as to the timeline we can expect to see them in the wild.

You're making a strong business case for it. Imagine what other possibilities that might open up...
I can't wait to see your comparison grows, I think they will shut up a lot of the doubters.
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Some of the reasons for all the arguing,just to name a few.

Spamming competitors threads
People selling lights that have never grown
People selling lights with no business ethics
People selling lights that are filled with false claims
People that promote LED but don't understand what they promote
People that don't believe in LED tech
People that just like to argue
People that try to defend the tech and correct false claims