Are you smarter than a second grader from China?


Well-Known Member
Well thanks, but I cant see what that means. I've tried those combos and get stopped at the 2nd #, 5. a sequence cant be completed by making #5 jump 2nd and in fact there is no 7th frog. I give up, you guys have stumped me with this one, Kudos. Put me in the column of I don't believe this can be solved, or thick as a brick whichever suits your taste. Maybe I'm the only one dumb enough to admit he can't solve it.
the numbers correspond to the rocks from left to right, not the frogs...guess I shoulda said that


New Member
Voila, I got it, you guys that figured that out on your own must be geniouses. I'd bet a hundred bucks I couldn't repeat that without the numbers.


New Member
I'm as dumb as Med. :lol:

I never did figure it out on my own. I was wondering though ... I bet the Chinese kids couldn't tell you what color the three ball is, or when the "one" is on top of the dice, what number is on the bottom? :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
I thought you guys might like this little puzzle ... is a bit frustrating isn't it? It took me a while ... then I had to figure out how I did it ... that took me a while too ... :roll:


Well-Known Member
I thought you guys might like this little puzzle ... is a bit frustrating isn't it? It took me a while ... then I had to figure out how I did it ... that took me a while too ... :roll:
Takes some time, the biggest problem is learning the rules, like the fact that frogs facing one way, can't move in the opposite direction...



Well-Known Member
Well ... my neighbor and her son gave up on it ... you definitely have to think about it ... then once you do figure it out ... you have to figure out how you got it! I guess those Chinese second graders are pretty smart if they can do the test in 2 min. or less ... :shock:


Well-Known Member
hmm seems china is looking for a generation of code breakers.....OH NOOO THEY ARE GONNA DECLARE WAR ON THE WORLDDDD!!!!


New Member
hmm seems china is looking for a generation of code breakers.....OH NOOO THEY ARE GONNA DECLARE WAR ON THE WORLDDDD!!!!
At this point, outside of all out nuclear war, where neither side wins, China could kick our asses in a heartbeat. They are a rich nation, thanks to our trade policies. I wonder if they have that bomb that takes out all the infrastructure (Electromagnetic pulse weapon), If so, it would render us impotent.


Well-Known Member
There a fuckin a billion of them...they could come over in canoes and still put up a pretty good fight