Well-Known Member
^^^Ask? Seriously though AP that's the first thing I saw when I saw that picture. And I knew immediately it was a in-house device because there's no way in hell that product would be saleable in the USA. And do you really think after all these years in the business EH is gonna miss that? No effin' way AP. And that's why you look terribly amateurish and petty here. You should really worry about your own product and let the chips fall where they may. Panta rei!
And it's not like EH never went after other companies but he chose a different path, like getting companies that paste CREE onto their websites and don't even use CREE LEDs to be held accountable. E's not perfect, who is, but you just keep taking stabs at him and hoping something sticks. And that is laughable and actually makes a good point about you getting into politics cause that's what the 2 faced liars in Congress and the WH do.
Sometimes the LED math used around here seems closer to numerology than an attempt to explain a phenomena. IM very HO LED mathematics are only guides and mean shit when the light goes on and the plants say......
I brought it up because no one else did. I guess if I didn't own a company, it would be acceptable for me to bring it up but because I happen to be in the same business as A51, I should hold my tongue?
I agree that the LED math can be hard to follow for some at times but if we were to all become contempt with simplicity, then we would never progress. Panta Rhei.
The only difference between politicians and I, within the framework you've referred to, is that they lie to gain. Believe it or not, I'm here to ultimately lower prices for commercial COB fixtures and if that means lowering $ per watt (both dissipated and PAR) brings me less money in revenue, then I'm game.
Regardless of what you think, what you know, or most importantly, what you think you know, I know you're an idiot.
If I had money, I would not buy from you for the simple fact your business model sucks. You're a spammer. You talk down to others like you're smart and they are not. You built a light that is dangerous and sent it to your customers, and put their lives in danger, and now you're trying to say EH's lights are dangerous, which I see no evidence of being true. It actually says right on their website that there is a clear covering over the solder joints. Maybe you were too busy trying to make that light look bad to read the description?
Isn't it true that you've been warned by the Rollitup Advertising Admin TWICE for spamming? Where'd your company link in your signature go? Why do you have to break the rules to sell your lights? Why do you have to attack other companies to sell your lights? Why do you have to pop up in every thread and talk down to people based on your (lack) of knowledge? Why can't you just focus on making a good product and let the quality and performance speak for itself? Why can't you pay for advertising if you want to get your product out there? Why are you as a company owner in a thread about another light, talking bad about it, but no evidence to back up what you are saying? Why can't you stop being a douche nozzle?
Assumptions can be misleading for those assuming.