Are you not entertained?


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Around the age of 15, I started getting into psychedelics a lot, mainly LSD , the usual gel caps, paper, sugar cubes, drops etc. and X as well. Side note I got opium, some nice black and grey stuff back then...

I used to go to huge raves in various metro areas.. I kinda pretended to like the music for the entertainment and glittery girls wearing nothing, wanting to rub your shoulders and pussy groove their boxes on anything hard. I truly enjoyed it, an enlightening experience that was pretty wild to say the least. A lot of really nasty sex stuff, I'm sure you don't want to hear the details, toothbrush buttholes and shampoo bottles etc.

I want to keep it rather clean... Let me know if the dirty details are wanted and I will put them in next time? Moving along

I believe it was Denver and the rave was a huge all-day and night event that was half hip hop ( 2live crew, funkdoobiest, etc) and half dance stuff (dj funk is all I remember). So I'm there, about 3 gel caps and some double stacked Mitsubishis or something of that nature, into a party and I'm grooving, enjoying my youth when the vocalist for funkdoobiest pulls me out of the crowd and starts asking me all these questions on stage. like my name, and where I'm from and what I was doing. I was tripping hard so I kept it pretty simple and on the last question I just walked off the stage, I wasn't really up for that kinda stuff, who wants to be gawked at when their rolling and tripping balls?

Anyway about an hour later I'm really peaking and lost in the crowd during 2live crew, I was feeling good y'all know what I mean? I look up on stage and see a few very plump black girls on stage that were said to be local hookers from the lyricistt. The dudes from 2livecrew start banging the girls with whipped cream bananas on stage, and then they start piumping water into their whores vaginas, when all of the sudden one of the girls sits on her ass, lays back and project the water out of her purple pussy into the crowd and all over my face and mouth! I smiled and kept on dancing.

When we we left the venue that morning in a daze my friends car blew up , and we were stuck at a village inn or a Denny's waiting for assistance, still kinda tripping I ordered a banana cream pie slice , was ridiculed by my friends , not because of the nights events , but because I wanted a slice of banana cream pie! Suggestive? Maybe


Well-Known Member
Ahahahaha. These stories are interesting, read Anthony keidis auto biography scar tissue, it is similar. He gets hooked on drugs and sex at 13.


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Im high.


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When I was 16 or 17, I was on my way to a rave party in Albuquerque from Colorado with some older friends.4 of us.

We got lost trying to find the party, so we stop at a convenient store to try and figure it out. My friend comes back to the car with some vagrant whom smelled like urine and colt 45. The transient had told my friend he knew where it was so he got in the car an drove us into circles while he drank his 40oz! We finally were pulled over by the cops and were drawn upon by the police from both sides of the car. They saw the homeless guy putting his beer under the seat and thought it was a weapon, The police finally approached and determined the vehicle smelled like alcohol, and my buddy starts telling the cop it was the bum in the back that was drinking without permission, and we were giving him a ride. The police pull him out of the car and pour out his beer he was hiding, then force us to take him and drop him off. We were baffled! We were sent on our way!

My friend (let's call him Jesus) proceeded to make reservations at a hotel.. we finally found the party...

When we we got to the party it was an outdoor thing and pretty fucking rad, lotta booty, I picked up a sheet of gel-caps quick to play with later, I got my cock sucked against the tarp wall by some tiny girl wearing butterfly wings and pasties! God I loved those days! Anyway, my buddy Jesus had paid for a drop of acid and the guy accidentally dropped a full dropper into his mouth. Jesus was ok for about one hour and then lost it . we tried to walk him around out in the desert scene where the event was until light hit, I decided to drive because I was the most coherent... I got to a t in the road, was supposed to turn left and just went straight into the ditch, I lol and got my shit together!

We got to the hotel room and started walking down the halls when my friend was knocking on the other hotel room doors and talking to people that would open the doors. you see my friend was having a "Jesus trip" he saw the light and was telling people he was sent from god yadayada. He started to hand out his money to them, I think it was in the two or three hundreds. Now We finally get inside the room and he is going on like someone pulled his cord over and over and over. He was really tripping! When we hear a knock. I go to the door and it's the police, they take my Id and one look at us and the hot mess we had , then said "you've got 5 minutes to get your shit and leave Albuquerque! If I see you again I'm putting you away! You are no longer allowed in my city Colorado!" We picked up our stuff and left! Took my gel caps home and rode off into the early morning hours!


Well-Known Member
My friend didn't recover for a while and stayed kinda different
damn that's a long did it take for him to finally recover? i've heard some people are just never the same after high dose trips like that.

i've had a friend lose it on 3 tabs of 25b. he was fine until some kid came to the crib beggin us for needles so he could shoot up the molly we'd been sellin em'..weird ass kid. anyways, this fucked my friend's trip up real bad. he started crying profusely screaming "i don't fuck with needles man!!" - repeatedly. long story short, he ends up stripping butt naked and runs into the street. apparently he thought a sniper had his sights on him, so there my friend was rolling around the street naked then running around ducking/diving into bushes trying to avoid this non-existant sniper.

we finally get em' back in the house and he gets caught in this crazy thought loop. he looks down at the tattoo on his chest that says "family", and starts saying, "3 tattoos of acid" over, and over and over again. he even wrote it like 30 times in the notes of his phone lmao. a couple hours later we tried to get him to bed and he just ran upstairs, punched a hole in my wall, then stayed awake in the room for an hour before passing out.

..he was fine the next day though.


Well-Known Member
A couple days to get right, but he really changed from then on into A different person. It might have been good for him! Haven't seen him in 15ish years!


Well-Known Member
A couple days to get right, but he really changed from then on into A different person. It might have been good for him! Haven't seen him in 15ish years!
Every experience changes a persons view on life.. an acid trip at that high of a dose is one hell of an experience.

wouldn't it be great if we had two lives? one to live a normal life and the other to fuck over our brains on high doses of psychedelics. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Every experience changes a persons view on life.. an acid trip at that high of a dose is one hell of an experience.

wouldn't it be great if we had two lives? one to live a normal life and the other to fuck over our brains on high doses of psychedelics. :bigjoint:
in my case it wouldnt of mattered, I would of still fucked them both up.


Well-Known Member
I flipped on L once and "in my opinion" you don't really fully understand L until you do. I'm not advocating trying to flip out, it's a nightmare- the most scared I've ever been in my whole life by far. Once you go through it, it gives you a different perspective of it. It made me understand a little bit better how L works on your mind. Strictly my opinion based on my experience.