Are your plants done? I'll let you know, post pics here.

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Well-Known Member
sorry about the disorganizaton of the pics...riu isn't giving me an option to upload, so i have to uplaod through manage attachments and its weird...

no worries I"ll look it over tomorrow when I'm less tired from harvest lol.


Well-Known Member
i dont know y everybody is laughin bout 4 years... ive only been growin for 4 years n i bet u i know just as much as all u people that keep laughin out loud, probably more. how many fuckin years does it take to know when a plant is done? i knew how to before i ever even grew my own plant, from watchin my uncles grows.


Well-Known Member
i dont know y everybody is laughin bout 4 years... ive only been growin for 4 years n i bet u i know just as much as all u people that keep laughin out loud, probably more. how many fuckin years does it take to know when a plant is done? i knew how to before i ever even grew my own plant, from watchin my uncles grows.

exactly, I could tell when a plant was done by 2 years of growing ON MY OWN. I've been growing with other peoples assistance for 6 years. and I'm sort of a research junkie at times so I THOROUGHLY research before I post anything like this.

but hey, as many people say, haters gonna keep hatin.


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    • I am down to one plant left and im strting to see mite webbing in some of the buds and ive already had to take some bud off of the plant because the mites abolutely destroyed them, my plant still has a few weeks to go until harvest in my opinion, should i harvest now so i can still get a little bit of bud from this year or should i wait it out, i dont want to spray it with sevin anymore because ide probably end up tasting it when i smoke it.And i sprayed the plant last weekend to helo the mites but i still see the sevin on the plants.



Well-Known Member

    • I am down to one plant left and im strting to see mite webbing in some of the buds and ive already had to take some bud off of the plant because the mites abolutely destroyed them, my plant still has a few weeks to go until harvest in my opinion, should i harvest now so i can still get a little bit of bud from this year or should i wait it out, i dont want to spray it with sevin anymore because ide probably end up tasting it when i smoke it.And i sprayed the plant last weekend to helo the mites but i still see the sevin on the plants.

personally I don't have a LOT of experience on this, but outdoors I know as the season gets more unfavorable weather wise, mites usually have a harder time surviving. so IMHO you have a choice.... minor to moderate mite contaimination and DONE bud, or mite contamination where you're at now with premature bud... IMO I think moderate mite contamination is tolerable if the bud is completely done, you just gotta do some serious trimming to clean that shit up...

but if the mites are REALLLY taking over and you don't think you'll see those plants a few weeks from now without MAJOR mite contamination, then take them in a week or so.


Well-Known Member
Hey Poplar don't listen to these shit stain haters, they get mad because they know your giving accurate harvest windows. I bet these guys are just pissed because they pull well before maturity. I hear a lot of people saying plants are done and the hairs aren't even reseeded and the calyx's don't look very swollen either. Good advice anyway man!
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